Just a friendly reminder

Just a friendly reminder.

Attached: C85A7BF0-1EFA-49A0-880D-AA9046F3A857.jpg (1242x979, 450K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is the age caped at 23

Why do retards turn this into a race thing when it’s clearly a social economic thing? Too many people get caught up in the whole racism/sexism debate and are clearly ignoring the thing everyone just be worried about which is classism.

ah, the bigotry of low expectations


Attached: 1546095837350.gif (368x349, 2.53M)

The first one was ok but those other statistics arent good in any way brother

Attached: 1566352825082.png (500x472, 121K)

off-topic garbage

Attached: back to pol.jpg (546x700, 136K)

is it supposed to be ironic?

Second post best post

This is a good Christian board about the art of wrestling and we don't need your kind here stinking up the joint. Kindly leave until you're able to be an adult.

because controlling for socioeconomic status still shows that blacks commit crimes at a significantly higher rate than other races

fuck of back to pol racist incel!
based progressive chads
y'all should adopt a name
and we can become a stable
to btfo the racist right wing incels
what do you say?

Back to your containment board, please don't ever leave again

based triggered trannies


Attached: black crime rate not poverty.png (536x392, 26K)

Fuck off commie

I thought OP was anti-racist.

fuck off!
back to pol!
you racist!
right wing!

More like
>67% black men HAVE been convicted of a felony

Why are Asians so comparatively well behaved?

Overall yes, but when talking about crime (violent crime at least)...

Attached: gunstats.png (1754x1563, 451K)

So 49% of black men aged 23 HAVE been arrested? That seems ridiculously high. I’m not even racist but this is a stupid way to present statistics.

100% of white people didn't rape a guy during the early 90's and hinder his career by leaving him with a broken quads

Because Asians aren't Niggers.

violence is relative to dick size