Almost time for the Asian Gorl thread!
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
>I’d kind of sensed that I was taking in a fraud when I let Shiraha come to live with me, but his predictions turned out to be surprisingly accurate. It was convenient to have him around. It didn’t take long for me to be convinced. —Sayaka Murata, Convenience Store Woman
Asian Gorl is miffed. Absolutely upset! She's seen something she can't believe! After hours of browsing dating sites, looking for the perfect lover, she's finally come across one with a suitable profile. Good job, great education, sexy build! Perfect, all things optimal! But... he's gay! Homosexual... Asian Gorl plummets again; although this time she may not enjoy the iridescence of seuss. For his bio is absolutely awful, and his only redeeming quality is a huge penis!
Your fortune: Average Luck
wowe nobode gave a responce to my post in the other asian gorl threade
frick u jevin it was a goode story
why is gorl always in front of space
Is it time for Asian gorl thread to begging now? I don't want to be too early.
>A cool breeze skims across the grass and the sheep nearby turn their faces away, hunching their ruffled shoulders. Some of the sheep are marked by a cheerful red or blue circle, as if a child had come through this field with a paintbrush. Sipke moves so that he is sitting close beside her and she leans back, her head against his chest.—Madeleine Thien, Certainty
Tonight, more Yume Nikki! And then... more reading! A peaceful Sunday with no mishaps (none, no mishaps whatsoever (except my computer crashing and needing a format! (But everything is up and running again! The Asian Gorl threads are back in business!!))) I will dream of Asian Gorl using my super weak powers of E.S.P. and hope she spies me through the window in her mind. The gateway of the soul...
Your fortune: Average Luck
>The woman didn’t stir, just stared up at the ceiling. I felt hurt. I thought maybe Valerie or somebody had told her when she first came in how stupid I was.—Sylvia Plath, The Bell jar
Asian Gorl, in an attempt to meet the perfect date has come up with nothing. A whole bunch of nothing! Wandering around her apartment, she thinks to herself, "isn't there anyone suitable enough to date in this city!?" Her words echo without reason...
Standing idly is Asian Gorl's most intimate and dearest friend (I mentioned this person, right?) Asian Lady! Asian Lady and Asian Gorl meet eyes, and first the mood is confusing! Though, after careful consideration, and diligent deliberation, they finally conclude on an idea: we should date each other! Girl's night out!
Asian Gorl always comes up with the worst ideas! How is seuss supposed to get with Asian Gorl when she's turned into a yuricon?
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
does asian gorl play super mario galaxy?
the 2 player leaves much to be desired
player two just collects the starbits with the wiimote
Asian Gorl prefers playing Super Mario World and Super Mario 3D Land!
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
>A family on Russian Hill engaged me as a mother’s helper, but the children didn’t particularly ken to me, and I sure as hell didn’t care for them. –Lisa See, China Dolls
Asian Gorl probably needs a better date than some dinky old Asian Lady... Asian Lady is no good; not good at all for Asian Gorl! She is way too good for Asian Lady! With heirs and honors, Asian Gorl soars above the competition (because winning is most important!) grasping at new heights until she finally reaches her objective. Asian Lady is pretty much defeated in that department, as an underachiever. Who wants to date an underachiever anyway?!
Your fortune: Average Luck
>"Well, in that case what would it be? God? That would suit you—there's something about you that smells a little of a Christian priest. I find it offensive." –Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human
seuss and Asian Gorl share relationship ideas. Ideas of love, lust and life! Religion is no stranger either. As they bear their talismans and rosaries, they pick from each other the most nuanced and estranged sects of religious ideology! Scored in debate, embroiled in disagreement, they flare with religious fervor!
Your fortune: Very Bad Luck
seuss had a bad dream! A bad dream... a particularly bad dream where things were bad. Did you know, the dream was haunting. After receiving news of Asian Gorl's death, seuss was shocked (shocked...)! He laughed so hard, very terribly hard. But these were not giggles of joy, not giggles of happiness! A great whale had come up from his belly (a huge fish)! In his most nautical, and harrowed depths, a sea of tears uproared from him gut!
"Haha... hahahaha! HAHAHAHA... hehehehehAAAA noooOOOGUH!" seuss wails to the cruel god. "No! No! NO! HAHA NOOOO!" his laughter chills the room...
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
False alarm! Asian Gorl is not dead... not dead! Someone was just pulling a prank on seuss I think... A prank in the incorporeal realm! A dream-prank. I don't like dreams like that! They terrify me... emotions like that shouldn't be felt often! I was almost going to cry my eyeballs out... I felt my body sinking... the way it does when you finally let all your sadness out! In the dream! Don't prank me this way; I don't like it.
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
>One of the EMTs was telling her that she should be treated as well; her lacerated hands and wrists should be examined. But the woman refused to listen. She flushed with indignation when the woman behind the counter asked how she was related to the injured man. Sharply she said, “I am his fiancée.” –Joyce Carol Oates, Mastiff
Asian Gorl shows jealousy! Jealousy! When seuss is beguiled by those graces of gracious and gratuitous gentlewomen, he is given to galvanization! Asian Gorl, coarse, feeling angry! Totally ticked off that someone would try and steal her man! "Thass' my man!" she thinks, although she is not an urbanite, or very black! seuss sure is loved... by at least one very special individual!
Your fortune: Godly Luck
>Even through my shock, I perceived the energy coming off Joe. I saw the way he stared at Ruby. At first I thought he was embarrassed, but then I realized he couldn’t take his eyes off her. His desire jarred open something startling in me. My yearning for him was so deep I could barely breathe. Not once had I felt that way with Monroe. I didn’t want to be Ruby, but I wanted Joe to want me like that. —Lisa See, China Dolls
Filled with jealous rage, Asian Gorl adores seuss from a secluded perch. Casually twisting his photograph between her fingers, slowly caressing every inch of the limpid paper... Her sensual stroking of the photograph is almost masturbatory, Asian Gorl has found a new prey! Someone to spy on, and giggle over in the hushed shadows of the internet. Prodigal and tumultuous, her tempest rages within, as the surface belies a graceful, sophisticated woman...
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
>I could not remain forever immersed in my grief. There is something for which I absolutely have to fight. A new ethics. No, even to use the word is hypocrisy. Love. That and nothing else. Just as Rosa Luxemburg had to depend on her new economics for her survival, I cannot go on living unless now I cling with all my force to love. –Osamu Dazai, The Setting Sun
seuss is sad... forced to cling onto life's only natural resource: love. He misses Asian Gorl, feels lost without her, as he drifts across the cosmos of loneliness, feeling faint and bereaved. His tears form a silent ocean, the stars glitter like sea shells along his pained existence. Love is the only thing to hope for, to cherish in this beautiful existence. This beautiful existence of ardor...
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Page ten Asian Gorl threado...
Your fortune: Outlook good
Please mind this shill
The Asian Gorl thread... mmm nonmonmonm
Dubs and reaction images are needed! seuss will work away at his computer to make them!
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
>Newly unemployed, I found this kind of life refreshing. No more commuting to work on jam-packed subways, no more meetings with people I didn’t want to meet. And best of all, I could read any book I wanted, anytime I wanted. I had no idea how long this relaxed lifestyle would continue, but at that point, at least, after a week, I was enjoying it, and I tried hard not to think about the future. This was my one great vacation in life. It would have to end sometime, but until it did I was determined to enjoy it. –Haruki Murakami, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
With very little time left, seuss has to pile up his resources and manage the best he can for the future with Asian Gorl! Without his trusted sense of E.S.P., and the kairoi liberties once afforded to him, he might be in trouble. Trouble with no solution in sight. Asian Gorl would be able to see right through this drama, to help seuss and find him a place of tranquility among all this chaos. Though now, even in his darkest hour–seuss still longs for his beloved! Who could save seuss from the enduring sadness, the longest agony known to man!? Only Asian Gorl, and she has forsaken him for Asian Lady...
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
This thread... it's still here!
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger