
tell me about your dreams

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Disturbing abstractions, wonderful visions, hypersexualized themes, beautiful and terrifying.

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name a more iconic duo

i love heekkie!!!!!! she is my bias!!!!

im not even Asian, but all the people in my dreams male n female are all tan-like Asians with really narrow eyes. I only have Asian ppl in my dreams. don't know why.

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This thread was actually really good. This is exactly the kind of content I like to see on the board.


i wake up in different body pic related

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and it wasn't a dream pwease hwelp me

So great when this happens then you have hot sxe with other cute anines!
Greatness. You're living the dream fren.

i i its nyot that simpel mistew

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Aww, pooor anine : )
You'll be fiiine!


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That's cude tho.
What's the issue???
Roll with it, have fun, fugging smile!
Good anine fren. It will be okay... you'll wake up into another life... trust me. happens every time.

Im gonnya wake up in anyothew leif YAY
scew my kids they awe so ebil

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treat everything as though it is real, even if you are convinced it's not.
you could get hurt or hurt others if you let go of caring. ) :

i donot undewstand mistew my bwain is getting foggy im always bween like this

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Ids okie fren
*pats the anine head*
ilu, you'll be alright...
sleep, let go of the worries

good night mistew

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Goodnight then cude fren.

I dreamt about getting doused in gasoline for some reason. Kinda baniced and woke up after that happened so idk what happened next.

Getting my skull crushed on either side by a pair of cute Japanese schoolgirls feet

I do not know the name of the item but I provided pic related for you to use as a reference, basically I would want my head to be put in between the two girls feet similar to how you would attach for example a piece of wood that you want to saw off a piece of, but instead of their cute feet holding my head in place they would instead crush from both sides until my cranium explodes from the pressure of their cute feet whereas my blood, brains and cranial fluid would shoot out like a smashed tomato mixing with their food sweat they would then go back to school and go in with their day with the remains of my head sloshing around in their cute shoes until their foot sweat have completely disolved what is rest of my brain

Pic related,one of them things i am talking about by lookingat it you should be able to understand what I mean

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Kinda like a cranial clamp used in neurosurgery.
Interesting dream.

No I think that is wrong sorry...

Its like when you clamp togher a piece of wood you want to saw, you knwo to keep it in place so it does not wobble around.

If you clamp the wood too hard it breaks.... I want my skull to break like that...

I used to be a sawyer, well that and many other things involving woodwork, but never used anything like in your picture.
That looks like a medical device, but either way the idea is the same.
Cool fetish, really interesting.