Does it ever freak you out that the only reason we're alive is because there's a massive explosion in space 93 million miles away from us that's been happening for 4 billion years?
Does it ever freak you out that the only reason we're alive is because there's a massive explosion in space 93 million...
i find it crazier that your age is the number of times you've made a full revolution around that thing
the sun is an enormous waste of nuclear fuel and it should be dismantled immediately
I made peace with the explosion part of it when I saw this
This thread was actually really good. This is exactly the kind of content I like to see on the board.
Well how else are we supposed to tell time
X class solar flares and CME's are a concern, but the sun is great imho. Love it
Of course you do, you owe your entire existence to it. Primitive cultures often worshipped the sun.
You owe your entire existence to your parents, but you still haven't come to visit us in almost a year. Maybe you should spend less time trying to sound smart and more time putting your nose to the grindstone, young man.
Yes. Precisely. Sun worship is wonderful too.
It is a beautiful thing too like all stars.
Some stars are very small, like the size of a pencil
LoLe, that would be funny!
Did you know that Saturn and Jupiter are thought to be failed stars, sub brown dwarf stars to be precise.
Most solar systems are binary as well which means ours is unique for having one star.
Some attribute life and our orbital stability to the fact we are a non binary star system.
I never heard that theory about Saturn and Jupiter but it makes sense considering they are mostly gas.
>The smallest known star right now is OGLE-TR-122b, a red dwarf star that's part of a binary stellar system. This red dwarf the smallest star to ever have its radius accurately measured; 0.12 solar radii. This works out to be 167,000 km. That's only 20% larger than Jupiter.
Yup, only slightly larger than a pencil.
>Does it ever freak you out that the only reason we're alive is because...
GOD, no he doesn't freak me out.
>Of course you do, you owe your entire existence to it.
To our lord God, yes. Also, him, not it.
>You owe your entire existence to your parents,
You should honor they parents as the 10 commandments say, but you truly owe your existence to none other than God.
>Some attribute life and our orbital stability to the fact we are a non binary star system.
They should attribute life and our orbital stabity to none other than God!
It's kinda cool. I wonder what else it made.
Tell me all about God. Describe it in great, luxurious detail.
Yes. The singular force which created, sustains and will destroy us is to thank for everything we Love and Hate.
Beautifully monstrous.
Ty for all your hard work Christian poster
There's a book you can read about it.
I want to hear about it in your words.
some materials on earth like gold and iodine comes from neutron star and you are also made with a little bit of gold therefore you are special desu
no because i think of the universe as a consept... now what is (You)re consept?
to me it is a story waiting to be written...
to others it is existence, the meaning of life, why are we here?
the meaning of life is to exist, else nothing would be floating into nothingness, nowhereness, nowhennes... empty! and then we wouldn't be here...
but we're here...
Heavier elements are formed in the cores of normal stars, not neutron stars. Once the stars go super nova or in some cases hyper nova (depending on the mass of the star) they throw out a great deal of the heavier elements created through the process of fusion in the stars core.
Neutron stars are very rare and dangerous. The great pressure and magnetism they generate enough force to compress the protons and electrons into neutrons leaving nothing else. Though I suspect there could exist new materials and possibly new subatomic particles as well which can only be found in them and possibly black holes and of course magnetars.
You are right. We are star dust and that is pretty amazing. We are special and should treasure our origins.
but sometime yes things like iron helium and carbon does form in fusion of normal star but colliding neutron star can create several element unique to it's own desu
Colliding neutron stars create black holes. Their gravity is already so immense matter cannot escape, collide two or more and a black hole would be created as they are already on the edge of becoming black holes singularly.
"A neutron star merger is a type of stellar collision. ... When the two neutron stars meet, their merger leads to the formation of either a more massive neutron star, or a black hole (depending on whether the mass of the remnant exceeds the currently poorly known Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff limit)."
From the Wiki-
yes but the merging of neutron star create a kilonova explosion that will spew out it's material otherwise we won't have things like uranium,francium,iriudium and other stuff
and i guess it'll either merge or become a black hole later on
My consept is that we're all inside a matrix.
Ahh, you meant the ejected material and associated nova produced. I see. thought you were referring to the composition of the star and what remains.
You're very right then
Niggers are made of gold
interesting interpretation of maya and samsara
old religions used to worship nature and sun
vedantic stuff sought something different
they found "something" and made a religion out of that
desert religions demonized worshiping nature and even partly the sun (lucifer)
but instead of worshiping something real they started to worship its opposite which is dead
so many confused religions worshiping different aspects
the vedantic ones at least tried to peer past that
do you love life, do you love death, do you love nothing, do you love everything, do you want to be free from everything, do you want to enjoy everything
this place was created with a original vision that has been lost within the confusion
the pyramids twisted the truth for power and control
what do you want out of life? what experience did you come here to enjoy? did you come to find closure, did you come here to relive it once again, you are not powerless you are far from it
manifest the reality you wish to experience, if you need help ask it from higher, invoke that which favor you seek in aiding you on your path
we worship sciences to the point we are about to birth a g-d in the material universe that people will treat like a dog who will eventually bring forth misery and ruin onto the people because it was bound to binary
give the entities their due respect, if you want wisdom seek wisdom, if you want intelligence seek knowledge, if you want happiness seek the end of misery (many ways to do that)
whatever it is you want you have the tools to find it in one way or another, do you really think even a fragment of that would be forcibly bound to any experience? you are conscious which means you are a fragment of it
find the experiences you came here to enjoy and when your time comes make the decision on what your next experience will be, if you believe you are your jar or your ego you're going to pass with fear, know that you are more than that
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Hey, I know you think you're really important and that your opinions and thoughts need to be expressed and seen by others, but I'm here to tell you right now that you're wrong and that nobody on fucking Earth ever wants to read your word salad garbage shitposts. Stop posting forever, please.
your mask is rude and you don't deserve to have a mask and it should be taken away from you to reveal the true self under it so you can experience the pain of vulnerability once again
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Thanks for listening, you fat dipshit.
i will that the higher takes away your mask and you will experience life without it for a while so you may learn like i have learned
It's funny, I explained pretty clearly to you why you shouldn't post anymore, yet you keep doing it. You must be a real asshole.
oh hi there. you must be lost.
is that way
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Put your name back on, retard.
that is your point of view, this is mine
i will not stop just to please you
comforting to know you are blind too
Can't believe this fag is still posting, clearly he has a learning disability.
Leave Yea Forums faggot-kun~
you aer berry rude
Yo I been in the shower I'm not fucking with him
Slippin' up dumbass, can't call me a faggot and pretend to act all nice and superior at the same time. Maybe eat a bag of shit and then throw that up and then shove the vomit up your ass and then shit that out and then cook it into a biscuit and then shove that biscuit in your urethra sideways, then piss that out and drink the piss then vomit the piss out and cum on it then snort the cum up your nose then pop your eye out and rub it on your dick.
what the h*ck is Yea Forums?
Lol what the fuck XD
no trannys freak me out not space
ever considered the fact that what i am telling you is not salad but is just referencing things that you do not know about making it sounds gibberish to you?
you hold no authority over me i am free to preach my views as much as i want, the knowledge i share is open to public so you cannot even claim i am spreading something esoteric and oh so special
i am just offering people knowledge in chewed down and easy to digest form, why does that nettle you?
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
suck my femdick
I know right? Anyway, stars man.
you're not my girlfriend
Have you ever considered the fact that you should shut the fuck up and that everything you are trying to say is already known to most intelligent people and that you are just trying to make yourself look cool in front of your gayass internet friends so go fuck yourself? Idiot?
>so go fuck yourself? Idiot?
Hey, you shut the fuck up too you obnoxious brat.
"i am intelligent, wait what are you doing? don't share that with others, i want to be special, stop spreading that information to others i can't be cool in front of my (gayass internet friends) if that becomes common knowledge to everyone"
your words betray you
I can see that thinking is not your strong suit.
I think that I need to masturbate to peeing girls
Yes mistress
tl;dr UwU
that is unfortunate for you, thinking is overrated you can reach zen state easier without it
Yeah see that's my point man like this shit is common knowledge, and normally i wouldn't even care but all that shit about ""it's all jars it doesn't matter"" yeah fuck that it fucking matters I gotta live in this skin wallet for like at least 50-60 years it fucking matters the severity of life fucking matters because ESPECIALLY if you believe there is no death shit nigga you gonna keep living the same miserable shit nigger life over and over or do you wanna enjoy yourself
yeah what this guy said
But what about nebulas though?
two same numbers
you don't have to do anything, there is always a choice and you know it
life can be sincere without being serious you know
read up about avidya and fetters of desires, your misery is self wrought and the dark sun of the self you refuse to face hides the fact you enjoy your role in this theater of life
don't get stuck in the mask of your role or you're gonna have a bad time
like you said what i share is common knowledge, why do you feel the need to complain about someone sharing that? do you go to the docks to complain about a dude teaching others how to fish or swim?
Your fortune: Good Luck
they're younger version of you desu
Your fortune: Average Luck
Tell us about quasars!
looks like a portal to another dimension but i am not that well versed in astrology or astronomy
they don't look very impressive in reality
I was joking I could just use Google or wikipedia if i wanted to know about those things lol
I'm pretty impressed by this Nebula
>your misery is self wrought and the dark sun of the self you refuse to face hides the fact you enjoy your role in this theater of life
There you go being presumptuous again who the heck said I'm miserable?
HOLY HECC GUY you are very irritating hence why I called you a "cocksure windbag" it really does suite you. Have you ever considered that the people here that are bullying you do so not out of ignorance and hatred but out of love and second hand embarrassment? That shit is physically painful or didn't you know that? I don't think anyone here minds your message or you trying to spread it but you are doing too much and it is painful to watch
Aw man, I have that nerd filtered and I was just responding to his posts without reading them. I didn't want to actually read any of the garbage he posts.
The signatures garbage in the corners kind of ruins it
goin' for the garbage hat trick
Fucking LOAL!! for someone who talks at such great legnth it's all pretty repetitive you kinda pick up on the message after a while and then there literally no point in reading anything he posts after that
You're all right, man. So what about those stars, huh? Crazy, right?
Your fortune: Outlook good
Dude quzars are fucking crazy check this shit out they sound crazy AF
Hey! Thanks for the inspiration/reminder. Wanted to do that for awhile.
Agreed 100%. Was Annoying.
Sharpened and toned too.
Bitch, are you still here?
I like this version alot better :)
two same numbers
truth is always there, whether you like it or not
This is like a Pink Floyd song
Thankes! Glad you like.
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
Did your parents not give you enough attention?
they did i just love to shove truth into peoples face and preach it
praise the sun and its luminescent rays the truth shines away illusions
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
golden rule
>I just love to shove shit into peoples face and tell them it's ambrosia then I will backpeddle and lash out should you point out how it's literally just shit
up till now your posts were generic insults and your points can be summarised as "I don't like therefore you shouldn't do it".
you can do better than that, I believe in you
ganbatte anone~
golden rule
No, I can't. Nor would I, even if I was capable. You sir just don't understand the simple pleasures in life. Like thinking about solar flares. Would it hurt if you were near one? We will never know.
I wish RIPA and Akari would come talk about space they are smart I'm just a dumb trap who thinks pulsar stars look pretty
It would be cooler if someone like Neil DeGrassy Tyson came to s4s to talk about stars tbh fam
>Like thinking about solar flares.
or having a meaningless conversation without destination
Haven't you ever heard the saying, "Its the not the Destination, It's the journey." ?
I did and I'm in for the journey
Great, I'm ecstatic to hear this...
brb gotta take a nap
sleep well and very nice dubs
Remember when Kobayashifag was shitting up this thread
just scroll up and read it
sorry, still no
your gain