What to do when paranoia is spiking and the world feels like it's going to collapse on me

What to do when paranoia is spiking and the world feels like it's going to collapse on me.

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

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how do ppl hear my thoughts
Asking for a friend

I'm not around anyone so I don't have that feeling, it's just really hard to sit still right now without panicking, though talking here seems to help with it.

shove the nearest object up your ass

That would be my chair so I can't fit it

Try and seek help from trusted friends. That's what I would do. I am always scrutinizing everyone and everything, but never feel paranoid in the textbook sense of the word, so I am really unsure.
Try to shift focus by doing something to take your mind off of the situation.

It's not something I can shift focus off of, it's a general sense of uneasiness and fear something is going to happen no matter what I do. Talking helps it go away for a bit but then it comes back, last time this happened it went away after an hour so I think I just have to wait it out

Sounds like an anxiety disorder developed from all the stress you've been under.
You could seek medical help, like go on a medication regiment....
That would be something that *might help.
Other than that your only other option is to change your lifestyle which You already said couldn't be done right now.


three of same number

Just breathe fren

I don't feel stressed, it feels like I'm in danger when I can rationalize that I'm not. Like a power saw blade from my neighbor wood working will fly through my window and kill me even though I know that won't happen, and then my mind proceeding to go through how it could happen

That is classic anxiety. My sister suffered from it. It makes no rational sense but can be caused by excessive stress.

Symptoms of an anxiety attack can include:

A feeling of overwhelming fear.
Feeling of going crazy or losing control.
Feeling you are in grave danger.
Feeling you might pass out.
A surge of doom and gloom.
An urgency to escape.

Well those hit close to home, by myself it doesn't happen too often or too badly. It's mostly out in public it gets way worse. I hope your sister is fine

She is. That was awhile ago.

So maybe social anxiety disorder? That is common here on Yea Forums. I remember surfing Yea Forums a lot before I came here and that would pop up daily pretty much.

I guess it could have formed when I was younger. Socially isolated as I was very shy and I saw most people around me as thieves and druggies as that's all they did

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Trust is difficult to form after it's broken so many times, yeah sure...

You should seek help or try and carry on. Nothing else can be done I know of, unfortunately.

I'm trying to get help, but I can't afford a professional to help me. Guess I should just tough it out

I could look for natural anxiety relief methods for you. You could get a prescription for meds too.

You've already looked up ways to help with my leg pains, isn't it tedious to search up more ways to help me? I don't want to be a burden to you

No problem. I like searching medical information anyhow, I like helping.
I will sometime soon, just woke up a couple hours ago, so tonight sometime for sure.

I'm probably going to be sleeping in a couple hours, you don't have to if it gets in the way of other things you want to do

I will. I will put it in my notes and paste next time I see you.

You're sweat Delta

wahftda FUGQQ???1?11?1??1 WHY HAVENT U BEEN SPEAKING TO ME TOBLEBF!!!!!!!!!! ur rude

Your fortune:

I may be helping myself as well even though I am not anxious I am stressed from feeling romantic longing and desire unfulfilled.
Life is lonely and brutal at times, still have to try and make it better.

I haven't been seeing your posts jevin, otherwise I would love to be talking to you!
I know the feel of failed romantics, so far I've been forever alone

Not failed because they have not said no but it is kinda complicated, so nvm
I hope you find someone. You deserve to have that.

So it's a weird grey area where they haven't specifically said yes or no? Or is it they said yes but are unreliable when it comes to trying to do stuff with them?