Am i missing something, is this some inside joke of the NJPW booking team to use this spot
Am i missing something, is this some inside joke of the NJPW booking team to use this spot
It's suppossed to be part of okada's whole wrestling prodigy stich
>maintains wrist control
Okada instakills you in kayfabe if he has you by the wrist and you can't break the hold, it's that simple
Break his hand
That's really really fucking dumb
While you struggle to break his hand okada gives you three rainmakers in a row, pins you, and retained his belt
Do you have any idea how easy it is to shoot snap someones wrist?
not from a guy with a flabby doughy body and looks like he never works out a day in his life LMAO
At WK Okada let go of Tanahashi's wrist, lost control of the match, and ended up losing. Okada cried walking to the back as he was so heartbroken over losing. The next year at WK, same scenario, but Okada keeps wrist control and finally beats Tanahashi at WK. Now Okada knows that he must keep control and fight through the exhaustion/pain to show that he's on another level from everyone else.
It's easy as fuck to break a finger. Let alone a trained proffesional.
It is not just okada holding onto your wrist but okada holding onto his dreams and everything he has ever worked for.
That first time he did it at WK10 was the most kino thing to ever happen in human existence and I cried like a bitch.
if you intentionally snap your opponent's wrist during a match you'll be disqualified
Multi-year storytelling on a level that e-drones will never understand
KINO spot
Cringe as fuck thread
Okada- lame workrate shitter who never drew a dime- the seth rollins of NJPW
Naito- absolute fucking DIMEPIECE and the stone cold/the rock fused together of NJPW
Naito got out drawn by taichi
based as fuck brother
Okada with the purest wrist control around.
it's gay anime shit
Based and LOSpilled
No you won’t, what the fuck you mean?
basado y rojopilled