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Nya~ UwU

cute pic friend

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Not as cute as you sweetheart :)


that was very endearing user

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Everyone cute

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these digits need to be checked

Thank you 12damdo.
I am going to bed now. Goodnight all.

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Ban all anime

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dubs again

this but unironically
i am checking these

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dubs jinks LOLE!

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for once, i wasn't being ironic OwO

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it is settled then...

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Dumb anime poster

*fun animahay poster
also dubs

I watched the fox wife anime and now I really want to be someone's wife . . . . .

very cute desu ne

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hope you die in your sleep

thise, but i also want to be a kitsune girl

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the bit at the end weirded me out though like how am I supposed to self-insert as her when she's talking to me I'm gonna skip that bit

thanks I am glad you like my board

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hi nani