Best caption of this photo of a dead prisoner in Colombia who was strangled by another prisoner wins a prize

Best caption of this photo of a dead prisoner in Colombia who was strangled by another prisoner wins a prize

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I'm sitting here trying to think of something and I realized I'm starting at a dead guys balls lol

this meme is really disrespectful to whoever that dead guy is

He was a Colombian prisoner imagine what you gotta do to get locked up in fucking Colombia dude probably used to tape newborns to rabid dogs or some shit


fuck im crying

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good then we even cause that bird coffin shit had me weak lol

Trying to surprise your boo after finishing "Dexter" together

Kek I was thinking the same. Dude had some nice balls.

4 fucks sake just suck it + get it over with.

Its balls are big

stop bumping this disgusting fucking image


What would happen if someone locked a dog or tiger in the room with that body for 24 hours?

For Pete's sake just SUCK EM!!!

Imagine the smelle

Your fortune: Average Luck

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Colombian here. Are you retarded?


It was a joke and I know absolutely nothing about Colombia

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