>Wrestling Inc is reporting on more NXT wrestler ring names that WWE has applied to trademark, seemingly in preparation for the brand’s move to USA Network starting September 18:
So these are the wrestlers we should expect on WWE NXT on USA every Wednesday night. Yeah, AEW is going to slaughter them. IIconics and Breezango are moving back down.
Also, WWE has applied to copyright "KUSHIDA", which is his actual last name and is the name he wrestled for years and years in NJPW with. Same with Candice LaRae. How the fuck does WWE think they can trademark people's actual names or the names these wrestlers used when they worked elsewhere?
I don't know but I find WWE trademarking KUSHIDA as the ultimate form of disrespect towards Kushida himself and NJPW. How much of a fucking cuck are you to have your name (and what everybody knows you as for almost 15 years) trademarked?
Xavier Hill
You're acting as if they are trademarking KUSHIDA's name alone. It's not an attack on New Japan or the performer. Calm down.
Dylan Howard
Is that not what they are doing?
Jeremiah Martin
>Matt Riddle
He's been using this name his whole MMA/wrestling career, so WWE own it now?
Mason Taylor
>How the fuck does WWE think they can trademark people's actual names or the names these wrestlers used when they worked elsewhere? They can register the names, but in this case if a wrestler uses it's real name elsewere they would have no problems besides some cease and desist letter from WWE. i'ts mostly a psicologic trick like their 90 days non-compete clausule.
John Brooks
back to /woo/ cancer
Tyler Ward
Yeah, so let's say he decides to go back to New Japan one day, they can't use his name? Or at least "KUSHIDA" by itself?
Its his real name though, its not like they own it and can prevent him from using it when he inevitably returns to Japan in 3 years.
Jace Gonzalez
Io most likely has the name trademarked already. Same with Kairi and Kana (for Asuka)
Kevin Perez
Why in the fucking fuck are these guys not trademarking their own names and licensing them to WWE? Why does NOBODY think of this? Boy I sure can't wait until THE BIG KUSH comes back to New Japan (fka KUSHIDA)
Jaxson Moore
*trademarks ur real name*
The absolute fucking STATE of these mark contracts
>WWE own your real life name Stop signing your soul away with those mark contracts you fools
Nolan Hall
>No Adam Cole HAPPENING.
Caleb Flores
Samoa Joe owns his name and has trademarked it. AJ Styles has given WWE rights to his trademark he owns. Both of these guys are very smart and one of the only people who have done that.
Jordan James
I really don't have much sympathy for a mark who signs their name away with a company. These guys who are just happy to be here aren't going to negotiate the way they should.
Bentley White
By the way, a lot of people are glossing over the fact that the names trademarked are the ones who are absolutely with NXT for the long run. These are the wrestlers who have signed long-term contracts with NXT and are the ones WWE are confident they'll have for the long run. Meaning everyone else who hasn't been trademarked will have to be signed to new long-term contracts or will be the subject of bidding wars between WWE, AEW, NJPW, ROH, IMPACT, MLW, etc etc.
Meaning everybody who is NOT on this list, is NOT locked down long-term and might have contracts coming up real soon. This includes key talents like Adam Cole, Johnny Gargano, Io Shirai and many, many others. This also means that Candice LaRae, Matt Riddle, KUSHIDA and everybody else on the list is with WWE for the long run.
That is, assuming the wrestlers themselves don't own the trademarks. So for example, Adam Cole could be locked down for a long time but still own his trademark so NXT wouldn't try to trademark his name. Who the fuck knows.
Dominic Sullivan
Just call him Marty Mcfry
Brody Mitchell
walter vs kushida would be fucking based
Aaron Lewis
This is simply for rights issues. He still owns the name "Kushida."
Example: WWE trademarked CM Punk years ago when he was under WWE contract. Punk still owned the name but by signing with WWE it gave WWE the right to use it. When Punk was finally released, he had the legal right to use the name again cause he wasn't an employee any more. This is why WWE dragged him along for months. They didn't want Phil to go somewhere else like TNA as "CM Punk" so they didn't cut him from the payroll until the buzz died down. This is also why WWE usually creates new names for superstars so that they can't create a "name" for themselves in WWE and then leave and take that notoriety with them. That's why Mercedes is known as Sasha.
Luke Hall
I believe that since he used the name before going to WWE he would be able to.
Christian Myers
Them trademarking stuff like Matt Riddle is to be the exclusive rights during his tenure right? Not that he wouldn't be able to use it if he were to leave, or am I not understanding how that works. Like obviously made up names are WWE property, but I'm sure they have stuff like Randy Orton and John Cena trademarked as well.
Liam Nelson
It's why CAWdy doesn't go by Cody Rhodes. WWE LITERALLY trademarked his real last name and will sue the shit out of him if he ever goes by Cody Rhodes. That's why when he was going the TNA/NJPW/ROH rounds he was introduced as Cody and Brandi Rhodes.
Elijah Jackson
Looks like it's just standard procedure. They did the same thing with Chris Jericho. They don't keep the name since it isn't their intellectual property, they just have the exclusive rights while they are under contract.
His last name is Runnels Rhodes. He has 2 last names
Tyler Martin
>AEW is going to slaughter them Cope
Caleb Fisher
Oooh ok, I didnt know that. So would he have to use both last names for his character since he was in WWE with a slightly modified name?
Xavier Fisher
This isn't true anymore. Cody's said in recent interviews that he does own "Cody Rhodes" and the only reason he doesn't use Rhodes is because he spent so much time as just "Cody" he wants to make that his own brand.
Juan Young
And Cody has only his father to blame for that. Dusty signed over the rights to his "ring name" Dusty Rhodes and in turn the trademark to Cody Rhodes to the WWE when he got that long term WWE deal, supposedly a 20 year deal that included a Legends contract and another one for his work on the creative team. Dusty wanted a long tern steady job and HHH offered it to him back in 2005 after Dusty was in financial ruin. Dusty liked the deal cause it put him in charge of NXT and away from Vince.
Jordan Lee
So WWE is trying to trademark the name WALTER?
Kevin Cruz
Holy fuck, New Jack, fucking New Jack, was smart enough to know that, as a wrestler, your name is big and that's one of the reasons why he didn't go to WWE because they wanted him name.
Liam Taylor
nobody gives a fuck about new jack
Dominic Morgan
As much of a cuck as KUSHIDA is clearly
Adam Gutierrez
iiconics moving back to nxt lol
Cooper Perry
Manny Fagerino btfo
Jaxson Hernandez
Wrestling fans have no fucking idea what copyright law is. This is standard practice WWE and any smart wrestling company has done for years. Fuck off you dipshit little crybabies.
Joseph Perry
Nolan Perez
The fuck are you talking about
Jose Davis
New Jack went to a RAW in 2005 for a tryout match with Val Venis. The road agents didn't like it, apparently.
These trademarks apply as sole ownership while the boys are under WWE contract. However if they leave they can still use them.
James Walker
Pretty sure the only real case of someone losing the right to their name when they left WWE was Cody. The Rhodes name obviously doesn't come from WWE, but since Cody started his career there and first used the name "Cody Rhodes" under WWE, WWE owns it. It's an odd situation and an exception to the rule.
WWE can't prevent someone from using their name outside of WWE, or even their gimmick name if it predated WWE. All it means is that people outside WWE can't sell products with those names as long as they're employed with WWE.