claimed for /yakult/
Claimed for /yakult/
nice dubs
A set of single-digit natural numbers, in which the difference between the number of elements and the value of any one element is equal to the difference between any two elements, and in which the product of all the elements is equal to the number of elements raised to its own power, and the value of this exponent is between the values of the 65685th and 65686th primes.
Ah, what's this?
-__- rly dude
mediocre get
better than letting any of the schizofucks get it to be honest
seven same numbers in the form of seven
impressive get
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
yep 'tsum stupid animy shite
poasting in the septuple x D
swaglord, you know the rules! sticky this le thread
Don't mess with sparkles or he'll write you a nice impotent bashing
should have been [s4s] related,
sparkles rides again
better luck next time
mods don't use this board dude
Nice Dubs Kaonashi. Great Response as well : )
praise kenk
what the h*ck?
we are disappointed
this board sucks and ur all autistic as shit, have sex
Dubs... I know.
just roll with it, it is as it is.
ebin get tbh btw
Your fortune: Outlook good
when's chaika?
dubs! wooh!
mfw when
Wow quite the get, user
Here. Hope you didn't use script, that would be dirty AF.
Congratulations! You deserve this Highest of High.
This deserves a sticky imho. Not [s4s] but still worthy.
Great Aim.
Shitty anime get wooh
cry more 3d cuck ;)
Welp, I only woke up an hour late!
See you all in another 18 months for
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
Whew! See you!
Delta is best namefig
Your fortune: Average Luck
dubs, and thank you, that's sweet
she kawaii
i'm glad some loser didn't get these numbers but my friend did instead that's awesome
How can I get a girlfriend like this??
step 1
It won't be the same.
You'll have to look out for
octs confirm
you succ everything
how've you been
succ (high rez)
Hey birdfren! Good, and bad too.
Life is silly and painful sometimes so lonely,, LoLe
How have you been? I missed you.
posting in the thread
I'm doing better on average recently, sometimes more social interaction can make you feel even lonelier, I hope you feel better friend. I've been around just posting less and not with tutu pics as much
based and redpilled
yeah yeah, social interaction is nice but when you see people that have what you desire most it hurts. I am happy for others that are happy just sad for my fuggin self
wish I could find someone I could love that feels the same about me, someone I have a lot in common with. it's rare I encounter anyone I end up having romantic feelings for.
glad you're doing good tut birdfren, thought i saw you post the other day
this thread was interesting...
Glad I could see it.
Yeah it's gonna take a while to find a girl that wouldn't mark me as a psycho or loser when my real personality was revealed but I have lots of cute cartoon girls to fantasize about. It's nice talking to you friend.
same, and good luck for real Tutu poster.
this is doll board now
Wait, are you called "tutu poster"?
Are you the same guy who never gets bored of looking at pictures of cute anime girls and doesn't brush his teeth?
Are you the guy who keeps posting pics of this character?
tutufreni watch'd episoed seben
imma watch episoed 8!
>2kb image
cringe and scriptpilled
Ever heard the expression "small is beautiful"?
what is this expression meant to convey?
No, it's so when his script posts his post at 7777777, the upload time doesn't make him 1-3 posts off due to everyone else trying for the get as well. Ever wonder why KoG's images were always
predatory malice and egomaniacal self-assurance
Good point.
No script was used. i had a conversation with the guy in another thread. He explained he posted multiple times a once to get this.
He is very chill, been here since 2007.
It's still a good point that using a smaller-sized image allows you to be more precise with your posting time, even if it's done manually.
Yes. And no image minimal text is best. The difference between 2.0mb and 2.0kb is so wide.
That is a good point haha yes, YES
Love your name dude.
Nice triple.
Thanks; I guess it figures that a name I came up with in a fit of manic over-excitement and sleepy exhaustion at 4am would be a good esfores name.
How did you come up with your name?
Yeah, I don't sleep either.
I created myne over a long period of tyme before I ever came to [s4s]. It represents many universal constants, mathematical concepts, esoteric philosophies and Duality/Trinity/God.
It is also unsearchable in the archive.
I wanted to create a symbol which connected the overlaps of what I had been studying. Silly, but I like doing "silly" things like that.
I've actually experimented with something like that as well: creating shorthand, laconic and elegant symbols for groups of concepts I've been studying.
I remember when I first got into Hermeticism I experimented with graphically representing the 7 principles and combining them into a symbolic diagram.
Same for representing a system of guiding principles for mindful and efficient navigation through life.
Then there are attempts to isolate and identify higher-order interdisciplinary concepts and patterns that I come across when researching topics that catch my interest, and group those together in a list so that I might keep them in mind and apply them as an approach for framing and understanding other topics.
I used to think that one day I might take a look through all of those and come up with a finalised group of the most general principles that underlie everything, but I've started to realise how arbitrary and subjective that would be.
shut up you goofy fags
desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu
And if possible I would be interested in getting familiar with your symbolic/diagrammatic system.
7 principles dubs
It would be subjective if you framed it as such, but using what is already existent and arranging it into something new would create an objective truth if ordered right, like words can be figurative or literal depending on context and definition, so to would your representation.
I think it would be interesting. May as well try if you're feeling it: )
Have fun right?
Oh. umm that is complicated. read esoteric teachings on religion, alchemy, occult, science and philosophy. combine the knowledge and abstract the truth from it. Pray and meditate on self nature and God. You will likely come to the same conclusions.
Yeah, I've been having trouble with the "fun' thing lately.
I wouldn't say I struggle with apathy or depression or anything (I think I've overcome those through attempts to accept the Self and accept my conscious role in shaping it, which has lifted a huge weight tbh), but I still find it difficult to just decide and enjoy something without something within me pulling me back and trying to delay it, or stop me from "going to deep" into it so that I don't lose control of myself and then have to claw my way back into focus and discipline.
So I feel content now and it's not like I feel I'm "lacking" anything, but I feel like there could be something more, but I'm just not ready or disciplined enough to allow myself to jump too deep into it yet. I guess it'll work itself out eventually if I continue improving and getting more confidence.
Those topics are pretty much what I was referring to when I mentioned "researching topics".
what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else
what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else what if we took r9k and pushed it somewhere else
haha classic tringls turning a cool get thread into a lame text heavy pile of sh*t
holy fucking shit how does someone get this pretentious
reading books from 100 years past does that to you
Le T7mblr
That is fate pulling you back, changing course takes a tremendous amount of willpower and the choices you make may turn out in your favor, or the opposite can be true...
It is best to leave things be sometimes, but if you have a clear goal then act on it, try to reach it. Even if you fail you can try again, so no worry unless you are risking life or consumable resource.
So basically I am combining universal constants found in geometry and mathematics and applying them to everyday life to gain a desired outcome. Phi and diversionary or multiplicative retroductions along with rhythmic pacing lead my life if that is what you were asking.
I would need you to ask more specific questions to give you better answers.
Le dubs
integers heh
akari's 4chn pass ran out ;_;
do you?
big dubs..???
op like gusic????
Sounds like some variation of Numerology. Do you use Pythagorean methods, or maybe you have an original system?
I'm having trouble visualising what kind of sequence of actions you perform in order to make a particular decision using sacred geometric/numerological techniques.
As for fate, I think it's best to stick with clear, proximate priorities in line with my intuitions rather than trying to change the whole system on a whim. Also sometimes I'm unsure whether an effort of mine was fated or was directed at changing fate. I'm starting to think there isn't really a difference, or if there is, it shouldn't concern me as long as I listen closely to my Self and don't compromise on my peace of mind.
ripa posted in this thread and i want you all to know
superb post(er)
philistine and proud
if loving rei is wrong i don't want 2 b right
So I judge pace, distance and scale combining the three like you would in trigonometric functions, I then take that perceived information and filter it by searching for related patterns and obstacles which I abstract into many probable outcomes. I choose the best course of action and continue this process every step of the way. I sometimes shut down and just let instinct pull me. If I am trying to create something, a concept for example the process is different. I use many different methods for every scenario and play it all like a game.
That is a very simplistic explanation, but that is it more or less.
It is fun living like that, but shutting down and not thinking feels right too.
lel I don't even kno wh that is i watch originol serzi + EoE not the ""(not)"" rmake 1.5 2.5 5.5 800000000.5 etc.etc OVAs
who even is this? some eva pilot cosplayer or something? disgusting
delet now!
???weird hepts in my imo
u wot
get a life
A game to better play life to my advantage. nvm..
t. things that sound insane so I don't discuss usually because who le fugg gets it?
delet this
its just dumb
they never tell what it's for
there is a lot of irony in this post. do you see it?
thankes for making me smile in real real irl
you don't understand. that's fine "somewhere deep involved in causing drama the fugging third".
Move on.
yeah ok dude whatever helps you sleep at night
ur a muppet lol
Digestive health and immune system support.
It improves and normalises digestion.
henson would've threw this nigga in the trash
boring and predictable. next.
it makes you poop better
It helps people with problems absorbing nutrients absorb more too.
uh #rude
it's boring and predictable because it's an easy observation to make
get your head checked at the nearest hospital retard
chedkcing these sweet digits
For being able to think and see the world in pure math?
t. sub nominal cognitive function user
You're cool.
the angles in my doritos add up to 180 degrees the inside of my mind is just EQUATIONS and NUMBERS WIZZ WOOSHIN' it zZZAP zz brain power
congratulations you have schizophrenia
May I point out the beauteousness of this thread?
ask me how i got my namefig
hint: it's complicated
you eat that trash? ew.
Cite precedent.
>Social withdrawal, isolation, and suspiciousness of others
>Sudden shift in basic personality
>Deterioration of social relationships
>Inability to concentrate or cope with minor problems
>Dropping out of activities (and life in general)
>Unexpected hostility
>Excessive writing (or childlike printing) without apparent meaning
>Irrational statements
>Peculiar use of words or language structure
>Change of behavior: dramatic or insidious.
i see so much pure math i see hit markers and damage counters its like a videoog ame just numbers wizzin around
don't talk to me or my son ever again
hey i thought you got executed
you think you're better than 3d Doritos?
Wrong, I socialize as I see fit. i used to go out with friends daily and love to chat with random people everytime I have a chance.
I express myself based on the situation at hand. If I am chatting nicely and someone comes up and starts trouble it would be silly for me to remain happy. Dynamic personality. your list is weak.
This is flat out untrue. I maintain relationships which are beneficial to me. I cut ties with those who hurt me. simple and logical.
I stay focused and get things done just fine. I cope with loss fairly well and express my emotions perfectly. I am in control,
I do as I please. This is fun, it is my source of entertainment. I worked hard yo get here.
If you act hostile and do not expect a hostile rebuttal you are dumb.
I write and type what I need to express myself. It is fun dude.
Point to something irrational I said that wasn't a meme/joke.
We all have our own style. I type in a way that I find amusing and love to change it because it's fun for me.
If I change my behavior there is a reason. You cannot see it perhaps because you lack the ability to differentiate between emotions.
You have nothing and your memes are weak.
you're such a faggot lol
Why do you bully nice people
bit of a bomboclaat moment
I said things they couldn't relate to
they like causing others to be upset
stop i cant
you have talent, but it's clear all you have left now is misery.
this isn't really a contradiction tbh, in the first post you're quoting he's describing how he thinks you are now, and in the second one he's describing how he thinks you were once. pretty obvious to anyone with eyes
quiet a chunky change in 2 hours
they just want an excuse, of they are autistic and legitimately cannot discern the difference...
>they are autistic and legitimately cannot discern the difference.
wow thats how I feel about you lol
You really think it's that simple?
You're talking about a guy whose parents hated him and regularly abused him.
No one goes through that and winds up being edgy just because it's trendy. If anything, the fact that he's nice and reasonable most of the time is impressive given his background.
fine. doesn't make it true
see it as you like
It's not a change at all though. That's my point. Or can't you read?
if i had said this he would've called me a bully
I hate you
obviously abused him not enough
I really am starting to hate You in particular
fuck off "t"
He'd probably call me a bully for saying it too. I've decided it's okay with me if that's how he sees it. I'm entitled to call him like I see him. And what I see is a good and kind person with some apparent flaws that are understandable given his circumstances. You people, on the other hand, seem to only care to see the flaws, have no interest in trying understand them, and have no interest in the good person beside them. To me, that's repulsive. I won't say it's wrong, because I'm not yet sure if it can be called right or wrong, but I know it definitely disgusts me.
That's the most sickening thing I've read today.
Imagine having the luxury of being so naive you actually think that's how it works.
Name one redeeming quality about triangles aside his fake niceness
His real niceness.
What do you mean
the problem is if we were to try to genuinely help him he would retreat back into his safe space where everything is nice and good and we're just evil faster than a turtle getting poked with a stick
what can you do other than laugh at him then? everything he says sounds like it came out of an edgy 14 year olds mouth
he doesn't have a job, he doesn't contribute anything positive to this place, he doesn't contribute positively to ANYTHING in his life
remember everyone be nice
Why do you want to help him? Did he ask for your help?
He contributes genuine niceness to this place and to his relationships. I know this from experience?
he has interest in philosophy and is physically healthy
he really doesn't. he's here because he's lonely and desperate just like all the other losers that came here in 2017. there's never an OUNCE of creativity or originality in anything he posts. leaving him be would be the same as leaving a pile of shit on your doorstep.
I don't think any of the things you just said are true. But even if they were, I'd still see him as genuinely nice. It baffles me that you can't see that about him.
i don't give a shit, personally
About what?
About the whole issue? Then act like it and leave him alone.
About niceness in particular? Then act like it and go back to . This is nice board.
if he was genuine nice then how do you explain this? why this instead of abandoning thread?
In my humble opinion...
he just needs to lurk moar and stop namefigging. Honestly he would be fine if he just took a break for a few months and never posted under that name again seriously why does no one lurk anymore...
Your fortune: Good Luck
You can be nice and still say what needs to be said. You seem to think niceness is just a mask people wear. An image that must be upheld at all expenses or else it disintegrates in an instant, as if it's no longer "real" the instant it no longer shows through. This way of thinking is like a child who can't comprehend object permanence. The niceness of an actually nice person runs deeper than that. It's more nuanced than just cranked up to 11 constantly. You'd know that if you'd ever had a positive relationship in your life and/or had the mental capacity to judge faceless internet strangers by the same metric you use for people you know and care about.
how 2 become "actually" nice then?
That's not a question anyone else can answer for you. I'm not qualified to advise you on that, nor is anyone else, but if you want my unqualified advice, I'd suggest looking back on the most genuine and wholesome human relationship you've had in your life, and resolving to treat everyone around you as if they were that person. That doesn't mean sucking up to them constantly, because I'm sure if that person you have in mind were to hurt you, you'd get mad at them, and that's okay.
>You seem to think niceness is just a mask people wear. An image that must be upheld at all expenses or else it disintegrates in an instant, as if it's no longer "real" the instant it no longer shows through.
That's exactly what it is. You can determine someone's real self by the slip-ups they make in uncomfortable situations. I'm afraid your kind of thinking is the one of the child. You're mistaking someone's ability to uphold an image for real kindness.
when you are happy and stable you will radiate that happiness around yourself
is that fake? you've seen it before at least once we all have
>You're mistaking someone's ability to uphold an image for real kindness.
I've spent enough time getting to know him and having real and meaningful conversations with him to know that's not true. You're simply bitter and jaded.
then what should we think of you? you have acted worse than the guy you are pointing at by far so who the fuck are you to judge him?
(very nice dubs)
It's not fake, but it's also not kindness, it's just happiness. Kind people are kind to others by nature and don't have to force themselves to be something they aren't.
I'm some other user and I'm not bitter, I promise.
interesting, define kindness
that was me, not that user you're replying to
i'm bitter by the btw
When I say kind by nature I mean by the nature of the character (not that they're born kind). Acting without malice, empathising with others and acting accordingly, is kindness (at least for me).
>I'm some other user and I'm not bitter, I promise.
Other from what?
Do you mean you're not this person? If so, then why did you reply?
If not -- if you are that person, but not the person I was talking to before -- my point still stands. I was calling you bitter on the sole basis of what you said here:
>["A mask people wear / an image that must be upheld at all expenses ..."]'s exactly what [kindness] is. You can determine someone's real self by the slip-ups they make in uncomfortable situations.
I want to cum in this cum doll
good digits
>You seem to think niceness is just a mask people wear.
That's what people do. They fake niceness to create a positive image. Many people can fake this for a very long time. In fact it's easy to do when you're in normal situations. And what I meant is that you mistake this ability for real kindness.
Also if I may add: You're jumping to conclusions about someone's character very fast.
t. kindness doesn't exist and all emotions are acting
if you actually think this you need help.
not the user you responded to
you see, i wasn't bitter all my life.
here's how it happened:
it all began when i found Yea Forums, a long time ago....
>t. kindness doesn't exist and all emotions are acting
They are. "kindness" is just another way to manipulate people. You need to open your eyes and stop being blinded by the facade that you live inside of.
It does exist, but it's very rare and it can take a long time to determine if it's fake or not.
i agree
do you have friends? do you have anyone in your life? it is real.
>Also if I may add: You're jumping to conclusions about someone's character very fast.
Not so fast as you may think. Like I said, I've spent enough time getting to know him and having real and meaningful conversations with him. Though I do understand how you would assume otherwise given the venue.
You read two sentences and proclaimed I'm bitter.
Excellent dude
hey I'M bitter user ok?
that's you irl?
wow. you're living the dream, user
two kawaii anines and you look good too
lucky ; )
dubs confirm
Yay!!! Good job sept man!
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
you see, i wasn't bitter all my life...
I've had it all you know? Wife, Kids, House.. Buisness went well.
I funposted on [s4s], laughed at other peoplels memes and shared mine.
Life was happy and nice.
At that time, everybody talked about crypto. I invested too - more than i had in spare.
I took a huge loan, but hey, i've been lucky all my life, so i was certain it would work out well.
To cut it short: i lost it all in an instant. Everything went down within 3 month.
Before i knew it i found myself dumpster diving and sleeping in shelters for homeless dudes.
One day i remembered this place and the epic lulz we used to have, so i went to the library's public PC to browse [s4s] to get my mind off things for a while...
Then i come to this thread with these truly epic digits, just to see it turned into THIS ABOMINATION
idk, i just wanted to post a seal and say it's a walruse - is that too much to ask?
Oh ok. That's what you meant.
Yeah I agree that was hasty. But it was more a rhetorical device than a genuine judgement of character. I was really judging your words for the purpose of argument, not judging you yourself. When people are mean to my friends, I get upset, so I tend to mistakenly mix up the point I'm trying to make with my view of the person I'm talking to.
not him but thats awful.
still you could just as well not make it worse like you did
It comes as no shock to me to see that your piddling little "board" is doing worse than ever. [s4s]'s rapid decline into becoming Yea Forums appears to be near an end. There is absolutely no OC left, and the spark of wonder that once permeated this board is all but gone. There are no more intelligent discussions, no more exchanging of ideas... all that can be seen now is the heavy influence of an unending winter. [s4s], I used to believe in you. I used to think that you were the last, best hope for humanity. Now, I see that humanity has no hope. The human race is done, and you are all responsible. You had a chance to do something great here, and you blew it. It's all over. I'm leaving this board and never coming back. Weep for me when the Steam begging threads overtake your front page.
Imagine le smell.
Imagine le smell.
i see oc popping up all the time.
could it be you're jaded and bitter?
just let it go and if you see a bad situation don't make it worse
gasoline on a fire and you wonder why it got to this point?
Imagine le smell.
lol newfig
old trucks and crispy flesh bits
oh user...
you're replying to a copypasta from 2013 lol
Imagine le smell.
this is supposed to be a nice community
but like europe it is becoming full of unwelcome savages
easy on the racism there triangles
not him bitter user. put your name back
(very nice dubs)
My words weren't mean and weren't aimed at trianglels. You were upset that I was questioning what you said. Anyway, there's no need for excuses, since I won't be able to tie what you said to future posts in other threads.
Funny thing, i really thought it would faze me more when my wife screamed at me for hours on end for wasting all my nicemones... I just sat there silently, enduring everything.
But to be thrown out of [s4s] ?
my homeboard? when we shared so much together?
user... i
goobey frne... they dont want us here anymore we better fucking eat shit and die llolllllllll the fucking aheeeeeeeeeeeeeehehhhhhhhhh
gooby fremen i lobe u
This post has been graced by me, send grace...
Grace has been sent, have a wonderful day OP
I thought it was just three meme faces
I thought it was 3 little guys jumping for joy in a pattern, with the middle guy landing as the other two go up.
haha yes
considered those digits checked!
Put me in the screencap
i mean i've only posted that picture a few times and only said that like twice but yeah that's me what's up
what'd you think
i h8
i thing crow is hote
i also love da massage ob how.... feelign is imports. how closign ur heart off tto da worlde mite stop u from hurtign but id wud also stop u from beign happe tto...
doremiman i have an inquiry
glad you like it friend i really like crowgirl and duckgirl
i love duck tto... she's rly fun.....
is this "crow" of legal age in the united states of america?
something like that
you're on THIN FUCKING ICE but ok...
good get sticky
>So I judge pace, distance and scale combining the three like you would in trigonometric functions
Interesting; so these 3 parameters form the triangle shape featured on your symbol out of their 3 "vectors", so to speak, and the vectors are different from situation to situation?
"pace", "distance" and "scale" I assume can be defined quite broadly and idiosyncratically depending on the type of situation you're dealing with. "Pace", in my understanding, would be related to the time-scale of a particular process (long-term processes behave differently to short-term processes, and require different approaches and styles of decision-making), "distance" would probably be expressed in terms of how much "work" needs to be done roughly according to the physics definition (energy applied as force to move mass a certain amount), and "scale" would refer to the size of the system in question (larger, higher-order systems again behave differently to smaller, lower-order ones).
It seems you determine the value of each parameter and search for situations with a similar configuration, abstracting the general principle of their operation and coming up with generalised predictions/solutions.
How did you come up with that particular set of parameters though?
Also those 3 would explain the triangular shape, but why are there 3 triangles, and what are there circles around them (2 triangles having the same circle pattern around them)?
Yeah, just wanted to say that I've never seen that show so the characters are unfamiliar to me. When I first saw you post those pictures I was skeptical about their quality. They just didn't look precise enough to me in terms of their anatomy and I found there was some detail and emotion lacking in their expressions and body shapes, so I got the impression they simply weren't very well drawn. I even found them a little creepy because of how the quality, in my eyes, was discordant with the alluring, refined air I though they were meant to convey. And it was also kind of creepy how you seemed to really enjoy posting only them, in lieu of potentially much more skillfully done pictures.
But the more I looked at some of those pictures you posted of that dark-haired girl, the more they grew on me, and I understood that there's a certain unmatched kind of cuteness in them. The slightly awkward lack of detail and accuracy is kind of charming when combined with her coy, seductive pose/ expression at times, like a little girl imitating her mom by applying make up and trying to be sexy without understanding what she's doing.
And now I realised that your pictures remind me a lot of that Hideo-Azuma old-school loli style, when it wasn't even proper "loli" yet, but rather something between developed women drawn in a miniaturized way, and a little girl. The result is a really distilled, concentrated blend of juvenile feminine charm and allure.
That's all I wanted to say really.
Dubs checked. OP is no longer fggt
It's like my favorite show you should watch it, it's a magical girl romance drama and is all about ballets and fairy tales and stuff
I will
Oh, by the way, no hard feelings, but did you happen to say "these girls suck, post cuter girls" in that thread you made where I dumped all those pictures? Just curious if it was you or a third party.
ummmm those are actually septs ?????!
it was me
im so proud of s4s
May I ask what disappointed you so in those girls? What are your criteria for cuteness, if you don't mind spending some time laying it out for me? Which criteria did I fail to fulfill?
i have to poop but i don't want to use the bathroom
beautiful digits
Move to India
haha they poop in the streets there
i kno stinky haha
imagine le smeeleemjifneifbq8ervb170t3r70tf130w7tevfcqorywgh13-7gf08314gfyu13hyfhm83uhfouxm3qu8fzmhqouzfhq8owfoziqwmhfuiqwmhfuiqwmhxifmqweixfqiwmzj
hepts *
Why don't you fuck off back to Thessaloniki with that greek shit
thank you junk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh shit nigga!
what a legend
u ain't me
nice dubs I remember that meme good meme
rip thread. until the next get.
That's seven sevens.
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
nice dubs
nice, i stay on board
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
Breading in epic post.
Your fortune: Godly Luck
fart fart poop poop
>7 lucky 7s
Your fortune: Godly Luck
bumpys da gets!!11
back from page 10
fucking retard
Mistress Kaonashi
Honorific (Mr.) In writing
A namesake of nobility recognized by God
posting in thread
i like the aesthetics of this image
i bump le thread
oh my fucking god.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your fortune: Outlook good
poop lol
dubs lole
goodbye shitty get
Did you know, that according to legend, people who send a 7 7s get thread past its bump limit for no reason are jewish leprechauns who suck off Daniel Radcliffe in his sleep?
It wouldn't have bumped anyway, now suck on my long shlong
wow, what a jizz golem.
was the rabbi's circumcision a little too tight?
mods pls stiky
good night sweet prince