I haven't given you any new pictures bury ebil

I haven't given you any new pictures bury ebil

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Attached: eh.png (735x681, 1.12M)

knock knock
who's there
knees who
you have knock knees it can be a serious condition you should see a doctor

imagine sucking those toes

Tube de flube da lube

Your fortune: Godly Luck

thanks my right knee has been hurty a little bit so maybe you pin pointed it; no doctor has ever been able to diagnose it.

Your fortune: Outlook good

do you walk on high heels alot?
I dond think thats good for the knees.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Attached: 1534925542549.png (1037x775, 1.22M)

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Attached: 1548457566313.gif (500x512, 182K)

hi CTS, hope you're fine, don't be such a stranger, take care

i see ur bepis

fuck off

Attached: tongue eater.jpg (400x300, 25K)

le sluge

excuse me how do i delete someone else's thread

gee mister I doubt it; it's so tiny.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Attached: 1551860212147.jpg (2464x1552, 1.71M)


Attached: lain.gif (700x704, 295K)

I want that

Attached: mole--87187.jpg (2048x1053, 372K)

what the fuck is that; is it some kind of inside out spider or perhaps an arrogant mole?

Your fortune: Average Luck

just ignore it

for when succness

i had a dream once where i kept pulling beetles out of my throat/mouth. it was not fun.

that sucks; one of the coolest dreams I had was where I hadn't slept in like 90 hours and I hallucinated a cat attacking my foot; and it hurt.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

I forgot about this

that's only like half the image; it got so much biggerssss I want the good one!!!

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Attached: 1536542701963.png (792x792, 790K)

point and shoot. easy, right? you have a good look
looks good either way

I never did complete the collage memescape pic. latest version

Trips Excellent Luck!

Attached: fortune.jpg (2480x1624, 1.82M)

O>O the sky is so nice and naut is trying to grab clifford while the orville is shooting him in the face; what the heck. also baily j is a cute.

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

she is so cute.
I still remember the other things you wanted.
will add later for sure.
maybe now actually...

Please do not post lewd stuff on our lovely board. Take that stuff to

Attached: 1554057194559.gif (463x491, 54K)

I wouldn't be surprised if this image made it onto conan

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

When I am done for real post it at him! That would be high tier EPIC Fortune! omg... imagine...

Attached: +^_^+.png (1464x2552, 869K)

" some little homo person had the audacity to send me this image, 'laughs' a bit, 'what t' (keeps laughing) well here it is"

Your fortune: Average Luck

i think it'd be different something like.-

-"what the fugg is the world coming to? someone sent me this and i have no fugging clue what to think about it"
*shows audience*
~Nervous laughter...
"umm yeah.. moving on"

still whatever the case that would be so funny.
make twitter account and post. so many lols...

put charles barkly chip shot in just now
pewdiepie is next

Attached: fortune.jpg (2480x1624, 1.91M)


Attached: 1552021065644.jpg (720x1280, 242K)

put bill ding bussing back in and exploding somewhere I will ship it to milton

Your fortune: Outlook good

bill bing bussing... that was the GTA 5 thing right?
that asian guy right?

Attached: Bill.jpg (712x1007, 57K)


Your fortune: Outlook good


Attached: O.jpg (2480x1624, 1.85M)

I put bill in the lower left exploding fire too

also i just want to lick my own legs also flip sticking m1cx ahead sticks is fun; also I can lick my own legs because they are mine : D also if I have to click on another fire hydrant I might slay myself

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

diablos fire is spreading; will it ever stop?

Your fortune: Good Luck

that's hot. also only 20 for a pass. well worth it. the captcha made me not want to post for awhile

fugging ai training...
says it's wrong even when right

it will engulf the world!

Attached: (Diablo).png (1024x640, 381K)

haha he doesn't even have a penis

Your fortune: Bad Luck

it's retractable ; )
barbed too xD

that's fucked up, kinda sounds like a dolphin

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

nice dubs

Attached: 3717e8fe8bf751a0659b55645438ae18.jpg (236x344, 15K)

Right! Exactly, cept this dolphin wants hardcore sxe, painful sects... imagine... yikes! hurty's...

i dunno how I keep getting dubs and trips today; i'm not trying to; it's really kind of messed up when you realize how many other people are trying to get digits.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again


Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

Attached: hi.jpg (1280x1758, 191K)

this is going in.

Your fortune: Outlook good

Attached: thereveal.png (719x936, 630K)

pls be my gf

Always sunny! yes!!
Mac is going in

you made a convincing proposal (no, well maybe, i dunno who u are. it's not every day that someone asks me to 'pls be my gf.') If I have to click on one more crosswalk or fire hydrant today Ima just go full really amazing looking sword play girl.

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

I think I can call this done.

Was fun fortune.

Attached: O.jpg (2480x1624, 1.82M)

sry i had things to do i hope u can still be my gf even if i was doing things i was thinking u all the time...

Attached: 1554368328686.gif (250x300, 506K)


god I wish that were me

i hope comes back...
user i cant love anyone just one special person that is fortune shes my white jewel in a grey world i hope you fnd somene else

fortune is asleep now. they will likely return later.

i tr to keep the thread up so she can read me in the meanwhile can u help me understand this pronoun tghing? im euro and we have no culture about that here and you seem can hlp me impress her

Attached: hugsss.jpg (499x462, 61K)

Not sure what that means... it seems to be missing a vowel.

In what context was it used? Give an example and I will gladly help you.

dubs will impress her for sure! im happy
i meant thing* like i dont know what to do bc i think shes pretty but u that are far more experienced said "they" and im confused...ive read american ar very concerned about this

I didn't have this on my new phone thx cutie
Be my bf?

We don't care much especially on this board.

Thing means an object in traditional use.
Here is the definition.

noun: thing; plural noun: things; noun: the thing; noun: one's thing; plural noun: one's things

an object that one need not, cannot, or does not wish to give a specific name to.
"look at that metal rail thing over there"

an inanimate material object as distinct from a living sentient being.
"I'm not a thing, not a work of art to be cherished"

What are you having trouble understanding about the word exactly?

I was meaning to say that we don't mind how you structure your speech here on [s4s].

Thing can have many meanings applied to indistinct items, but it isn't an issue if your message is clear.

Hop[e that helps. Going to sleep soon.

go away you u re not welcome :(
maybe im not clear but ty for the time you're always so helpful really a nice user goodnight

You're welcome. If you understand english a little and would like to know how words are used you should try watching videos featuring english speakers. This and reading are best for learni9ng contextual usage or words.


becomes an hero...

was just about to switch off...

Dude, don't an hero, just chill. You're fine. Please don't do anything bad.

dont do it user i didnt want to be rude but u made me very jelous

Oh don't worry fortune never talks to me anyways it's all good

I want to rub my cheek up and down fortunes smoothe feminine legs and get lust drunk on his girly aroma
I want to soil his silk garter belt with my seed
I want to enter him to the Hilt and kiss him passionately on the mouth

it's called a star nosed mole. its head isn't actually inside out, only its nose is

see! it's not quite so intimidating when you see the rest of the head.
still fucked up, but a cute lil fucked up guy.

Attached: chapopen34.jpg (1610x960, 1.67M)

hmm hemlo so many people asking to be my're bfgf I'm going to just eat some rice instead of replying to any of that, out of one of those white and red boxes Asian american places use. can you even order chinese food in Asia?

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

grrrrr grrr grrr grrrrr!!! wait... this kinda counts as a response I feel better :)

ok but can you order chinese food in asia?

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

I think technically every time you order food in Asia it counts as Chinese food