Today I woke up fantasizing about dressing up like a little tennis slut...

Today I woke up fantasizing about dressing up like a little tennis slut. Can you guys help me find the right clothes online so I can achieve this goal?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: 1135201853542_PSTRIKE_1_700x1200.jpg (700x1200, 78K)

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Last night I dreamed I was flirting with this girl and she kept smiling at me but then I never saw her again

Standard white women's tennis outfit minus panties and knee high stalkings

something like one of these

Attached: 24344-DEFAULT-m.jpg (480x480, 85K)

Attached: oldtennis5.jpg (327x420, 76K)

was it me?

Your fortune: Bad Luck

I already have a girl.

Attached: moog.jpg (706x1000, 99K)

How do you know I'm not your girl?

Your fortune: Godly Luck

what about something like this

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

Attached: OEM-Service-Tennis.jpg.jpg (300x300, 22K)


Hi fortune. Try dressing like this! And no ugly nail polish this time, loser! Put some effort into your gay furry roleplays!

Attached: 4370FB4700000578-4810326-With_a_beer_and_one_hand_and_the_brim_of_her_Make_America_Great_-a-14_15038 (634x794, 99K)

yes you'll look cute desu

Attached: IHO_Y021Z_PJ_GA_ZDJGKW_grande_97cf8adc-5eaf-4f5e-8e94-953315c08d3e_800x.png (600x600, 814K)

how do you know you're not married to me?

Your fortune: Average Luck

I already own somebody.

Attached: smug shite.png (1000x563, 571K)

If not going to actually play then like this maybe

Attached: 20190418_093431.jpg (600x627, 194K)

add the sound: chahhmbah
to the list of infectee glossolalia


Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Oooohhhh my fucking God this is my fetish get something with leggings, or like a white Adidas tennis outfit

Attached: big_1200936.jpg (800x800, 21K)

the shit u own ends up killing u like jack the ripper
from hell

this is really cute I like the loose pleats

Attached: 830616-100.jpg (800x800, 18K)
Sweet Caroline

I'm going to use black nail polish and you can't stop me.

Your fortune: Godly Luck