TFW you fail life

TFW you fail life

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's cool.

wait i don't get it, the thread is about someone failing life but the picture is of someone in a graduation uniform

He graduated from mall cop U

feel when you didnt make her dream a realelity

do you think doremiposter likes to watch when eric is making ripas dream a reality with his big white rigid cock

ok this is eric



Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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lol @ triangles defending saeed under user

dang lookit quads

actually that wasn't triangles, it's me

IPs are exposin both of u tho lol

if you're saying we're the same person that makes no sense, I'm not even phoneposting so it's impossible

Actually this was me hereYou guys end up claiming sooooo many people are me. It's flattering.


oh i guess thats what he meant

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nice try trianglels

They say that about anyone who stands up for others or makes an insightful comment.
Spartacus in negative.
Hope you're doing good mfw.

i can taste ur fear of the mighty anonymous

You're basically complementing me every time you accuse someone of being me.
Feel free dude.

trying 2 play it confident we see

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if he's so mighty why is he hiding behind anonymity?

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hey guys please like me as I collectively ruin your s4s experience

Strength lies in actions not labels

hey guys im going to treat this place like an Yea Forums general or /r9k/ blog then wonder why people meet me with ire and animosity lol I cannot believe I'm being so nice but people still aren't liking me? wtffff

It's only a compliment when they confuse me for you ;p

Just give it like 6 months to a year he will either click or leave

hey guys I have literally no concept of s4s culture

why do people not like me??

catfish is the only based namefig and he is dabbing on the doremis

and the action of hiding demonstrates weakness. what's your point?

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why do you do it fish?

I can tell doremifag is so delusional he believes he has not only done good here but become a part of s4s and left a "legacy" so haha no. He wouldn't throw away his hard work like that~

Because I'm funny and I'm not a stupid goofy fake faggot who has to act like a cutesy moron to get people to like me LOL. Sorry I'm just alpha as fuck I can't help it.

but doremi is [s4s] culture tho

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Oh I was talking about Delta not doreimi doremi isn't going anywhere and you are right he probably does think that and so do some other anons

>alpha as fuck

>Because I'm funny
There's nothing funny about hornyposting 24/7 tbh

who quote

triangles stop. this is embarrassing. put your name back on

trips confirm

and yet he still is the funniest of the namefigs

XD my sides stopbhave mercy on my sides

Can't argue with that. Doremifig is much funnier but Doremifig isn't a namefig so your point stands. Yuiposter was also funnier but Yuiposter is gone

put your name back on Catfish

nice try trinagleles

you are so mad because he is alpha and knows it and he stomps you and your namefig friends anytime you have no chance against him and user they are a force you cant stop and they are epic and you are NOT

-_- triangles


Saeed is the perfect example of what happens when you spend WAY too much time on Yea Forums

ive been doing fine.
i never actually left, i've been posting as user. these days i only use my namefig when i really need to make it clear that i'm the person who used to be called mfw.
it's not about what happened between us, i just think it's better this way, the way things have started heading around here.

catfish got an unironic fan

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He's using Yea Forums memes on Discord unironically by the way.

you can't fool me anonymous, you're posting without your namefig on but i know your true identity is anonymous! i can tell which posts are made by you, anonymous. you have a very particular typing style.

literally the only people i see still defending saeed got abused by their parents
this isn't funny it's tragic

It's Tragick

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Is that why they fear Catfish so much? Is it the masculinity?

>he is alpha
he is fat
i think he's an alright guy don't get me wrong but he's definitely not "alpha" per se
>you and your namefig friends
this is a bit hypocritical considering i don't use a namefig and catfish does

Dude they are text on a screen, but... I get it, it's annoying and easier to chill out and express yourself when people aren't having panic attacks over you having a name.

Thought I saw your memes as user, guess so..
Glad you're alright friend. I was worried big time.

>he is fat

so was tony soprano :)

who the hell is tony soprano


no fucking idea all i know is that both triangles and mfw got abused and it's not like i want to bring that up but it's a disturbing pattern

I'm implying I attain admiration despite my looks which says a lot about me ^^

yeah but who is tony soprano though

I want hyper-aggressive Catfish that posted pissed off vocaroos back

was yuiposter also abused by his parents?
because i'm pretty sure he would have stood up for doremiposter

Yuiposter left because he was genuinely nice and saw the farce that was doremiposting and distanced himself from it.

Good for him, bad for us. I miss him.

Can we talk about Tragick some moar? I miss Tragick...

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don't remember him ever talking about his parents

he said he has good parents

doremiposter certainly is a farce, that's rather the whole point. the fact that his personality is fake is the punchline

The punchline is he's a perpetually annoying faggot who incites ire within reasonable people so when we all hate him that's the joke?

I'm laughing. Not.

Whatever I'm going back to work. If my boss chews me out for smelling like cigarettes I'm going to berserker

explains a lot

Didn't know about that, though it does make sense regarding how with every post he's desperately trying to come off like fucking Lex Luthor or whoever while posting anime pictures, lol. Reminds me of DeviantArt users who take themselves way too seriously and then getting laughed at even harder.
Ripa is the exact same way, but it seems he had it way harder if the abuse knocked him right into trannyhood.

I have no respect for triangles because he used to mock me for admitting my brother abused me yet he wants to bring it up whenever it suits him to make people feel bad for him. Sociopath. Telegraphed emotions. Guy just legit creeps me the fuck out.

>getting chewed out by you boss
>having a boss
pick one

some people hate him, certainly not all. your post aren't exactly pleasant either.

That's just the way he is, angry incels gotta represent.

fuck i didn't know that now i have even more reason for making fun of his ridiculous psuedo-intellectual bullshit lol

dude, you brought me to that point for seeking me out and mocking me so many times.
two wrongs don't make a right, but the fact is you started this, and even if I leave you alone you find an excuse.

>Ripa is the exact same way, but it seems he had it way harder if the abuse knocked him right into trannyhood.
lol what
ripa fucking hates triangles, you can tell because he's one of the few namefigs she's called out

What's annoying about him though? That's the part I don't get.
I mean yeah he's a repetitive avatarfigging animeposter who constantly tosses out nonsequiturs, and I can see how that might be considered annoying, if it weren't also true of everyone else here. Including you. That's kind of just what people do on [s4s]. It's basically what the board is for.

link?????????? LOL

I didn't say she likes him

>That's kind of just what people do on [s4s]. It's basically what the board is for.
ok mfw

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Trust me there's no way ripa likes triangles.

me on the left

imagine everytime you posted something the same person replied to your post everytime and started talking serious and focusing on something instead of just leaving it as a fucking joke and then they continued to reply back and forth with other people constantly and completely derail the thread so that in basically every other thread you see them talking to other people full of their retarded babbleshit

catfish and friends unironically think their posts are better

>catfish and friends

I think my only friends are Kira and CTS

maybe poopboi but he's a bit tsundere.

ripa? I think ripa likes me but more it's my humor than the "me" she likes

this thread has got to be one of the lowest points in s4s history i am disappointed in you all

Yeah I don't think so either lol

I meant the saeed spammers with "friends"

that's not ripa

thanks we couldn't tell ripa from the schizo idiot

>started talking serious
Literally never once seen doremiposter do this.
He sometimes says serious things, but he never talks serious. The difference is in the tone. He derails threads with retarded babbleshit but he does it on purpose. The reason being, here on [s4s], that's not called derailing, that's called bringing the conversation back on topic. You know how people sometimes say "dumb animeposter" and then the natural rebuttal is "anime website"? It's kind of like that. [s4s] is retardbabble board. If you're tired of threads being "derailed" by shitpost spam, then perhaps you and catfish are the ones who need to be pushed to /r9k/, a board where intelligent conversation is actually intended to be possible. Ironic considering catfish is the one who pioneered "what if we took /r9k/ and pushed it somewhere else."

I don't remember when she said it but she basically called him a retard and then a coupl'a days ago she agreed with Catfish that he doesn't even understand this board

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shut up mfw
based and ripapilled

I disagree, but whatever

meta is beta

t. is here since 2017 at longest

This isn't meta this is straight up girl talk at this point

>shut up mfw
"i recognize your typing style" is not an argument

i recognize your stupid opinions more than anything

Times change. It's inevitable a board like [s4s] would wind up this way. I like it. It's fine if you don't.
What's stupid about it? I'm just calling it like I see it

if you think [s4s] is a retardbabble board then that's all it'll ever be
ironic retardbabble is great but it's clear there's some people here hiding under the guise of irony for spouting their unironic retardbabble

>but it's clear there's some people here hiding under the guise of irony for spouting their unironic retardbabble
very true *glances at the schizos*

schizos are horrible but you can filter them without losing anything of value

>hiding under the guise of irony
So they're being ironic but only ironically?
Fuck dude that's some 4D chess shit

this isn't about solving a problem it's about finding one

it's really not it's just pathetic lol
the problem is pretty fucking obvious and if you don't see it you're part of it

imagine trying to stop someone from being annoying by being even more annoying to everyone

that's how war works!

if they were all gone you would still find someone to bite

not true, i used to be very nice on this board

no i wouldn't how the fuck would you know that
you're projecting

by being mean you attract more of the same behaviour

what matters is what you do now
that's easy to determine by comparing how much energy you're investing to silence doremi. you do it because you're bored and nothing else. wouldn't take long till you find something else mildly annoying to spam about

it really doesn't take a lot of energy to call someone a fag lol

>All the quality posters are...
>E A V I N G
>V I N G
>N G
>All the quality posters are...
>E A V I N G
>V I N G
>N G
>All the quality posters are...
>E A V I N G
>V I N G
>N G
>All the quality posters are...
>E A V I N G
>V I N G
>N G

doing it for months is telling you have nothing better to do

you spend hours every week committed to them. that adds up

>wouldn't take long till you find something else mildly annoying to spam about
is that really a such bad thing? this is still the underwater soccer sewing forum posters are expected to meet a certain criteria

assuming a lot of shit here
i'm not even the person that created the thread

so you're not saeed spamming for months?

Pathetic r9k-tier thread

i've been posting for months sure but i wouldn't call it "spam"
if you think it's JUST me then you're fucking delusional

how many hours do you think you have put into it? what a "life".

not as many hours as you spend posting anime girls and retarded blog spam here lol
what a """life"""

This thread is a travesty.

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So is ur mum lole

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>is that really a such bad thing?
it makes the problem bigger
no it's about three people

I got your back, user.

I would say it's closer to 4-5.
One of them is probably Alter because they type like an underage /bant/fag.

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we are legion

I enjoy it immensely. so if you enjoy making someone's life worse, and more so if you enjoy being like me, a loser wasting their life doing nothing then go right ahead.

For the record, Triangles. While I think the people spamming about saeed are being silly, I genuinely think you are a piece of shit.

anime loser

your sentence was a bit weird but did you admit you're a loser wasting your life away doing nothing? wow triangles great self-awareness keep it up proud of you

Worst thread on the board right now. 17 unique posters and a bunch whining and drama about innocuous posts. Shut the fuck up.

"if you enjoy being like me, a loser wasting their life doing nothing"

thanks for your input "JennyLovesCola" i've never even heard of you before irrelevant tard

this thread suck LOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I think he's getting ready to go into victim-mode. 20 nicemonye say the parents story comes next.

U know saeed is so hot
i think i wanna FUCK him

ok calm down ripa we know!!!!!

Be better than me. Do something with your lives or stop acting as though you're superior.


you see triangles, unlike you, i have a job

I don't need one, I made my money.
You still waste all your time here.
Some "life" you must have. wow.

Triangles the lolcow

You know, you are sort of showing how you have the emotional maturity of a 12 year old so I don't know how people are supposed to take your complaints seriously.
"I've never heard of you so you don't matter(to me)". Wow I didn't know my worth was contingent on on my importance to a singular angsty teenager. Do you also worship celebrities?

Saeedposting is [s4s] culture.

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I like your namefig loal
Meta threads are [s4s] culture

ur shit sucks

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ok retard