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I hope the shades are dlc

>He still plays gears
It stopped being good after 3


Based as fuck


holy dimesola

He is come back? I thout retard after he perform in Wrestlemania? Were good news as I'm fan of ANIMAL BATISTAAA. He ironman now armor haha. Batista Stark!

Gears 5 will be on Steam
The first time a Gears game will ever be on Steam
Its going to do gangbusters just like Halo Infinite and Master Chief Collection

pure dime$ if he uses a gatling gun like in his entrance

>Halo's janetty
Fucking lol

I used to think Gears was lame until I actually played Gears 4 last year and it was fucking based.

>done with wrasslin for good
>still uses ring name and not real name
Davetty will be this generation's Kevin Nash to John Cena's Rock

It's not 2004 anymore. No-one cares about Halo these days.

playing video games past the age of 20? oh you better believe that's a paddlin

Just calling in Gears 5 might ding-dong diddly be the gayest thing I’ve ever seen

Then you haven't looked in a mirror lately (LOL)

All they said is that it isn't good after 3

I have also always thought it was lame. Might give it a go

Based, can't wait for the Batista rape shitposts

>implying anyone cares about gears anymore

Didn't even know there was a Gears 4

What the fuck are you saying?

this. fuck that fat ginger faggot Rod Fergoson. bring back Cliffy B,

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