Guys I accidentally gave hiro twenty dollars

guys I accidentally gave hiro twenty dollars
i feel like such a slut

Attached: tomoko lewd.png (640x360, 371K)

come here baby...

Your fortune: Outlook good

stay in your thread freak


nice dubs

no shame. you did a good thing.

I'm sure he makes enough money off the porn ads

that doesn't make much sense because usually sluts get paid and not otherwisw

imagine a slute so dumb she pays people to have sex with ehr hahahahahahahahahh dumb b*ch dont kniw how money works xD

would be better without them. if everyone bought a passu they wouldn't have and excuse to have ads. but that's impractical

yeah maybe we should all just send him a billion dollars and we won't have to see shitty things on Yea Forums anymore!! LOL!!

still would like an ad free 4chin. used to be that way

i wish they would just delete Yea Forums so i could be free

but you are free... would be worse without you, but you aren't trapped here.
even if you are by impulse, and this site were deleted we would all find another fix.
if the internet were gone we would all move back to books and wall staring.


i still read books and stare at the wall

without internet/technology it would be one of the only options close to this
just saying if you feel trapped that's not Yea Forums, or tech. that's you

reminder that mobile users can't see your gay clover

you're right honestly, there's a lot of cool shit i've seen/been exposed to on this site over the years. it's been a huge source of lulz as well. that and being able to discuss things on the other boards without having to make an account or have a name is fugging nice.

reminder that minecraft

life would feel more isolated and lonely without it.
this place is special. i love it. if i ever get a large sum of money i will help fund it's operations