Beat your berries
ypsj4e50kg84s0kf4s04fk4s04fks404fk its ripa vjofnu
well what do we have here
oh now i get it... berries and cream was an innuendo!
haha i feel stupid now
(very nice dubs)
don't beat berry
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
it's a berry
please respond
I'm at work -_-
it completely drives me nuts when ripa posts
I like it when she doesn't reply to me
i feel so teased i can't even take it anymore
Who is Rios?
this is rios
Well, I like it, but it's anime so she's probably 7 or something so I gues to a lawyer I go.
She's 16 -_-
I guess that's a bit better, still a few years in jail though.
Did you know in countries that aren't repressed holes like america allows people to fug as early as 15?
this is the real rilo
I personally wouldn't fuck a 15 year old because they have NO personality. I'm implying they have full tits and are more or less adults at that age.
Yep, that's a kido.
berries go on vacation
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
Still, mentally they are still not completely developed, though they may not be as innocent as a young child, humans from the age of 13 to 20 are still developing, and such interactions tend to do more than good, admittedly manga and anime isn't phisical thusno harm, no fault, still it is a bit fed.
More harm, than good.
berries are for eet
wtf are you talking about? what berries?
ripa please respond
a m