How excited are you for summer?

How excited are you for summer?

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akkadia ftw

Summer can suk my ass

love the fucking fuck outta it cant come soon enough 85 & sunny & humid as fuck all year i wouldnt give a second shit i can sweat it out all damn day long & sweat it out s'more at night. god bless summer ultimate inspiration ultimate realization of corporeal pleasure favorite fuckin thing on the planet summer for life

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breddy excided :DDDDDDDD

69 days
5,961,600 seconds
99,360 minutes
1656 hours
69 days
9 weeks and 6 days
18.90% of 2019
until summer

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my room's already starting to get hot and i hate it

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im gonna buy this and go boating in the river on my land :-)

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Try using aluminum foil to cover any cracks or openings that might let the cold air outside

You need to try to make sure that your room is completely sealed from any wind channels,
especially a crack, like at the top of the window

Because what will happen is that cold air from the air conditioner will go outside at night while during the day hot wind from outside will blow into your room

And the end result is that every object in your room cools to a different static temperature so that you cant find equilibrium in the pressure building in the room, which usually results in the body releasing more heat


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There are honestly entire schools devoted to repairing air conditioners

It's considered a more robust practice than other types of handymen because air conditioners can keep functioning forever they just become less effective so the purpose of the school is always to invent a better air conditioner rather than to repair damage per se

why would you be excited for summer? you can't do shit in summer. Maybe you can mountain bike? but you can do that in spring,fall,winter too. summer is good for nothing unless you are a juvenile piece of shit that's still in high school and knows nothing about the world.

Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

They recently paved all the roads in Mill Creek Park which makes it extremely fast to ride your bike and trust me you don't want to ride down through those canyons when there are dried leaves on the ground or a fine Mist in the air

When people die in this city they are forgotten

I'm freezing my fucking ass here user, summer finished couple of years ago and my ass swap became a stalactite cave in a day.

More importantly there are kids in the park in the summer which means that it's a lot safer

You sound like the one still in high school

Really helps to have a community nearby so that you don't have to wait for 911 to decide whether or not they think the car that's been following you is worth investigating

Well there is a State University here so....

have you ever seen that movie called "Kids" about a bunch of degenerate skinny boys that commit crimes and contract and disperse aids. Pretty funny movie, but probably also sadly accurate. dumbs will dumb.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Yesterday Cleverbot called it Teen City and I just thought that was a really f*****-up thing to say

I call it kike Town

Are you retarded?

You mean Gummo?

No, that sounds like a silly thing to asks though. no respect.

Your fortune: Bad Luck

The way you're acting makes you seem retarded, that's why i ask

no it's called 'Kids' maybe there is another version titled 'Gummo'

Your fortune: Average Luck

I disagree, whatever

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

Well you're retarded so how would you know

aint nothin new

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not letting the thread die with unchecked doubles :)

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Hnnnnggg... not really at all. just living in the moment, don't care much tbh, hope it's fun