AEW PPV names are a joke kek

>Double Or Nothing
>All In
>All Out
>Fyter Fest
>Fight For The Fallen
>Full Gear
Lads, why aren't they even trying?

Attached: fullgear.jpg (696x392, 27K)

first day here pal?

Fyter Fest and Fight for the Fallen weren't PPVs, they are the equivalent of WWE's Roadblock or something
All In was not an AEW event you retard
Ya seethe and ya don't even have the knowledge of why ya seethe. Learn the business ya freakin' mark.

Attached: IMG_6716.jpg (236x303, 11K)

they should call the next ppv Dr Omega's Mean Bean Machine

Not every show can get such great names as Great Balls of Fire.

>Balls of Fire
>Capitol Punishment
>Bragging Rights
>The Bash
Lol, AEW sucks man

e-drone destroyed, battered and deep fried lmao

>events that Vince really thought were going to be an annual fixture in the PPV lineup for years to come

Attached: IMG_6866.jpg (258x387, 22K)

Better than WWE

It's not like a high bar has been set with shit like "stomping grounds"

>Double Or Nothing
>All In
>All Out
Much better than E, with the exception of Wrestlemania. The rest were just one time house shows.

>decades-old top company has one or two more flubs than a company that is, how should I put this... DEAD ON ARRIVAL?
Dream Over AEWtomatons

Attached: billybatts.png (1280x720, 1.27M)

>one or two
The in your house series alone has like 20 embarrassing names like BEWARE OF DOG

Don't be a faithless fool. That was a premonition.

Attached: ASPisBIGDOGSYARD.png (733x669, 335K)

So what're saying is
If WWE does it
>10/10 Best name EVARRR!!!!
If AEW does it
Nice, nice

No, Pajeet. AEW can't come up with a single memorable or actually cool name to save their DOA company or their precious hotdogs. Enjoy your literal tranny faggot wrestling company.


Full Gear is a corny name, but it makes sense. They're saying that by time that PPV rolls round, the roster/story-lines and company as a whole will be in full gear going foward

Corny name, but its not random.

>No mention of Stomping grounds
Bragging Rights and The Bash are the only ones that stand out as horrible from that list.

Taboo Tuesday was worse, coupled with the fact that it was a ppv on a fucking weekday

sorry i forgot to mention i love dicks
everything about them
the range of shapes, sizes and colors
the musky scents and fleshy, cheesy taste of the balls
the fact that they produce delicious sperm
if i dont mention these absolute facts once per thread i have to restart my dilation

It's also a reference to hangman probably

balls of fire got attention for being controversial on purpose
Full gear sounds like a shit tv show


>balls of fire is a commonly used phrase in entertainment
AEWtists really reaching LMAO


What the fuck does “FULL GEAR” even mean? Gear as in clothing? Gear as in ‘fifth gear’ like in a car??

certainly has nothing to do with steroids

Next one should be called

and then maybe they could do an IMAGINE pay per view

Next one is Full Queer

still keking to this day, how can they be this dumb

for some reason this image has me thinking of Battlebots/Robot Wars

AEW is trying to steal their dimes

idiot response

>The Bash

Attached: 1538768875372.gif (400x204, 44K)

Stomping Grounds bro, ya forgot Stomping Grounds.

I know, pretty much all of what WWE is worth forgetting.

>Full Gear ..

Full Gear sounds like a power up form in One Piece

Attached: one piece luffy snake man gear 4.png (1768x1300, 956K)

>thinking Page is geared
Holy fucking shit, have you ever SMELLED iron before? read the sticky, and don't come back until you have at least one (1) clue.

Based that was the digit post.

Don't forget WWE: STOMPIN' BOOTZ