Are you ready to start this all over again?

Are you ready to start this all over again?

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what the hell are you talking about?

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It's hard to let go

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I need some water, food, a nap, make some calls, taco bell, then good to go. start when ready.

i guess
time for more pain then
strap me down and just completely destroy me then

I desperately need to escape infinity

I desperately need a girlfriend

The universe says silly things when it becomes self aware.

We're inside of a simulation called Infinity. Get me the fuck out of this.

maybe stop dressing like an angsty teenager

whats less angsty than a bob marley shirt?

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a doremi shirt

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if i see someone wearing a doremi shirt in public i'm beating them up with a bat


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Yup. The key to avoiding repetition is to do something you wouldn't do before. If you try something new every day, starting the day all over doesn't seem as bad as it would otherwise.


idk dude, maybe...?

but keep your guard up with giving and info

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Good one, Ātman. Me and you both know you never entered this thing and you certainly will never get out!

This is wrong

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try two bob marley s hirts

Your fortune: Good Luck

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atman is just playing silly and you know it, atman.

I thought about it and if this ever turned out to actually be a simulation and I somehow got out of it, I would immediately punch someone in the face as soon I regained consciousness

well, then you'll never get out of it. not with that attitute. moreover, i don't think it's even possible to get out of the simulation if we're living in one. if this is a simulation, i imagine it is one we can't escape even in death, and whoever is responsible for creating it might as well be merely looking at us through as screen which we cannot break through because we cannot influence their physical world, much like a photo of a fire can't burn your hand if you touch it.

i get it, that's why i would punch that guy right in the kisser


this but hadzuki pls

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VERY nice quds

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Lumbar support quads

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good quad

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here we go again

I think so :^)

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dubs quads

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Ah shit, here we go again

Beautiful painting


You mean like isekai?
My favorites anime are all those
I love those
Ohh ohh ohh
Can I choose to restart in the anime world but with God mode enabled with noclip?
And magic powers too
And remember
30 minutes or it's free

no oh my god I'm so tired of the endless cycle.

fuck it why not everything here is falling apart

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