Ban all anime

Anyone on here who likes Asian stuff sucks rofl

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Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: images-17.jpg (328x449, 20K)

The irony...
"Ban anime on a anime imageboard"
"ROFL's so hard the tiles crack*

ilu banime fren

*He's gaye!*

Attached: Mikoto-Aiura-2.jpg (1199x974, 135K)


i wonder if banime makes the same threads on Yea Forums

Basically.. All people?
Everyone has something / likes something that's Asian ( iPhone Is manufactured in china)

>anime imageboard

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my ROLFCOPTER goes soi soi soi soi
your post reminded me of that
we can't ban anime because tyhat would be agay

Acting silly in order to provoke a response, wow... original.

Attached: haha....jpg (349x301, 16K)


>Anonymous didn't deserve a (You)
too bad, everyone on here deserves a (You)

Like I said, "original" ; )

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stop posting purely through images it makes you look like a retard and a newfag and a nigger and a csgo user

Attached: bia.jpg (100x100, 2K)

then kill yourself

i wanna see its teeth thru its ass and have a totopino knock them off
then fuck it on the knee


its weird how i decided to start spamming this phrase with no context on every thread one day and now its a meme.

i guess thats the power of taco kid.

john ruselel

He used to.
Why do you think he's called "BANime"?

Attached: lol.jpg (512x512, 128K)

Ban all niggerfaggots, they keep posting shit like this



Reddit meme

Based and blackpilled