What if you were black?

What if you were black?

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then i'd be black

What if YOU were black tho?

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What IS black?

i would get easier employment and higher welfare
also i would not get zits as easily and would have sun resistance
if stereotypes are true my penis would be larger
apart from those i don't see a major change in my life the people i am friends with irl i have known for years so in that time i would have probably made some long time friends anyway
people i meet online would most likely not care and if they did then it would be good way to filter out surface layered people
TLDR; i would probably have a job by now and i would be stuck inside a commie block doing the same crap i do now

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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I dunno...
wouldn't be myse
would just roll with it

two same numbers
hard to know what it's like when i don't have any reference point apart from what i've seen in movies and the limits of my imagination

Two things, the phenotype and the culture. One is physical, the other mental.
P true except for employment. That factor is highly situational.
Dubs confirm.

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Many of my friends are black, same human experience different culture.
easy to be around and fun too
Haven't seen most of them in a long time since I started living like a shut in, lole, still have fond memories though

id hace to play soccer also there would be like 3 of us in the whole town

i have experienced life from the point of view of a tall white jar, little things change peoples behavior towards you if they are surface layer
how do i know that the people i am friends with know would still be my friends if i had been born into other ethnicity
i could have been otherwise exactly the same but with black skin, how do i know my life would have been the same as it was, there could have been favoritism either consciously or unconsciously that i have gotten during my life that i paid no attention to but was there
how many of the doors in life that were open to me at one point would have stayed open if i were russian or african or asian or any other ethnicity than a born as the same ethnicity as the majority of the population living in my country
maybe i would have gotten reverse racist favoritism and people would have forgiven my faux pas because i would have been from different culture, maybe people would have been even stricter to judge me over it, no way to know
the things i listed on are things that i can think of off the top of my head but how do i know what it would have been like because i have never lived in a country where my ethnicity is not the majority

Your fortune: Average Luck

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(blogpost "My hcom professor was a black lady from Seattle. She did say that someone called her a tar baby to her face once, but when I asked her about the city, she had nothing but good things to say about it. I even pressed her on the racism bit, but she just basically said, "racism is everywhere" as if to say it doesn't matter. She even said that her experience with white people in Seattle allowed her to feel comfortable enough to go on a fishing trip with a bunch of white girls, something a lot of black folks here would never do. White people out in the country with guns, ropes, and trees? Hell no! Seems like the only problem is the cost of living/reputation of being mostly white and Asian.")
How do I do lisp?

you would be a different person born to a different family. life would generate a different experience for you for those reasons alone, and you certainly would have different opportunities as well.

You would be fine as long as you made the right choices for the situation just like now.
Variables aren't worth thinking on too far as long as your are prepared for anything.

That slur, "tar baby" that was a book I had when I was three, i had forgotten about it until now, weird memory..

Racism is everywhere. Yep. I got attacked along with a friend for being white, i know so from the viscous slurs being said as they were swinging at us.
It doesn't matter, that's right, and my friends and i would often go out to nature, smoke blunts, drink and listen to music

cool story Tova. I think it's good to talk about this occasionally.

if people treat you like a violent animal your entire life based on surface things you start to adopt that mask, your reality is shaped by things you accept as truth and that manifests what you will become
if you adopt the point of view "black people are violent and callous criminals" you will have that haunting you constantly and you either recoil from that and go towards the opposite or give into that and adopt that mask
if people treat you a certain way all the time you start to believe it unless you are vigilant, you start to question yourself and to wonder if that is what you really are, white people are not impervious to that as you can see from white guilt in americans, those stuck in binary think will tend to either swing to white guilt or racism thinking those are the two choices available
zen truly is the best way to live, unlearn all of that crap and look at things as they are without any tint of glasses, categorizing and labeling may seem like a easy solution but they will mislead you and your confirmation bias will shape the world to fit that illusion
when you strip away all of that and look at the raw interaction and motion around you you will start to see games of pong being played around you, intent-action aligned makes sure there is little room for misinterpretation in what you do
if they choose to react to what you say or do in negative light that is their freedom to do so, all you can do is shrug it off and move on, ad populum is the worst motivation for change in modern world
only moral guide you need is golden rule
apart from that find zen state

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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Contrary to things that were said in this thread, I believe i would have a worse time living as a black person, mostly because i live in a very homogeneous culture.
Blacks in a country that I live in are considered a oddity by many. Of course being black wouldn't make it harder to find a job or get into schools but i believe as a kid I would be bullied because of being different, and being looked at with curiosity wouldn't be so pleasant too.

Yeah, the way it sounded was like it really depends on the individual, so basically everywhere. I encounter some prejudice from black people sometimes, but mostly in Macon/Southwest Atlanta, and even then I'm kinda used to defusing it. Were you in the central district?

It is more situational than not, no?

i have been treated badly my entire life basically and still strive to do good, but most people would give into it all and become bent twisted monsters dealing out they same pain they received, so i somewhat agree.

I agree, most of it is frivolous nonsense. Be yourself and carry on trying your best to be at your best.

Well I don't really know, amount of black people in places where I live is so minuscule that i have in my 19 years of life seen around 10, but I believe that when you are living in a homogeneous culture it is best to be part of it.

Central district? Don't know what you mean.

Was a few blocks away from where I live when me and my friend were attacked. That was unusual. Nice area, so idk why it happened.

Hope you can continue living in relative peace dude.

lure of the dark side is strong, when you keep getting shit shoveled onto your lap at one point you just want to stick the people with the shovels into the pile of shit they shovel until they stop twitching
but at that point you become that, how long until you start shoveling shit into other peoples laps, cycle of hate is vicious and falling into it is way too easy

Yeah, there's a lot of black people who still live on the plantations they were slaves on, including my family's property. The Stockholm syndrome out in the country's too real. Inner city ghettoes are where the stereotypes mostly come from in the media.
double dubs
There's nothing wrong with coming from that sort of environment. I am curious however about what you mean by that last sentence.

It's a neighborhood in Seattle. Just curious!

Dubs. I see.