I was too nice to the mormons so they showed up at my door again even though i just tell them they're wrong

i was too nice to the mormons so they showed up at my door again even though i just tell them they're wrong

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tutufren i love u

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how're you

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There's Catholic missionaries who randomly stop people to give them a rosary and an elevator pitch on Mary. What do?

um.... a littlel depressys... but im slowlely feelign butter...... how about u fren? i hoep da mormons arent ruinign ur mormings...

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Do what one of my old substitute teachers used to do. Get them to do the busy work around your house so you can relax, then just not listen to them when you're done, get's them to stop harassing you and get's your work done faster

call them stupid retards

i just ask them what they think we have to do to go to heaven and then show them where the bible says it's wrong and they leave, idk why i'm on their receptive list, they know my name but its different people, i'm gonna have to be mean to them and they're gonna be like wtf why was he on the receptive list

they knocked on my door at sunset and i kept them at the door until they had to leave at night to waste their time, i'm doing good i went to the dentist and i have 12 cavities gotta get 11 fillings and a tooth pulled lole!

i dont let them in my house

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mormons, more like morons

awawawa..... dats ruff fren........ but ids imports tto hab ur teef taeken caer ob....

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第22話「きみたか、行かないで!!」(DVD 64 (640x480, 155K)

yeah i didnt brush and when she was like do you floss between your molars and i didnt even know you could floss there

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r u still watching TUTU

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I've been wearing headphones while I walk past, but I guess a head on approach could work too... Btw, what's your thoughts on the National Baptist convention?
Fuck 人の目, I still hold to my criticisms, but without the moral judgement of your character. Otherwise, I still feel love for you, but hesitation as well over some things. I don't have a clear judgement of you overall, or not one I feel like is honest/not contorted by others/true to myself, y'know what I mean?

>i have 12 cavities
the average [s4s] user

yes............. ish......... i habent maed any progress... sorry im draggys my feet fren... i.... love u alot. thank u ffor beign my fren.... ddo u wanna talk about anythink in particools?

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第04話「MAHO堂がつぶれちゃう!?」(DVD 640x (640x480, 151K)

[s4s] users are so sweet that their own teef melt away!

Personally I've just been very neglectful and haven't seen a dentist in 15 years

Idk who they are but I don't believe any church should be in a denomination or convention and believe in the local church only and that the word church means a single physical congregation of people kjvprophecy.com/011308a.mp3

what do you think about girls with diabetes

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this is funny until you realize it's not ironic

girlse wid diabetes...?
... ...... wlell i thing dey shud taek caer ob demslelbes...? i hoep dey get better...

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第08話「時間を越えて、おんぷママの秘密を探せ!」( (640x480, 144K)


the absolute hedonist

*lole's in between insulin shots*

did you know a donkey talks in the bible?

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i love billy already

dubs confirm


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Are you the ideal Japanese body?

my dentist was asian and pretended to like me

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There's a lot of Asians in caliphornia.. it's neat desu. I wish I was the token white friend in an Asian friend circle group thing.

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i was the only white kid at an all black school for 8th grade lole

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i hope you showed them what it means to be aryan

they all got sent there for yelling at teachers but i was sent there for stabbing somebody so they were all scared of me since only black kids got sent there usually

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That's cool. I was homeschooled.

Oh it was one of those schools. I had a friend that went to one of those.

why stb?

mentlel lelness