How you guys doing?

How you guys doing?

Attached: Question_Yoosung.gif (400x400, 79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

suck my fucking dick you nigger faggot

doing what


Doing what?

Attached: Question_Yoosung_1.jpg (736x612, 42K)


im tired lole

Attached: 1551876170794.jpg (1129x1200, 258K)

what you mean?

hah yes.
Aww poor sleepy doge. get some slep.
I was wondering what you meant.


I'm sorry as well. Want a hug?

ok fren

love u cutie pie fucking cute fuck holy fuck i want to cream your little boy buns

good thanks for asking :)

im happy today because she is happy

i dont like it


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lol shut up jevin

Glad to hear.
>she is happy
ooo who she

Attached: hug_8.jpg (500x511, 62K)

it's a secret :)


Go back to /bant/ you cum-guzzling jizz monger

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shut up let the fren ´post

How are you doing fren?

Attached: Running_Yoosung.png (500x488, 110K)

Just playing some dota and eating snacks. how are you doing Bumstead?

relaxing in bed watching youtube. Enjoying youreslf.

I think you meant myself Bumstead, I do not believe we are the same person, though I could be wrong. we got first blood some I'm happy!

Yeah! crush your enemies.

beseeter hidey venten speller needa dota
(i hear u mahn)
vaseeta hidey venten speiler needar dota
(i feel u mahn)
vaseeta hidey venten speiler needa dota
pushet bowl es maken
en bootstone let be laken

Right now they are beating us in kills but we are destroying their base, hopefully they turn into potatoes and fail at defence
I don't understand. I'm not much brain smarts to riddles

murder them

Attached: tumblr_oies66e0HM1v2ciijo1_1280.jpg (1280x1281, 367K)

I've been eating them all game but they keep coming back to bully me! They won't stay deaded
I see what you mean by Dota now, I meant the Moba game dota

Make them the super dedeedededededededededededededededededededededededededededededededeedededed

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We won, I ate them all! they went full potato like I was hoping and we won!


Smoking a fat ass blunt in my bed.
Life is not perfect but I'm alive.

I falled my peppin after 3 days of nofap.
I felt really guilty so I probably wont do it again for like a week.

what's it like doing the spicy lettuce?
Sorry for you man.

don't do anything harder than weed, the other stuff with mess with your health

Am sad and confused fren.

Why sad train fren?

Attached: bant_Train_s4s_Joins.jpg (2128x966, 243K)

where is boii

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

oh no where is he? I hope he is well. I like him

He's shleep