Do you love god?

do you love god?

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I do

Say hello to Mr GOd!!!
CIA nigger fuck you
me an My friend mr GOD are gonna sMITe you niggers.
God is good company, you just have to hold up your end of the conversation and try not to be annoying

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this pleases god

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God's been good to me so far.

God? Never heard of him.

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I love god but he has been killed by a society.

We killed God's image. We killed ourselves....

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no, he made niggers

Yes he gives me dubs sometimes

Where is your S in gods?


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i see nature as a god, so yeah i love it

That's cool I didn't know you could just make things up and it immediately becomes true

you can, at least my god isnt some kinda old degenerate or for fuck sake muslim

what if we worshipped you

This thread was actually really good. This is exactly the kind of content I like to see on the board.

with all my

What if bananas grew on my big toe

You couldn't worship me. Your soul can't offer me anything. You couldn't even offer me wisdom. Youre just a knave. Sry kthx bye

Try worshipping someone who can actually see your worth

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I feel like this picture is an accurate representation of you as a person.

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Japanese slave girl

fuck no dumbass, if you do it's nothing more then believing in all the other fairy tails

Have you heard the legend of the man who named all his house centipedes

Muhhave you muhh heard muhbout muh centipmuhedes

I call them brahmin

well i'm god so i love myself, unlike you

we are all god here user if not then we won't have any self love

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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he got abused by hungry and empty people