I'm using a picture of a Japanese cartoon to express my emotions

I'm using a picture of a Japanese cartoon to express my emotions.

Attached: face.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

These are the actions of a mentally stable person.

I personally identify with these cartoon characters

Attached: anime dance.gif (500x280, 735K)

Are you being entered?

I'm autistic so I don't actually know or understand the emotions that I'm feeling

Attached: a duck.jpg (650x735, 35K)


pomf! LEL!

Attached: kuku nichu.png (1366x768, 1.01M)

Oh you'd know it if you where being entered

prove it

Attached: gringo del taaco.jpg (520x292, 39K)

inferior normie, anime is going to rule the world before you could even blink

same nyan

Attached: 1551570756225.jpg (685x409, 87K)

well aren't you special

Attached: k.png (500x379, 187K)

you have kidney stones ???

u got me feeling e~mo~tions~

Attached: 1483016824363.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

whats on her face?

Attached: 1551569184317.png (512x512, 144K)

she grew a beard

hair juice

Attached: ((0)).jpg (667x661, 79K)

tringle could you do a face reveal please I want to see how dateable you are?

posted my picture a few times

Attached: (-((+))-).jpg (1024x877, 770K)


Attached: °Δ°•Δ•°Δ°.jpg (623x527, 274K)


Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Attached: 49498.jpg (560x700, 55K)

thank you

Attached: 520.png (520x245, 131K)

Attached: 15563892166.jpg (360x224, 18K)

Who needs Japanese cartoons when you got the real thing

Attached: Le Schiz Pic.jpg (655x986, 153K)

take off your neckmask you looks like a plant

Never, I shall look like a plant

even my grass looks greener than you lole

I believe it's easier to be greener than me, though I could be mistaken

Attached: download (10).jpg (213x236, 8K)

Attached: Fortnite_Dab.png (400x600, 94K)

Attached: 1554439661511.gif (300x300, 91K)

Attached: D4UKZFKWwAAhmz3.jpg (832x468, 37K)

Attached: 1534990304926.png (640x640, 421K)

I can see that some people didn't get the joke

they were just pretending

Attached: 1554960801844.png (550x743, 133K)

Based on my observation of the current population of Yea Forums i have concluded that none of you are intelligent enough or self-aware enough to be pretending anything. You are all very genuinely lonely dumb boring people that can't stop shitting up everything out of spite.

what the h*ck is Yea Forums?

Attached: lily.jpg (227x209, 61K)

t. ultraserious 4sshole

Attached: D1_lAa2VAAIYagx.jpg (1200x1200, 226K)

it's funny because your talking about you're self LOLE

He's right you know

that's what he wanted you to believe

Attached: loleLOLE.gif (600x400, 47K)


Attached: FUN FACT.png (600x546, 63K)

Attached: Untitled.jpg (480x600, 116K)

To be honest everyone on Yea Forums is most likely a weeb

Attached: 11F7500A-7019-45D5-8570-58C2721B2019.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

Doublel Dubs confirm true.

Attached: 0000666.png (544x767, 457K)

Your fortune: Godly Luck

Attached: 1547347921961.png (1610x1786, 1.22M)


Attached: ((thanx cutie)).png (733x637, 350K)

I made it and I agree with you completely, but I also agree with everything you say because you are jevin.

ur nice and also i love u.

thanks jevin

im not gon post in that thread but
woah lad
now umm this is um if it isnt too much to ask for could you please post a lateral radiograph of your skull

haha med students post the darndest things :)

he's not joking

or maybe because the content of [s4s] changed from something unique into something more in line with vip and r9k?


Attached: 1530030550332.jpg (474x369, 65K)

"vamos a seguir siendo maestros y vamos a ganar por hora. esto es el sur de texas"