TERMINATED 2DAY ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)

( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉) refused N.Y.C.RUN.
Would not have gotten back till at best 2 in the morning on Easter Sunday that violates my religious rights I'm not working on Easter Sunday.( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)
Unemployed,jobless,( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)

I was a real terrible employee work there 5 years never called in sick one single time.
Fuck em they can rot in hell.

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did u rly get fire'd tacofren?
wut r u gonna ddo nowe?

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 19 - Kenka-bakkari nitamono oyako [WinxBloom1980][RAW-720p][E2102C67].mp4_s (960x720, 257K)

Let's hitchhike across the country together

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Will there be Minecraft?

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Horrible. That is not fair.

Yes I did. drug tested and took a physical i+ test drove a truck for another company on Monday.

Trash truck this kind.
Front end loader.

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lole taco nig is gonna starve + freeze to death

if that's really the case, then you'd be a fool not to pursue a wrongful termination lawsuit

The other job no overnight no weekends and it pays a lot more than I thought it would. I have always wanted to be a trashman or work in the sewer

Yes there will be

you can't sue people when your homeless + meth addict

I dont know I basically agree but not shure.
Most employment is at will — meaning you or your employer can terminate the relationship at any time, for virtually any reason. However, the law places some boundaries on your employer's ability to let you go. For example, your employer cannot fire or discharge you for:

Refusing to engage in illegal or unethical conduct
Exercising your right to leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Filing a workers' compensation claim
Reporting employment discrimination, sexual harassment, wage and hour violations or other employment law violations
Blowing the whistle on illegal or unethical conduct
Put simply, your employer cannot fire you in retaliation because you enforced your rights.

Likewise, your employment contract may limit when and why your employer can terminate employment.

Dude was 80 here today.
How am I going to freeze to death?lol

you should become an ICE ROAD TRUCKER
those guys are cool

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Trucking is hard work huh?

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Your mom is hard work.

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i know where you just need to work my fren

Your fortune: Good Luck

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they wouldn't want his heart, he destroyed it with METH

dubs nice straight trucks are where it's at anyway

fight my champion

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I feel like this is the beginning of a new Taco Kid arc.

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Hello Shiro

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Fukkit TK, ur Better than that. Good for you, but make sure to have a good Easter. Happens. Just move on. Something will come through.

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oh man this is just too perfect
Taco Kid the trash boy

Your fortune: Outlook good

I'm fucked no $$$ or not much in bank $900 pay he k WELL b 4 tax ect.
O wait almost 4got I was participating in 401k plan I have $20,000 in it.
Was supposed b 4 retirement but fuck it.
I guess that can pay my Bill's +get weed+tequila +hydracodon +fund my minecraft.Also I intend throw down least $150 on K.Y DERBY

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Laugh if you must killer benifits $19.60 hour.No overnight or weekends.I hope find dead body in a dumpster.

This what im going do.

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how much you spend on minecraft every month?


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