The absolute state of [s4s]
The absolute state of [s4s]
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Nein papa!
do this image but replace it with a cat
ok done. let me know what u think
XD for you
youre really good at this!!!
good image
aww, thanks flipflap
Lole u beat me to it I was gonna shop the pic once i get home but nvm lole
sorry dude, would have held off if I knew.
Love your edits by the way!
me on left
Imagine being so akward you can't handle a little girl having a crush on you yikes
her bum feels so warm on my crotch lole
Pedo detected
Imagine living in a society where pedophiles are violently degraded while little girls are allowed to flaunt their budding sexuality
wtf shut up kevin -__-
I dont know if thats a good idea anymore
Sorry about the glitch heresy the original
So i'm a pedo because I can ignore the sexual advances of a child without having a panic attack seems legit
You'd probably react the same if it were an adult woman faggot
dude... wtf... xD
i think my senses are failing rn, wtf
Hahahahah!!! Projecting much? Excuse me if I can't take your transgendered librarian looking ass seriously
Your fortune: Good Luck
Imagine a thread where all I say is that kids get crushes on adults all the time and it's no big deal to ignore it and I get attacked
I had crushes on older girls and women in their twenties when I was little.
Is completely normal dude, but you know how this place can be.
you forgot to virtue signal and overreact to the mere mention of children in that context
see that is how the norm followers have learned to do it if you were to ever have any form of rational discussion that doesn't immediately condemn it as the most sinister evil you would be the devil
golden rule and kids are ignorant to that stuff, if a kid has a crush on you that doesn't mean they want to smash, they have no experience with that kind of crap and most likely just want to cuddle with you or something
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
How much you wanna bet this dude kevin smells like mildew and touches dead cats
she's secretly legal so it's fine
Your fortune: Good Luck
i'd assume they smell like fruit based shampoo and scented candles
NOOOOOPEEE WROOONNNGGE TRY AGAIN wasn't virtue signaling in the slightest read my original post. I'm talked about anons (anyfucking body by the way I wasn't pinpointing anybody in particular) inability to freak out over the situation in OPs pic nothing you wrote has fucking anything to do with that you got me pegged completely incorrectly try again pal.
Again my point is this and only this kids doing creepy shit is normal you just fucking ignore them that's all I'm fucking saying stop making assumptions about me you don't know shit and your grasping at straws is just plain silly,
As for Kevin that he's half tard so I can ignore him for the most part
two same numbers
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
When I get crushes on kids I want to cuddle with them too.
dubs LoLe
two same numbers
grey area no comment apart from use common sense
g mr
lole sexe with kids
fug...lole this makes me want to lick trianglels...lole
umm... they were talking about "kevin", not me, lole
Imagine unironically fantasizing about alternate realities that validate your pedophilia by making the pedophiles out to be the victims and the children to be the perpetrators.
It's fine.
sweet of you to say that ironic or not, so yeah..
Are you an agent in conjunction with an individual named "kevin"?
also doubles
Hey Delta be my're BF?
No, no. he is the guy who imitates others, aaa heredubs
Don't know if you are playing like shiro poster or serious...
I already have deep feelings for someone though, and I don't know you either
Rare for me to feel strongly about anyone.
No when shiro does it he intends to viciously troll you at some point, I just wanted to steal jevins meme loAl :p thanks for let me down gently and checking my dubs
they are fun to mess with, every time shiro posts i try to get them lightly upset, I do like them though. naturally entertaining.
what do you mean steal jevins name? what does that have to do with this? you could do that anytime, jevin is more than one person already
i don't want anyone to hurt like i hurt rn. don't want to get your hopes up and never give you vlosure, trust me that sucks.
triangle confirms jevin just another yuji-sakai
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
not that bad... there is one main guy that uses the name
i have no clue dude
now you're just some yuji that i used, to, know
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Imagine a good pedo thread being ruined by obnoxious namefigs...fuck i hate you guys
nice double tho
You are an actual idiot. Please stop talking from this point on.
Lol awwww you're fucking adorable kid we would get along great irl, I'd turn you out tho you'd be throughly degenerate within a week of hanging with me :p
anyways don't worry about me I was meming everything everyone says on this board is a meme it's like a jawbreaker with very thin layers of sincerity samwitched with irony
hmm... sounds interesting.
degenerate means too many things, umm you sound fun for real
this place is so wild, it's serious at times and layered too
you're sweet, wish i knew you better
Do you have any idea how hard I lol?
Man I wish you were here in 2013, could’ve seen what this board was really like. It’s current state is like facebook but worse
not into faceberg, but i see what you mean. bad times.
I've been on since yesterday morning and like literally no OC just drama
wtf dude go 2 sleep
nah I'm not there yet I really dislike sleeping
wish i could sleep, dunno how long it's been now
Stop being a faggot, I hear that helps
This is the first time in a long time I've let my self post at length I get bullied off the board alot
bullied off the board? ignore them, they aren't worth looking at, and if it bothers you that bad you can filter it all somewhat
you're fine dude
Dude no offense but...did you come from reddit or something? Like before you came to Yea Forums? No shame here man, just asking..
No. Never been other than once clicking a link from a controversial chan i frequented then quickly backing out.
I don like what I have heard about it.
What makes you ask that?
see that's the difference between you and I, when someone makes a thread bullying me I always know in my heart that they are only doing to me what I did to them I get manic and carried away and I piss people off I NEED to be smacked back down to earth we all do sometimes you would do well to acknowledge your bullies they are only try to make you feel as bad as you made them feel it is a valuable learning experience and to ignore it would be to miss an opportunity for personal growth don't be a lolcow on a Chinese Rick Shaw forum
Your posts read a lot like some reddit queer’s teebeeaech
If they are so fragile they should,,,umm go to leddit:^)
The fact you think "they" (You) are making me feel bad is also extremely hilarious.
Do you realize I am playing a game most of the time? That I enjoy this? Sure, I am being honest, being myself, I like treating others well when it's deserved, but that does not preclude "fun" too whatever that is to me in the moment
Trips, well timed.
very bad trips user, she can shake her cun right in you face if she wants unfortunately you gotta just ignore it and umm idk save that energy for something constructive like masturbation
Mrrrrmmmm I am confus... I was talking about my own personal experiences nothing about you
God damn will you shut the fuck up? Haven’t you realized the reason everyone hates you is because you say shit like this?
You think I want people to like me unconditionally? If they do that is fantastic, but I certainly don't want everyone to like me. That would be silly.
I like messing around and honestly thought this
"you would do well to acknowledge your bullies they are only try to make you feel as bad as you made them feel it is a valuable learning experience and to ignore it would be to miss an opportunity for personal growth don't be a lolcow on a Chinese Rick Shaw forum"
was directed at me since you were using the phrases "you" and "yours".
I haven't slept in some time, so forgive my oversight if this wasn't the case.
Seemed very much related to what some anons were posting earlier though.
Gracie pyramids
Negative,user. Those trips were perfect. I don't condone this shit but he's right
holy shit dude just stop
Triangles the lolcow
dam rly sent him to bantown with that one
he should go back to his hugbox amirite
all the fucking pedos this board harbors is disgusting
You choose to be here, looking right at me, posting at me.
Would be like someone irl walking next to you all day asking you to walk away but he's the one following and it makes no sense.
What is your condition?
Does this help?
Go create some oc and make this board yours.
Influence others to be nice and creative too.
there's a difference between having a personal grudge and being universally hated
Yeah this is going no where lol I'm getting sleepy l8r remember just bee ur self
gore is sorta ewww. dontcha think?
Actually cringed
>she can shake her cun right in you face if she wants
Did you just break character?!
No, that's just that schizo faggot Oro
gee mr
Lol that lil bitch gon yell
>yell that lil bitch gon die
dubs confirm
Learn to bait better retard.
this is me??????????????????
no, me
Hello, hello
I'm in a place called vertigo :>
Who are you to talk, perpetrating the board's lolicon culture?