why does life fuck me over so much?
Why does life fuck me over so much?
life gave up on us
Have you ever considered that life doesn't give a shit about you, and that is up to you to give a shit about life?
What you put out into the world comes back to you. Stop being a waste of fucking life that makes everyone else's lives worse. Stop living to be a le epic trollie XD and fucking actually be a decent human being for once in your pathetic excuse of a life.
incel get BTFO
it's part of the challenge of living. If you give up it will only get tougher. Try your best, improve yourself and learn to love and care for yourself.
That would make you a BETA ORBITER
These two faggots are exactly as bad as everyone else, you would be wise to ignore everything they have to say.
Get a job, you leech.
I'm pretty sure what I said was quite profound. Life owes us nothing, so for someone to bitch about it makes me go "eh"
Also ignore this worthless bag of shit. You're basically surrounded by horrible shit people on this board, and any attempt to actually improve your life will not be encouraged by them because then that would make you better than them. Get the fuck away from this board if you want to improve your life.
I worked hard and saved up. Told you this already champ.
this is actually legit true, i give terrible advice and unironically doomer post on lole
You should ignore triangles but yeah you sound like a total faggot who has never kissed a girl lole
what are you mad about?
he failed life LOLE
shut up catfish this nice user is just warning the failures of life about our toxic "based" posting
all the posters above me are faggots and/or retards
so you admit to being the lowest on the social totem pole?
feel when you're toxic
all the posters above me are faggots and/or retards
all the posters above me are faggot retard niggers
all the faggots above me are posters and/or retards
all the posters above me or bellow are faggot retard niggers
all posters above me are faggots and i am a retard
Quality thread.
mfw realizing posting drugged up fugged up made up nonsense about me failing life has caused others who actually HAVE failed life to post here and post their own drugged up fugged up but REAL made up nonsense about failing life which they do not even understand
all the posters above me are going to have a happy fulfilling life
nice lole
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
i hope you reply with 'except yuji' that would be funny haaha what a jokester
Shut up yuji.
i failed life
you didnt fail life it was the memetics of society that failed you
Don't give up yet, Mr. Sakai
there's still so much you could accomplish
For example even Nikola Tesla managed to stay active in his later years and produced technological Innovations such as this.. however most of them have been lost to history, however
Get fucked
oh snap it's toby driver from maudlin of the Well
roody piece of shit
thats why
Yuji Sakai is my're frne
Because you let it
will you be my qt trap gf... O.O
sex sesx sex sex
then fuck fuck fukc