Green time

green time

Attached: 0042.png (319x310, 174K)

Hey Jewwy!
green time

Attached: Nice Green Board.png (700x700, 304K)

im on my phone lel

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 17 - In'nen no Rival!! Harukaze to Tamaki [WinxBloom1980][RAW-720p][0D (960x720, 297K)

green is for niggreens

green poop lole

Attached: ))) greene.jpg (344x431, 94K)


Attached: greefggnngngnggnngrerng.jpg (319x310, 42K)


Attached: bury girls last tour..png (470x813, 117K)

i miss ascii in normal posts

Bury pretty in greene

Attached: very_bury_pretty_.png (650x605, 157K)

elaborate please friend.
what do you mean?
asscii is what we are using to interface rn, do you mean art using ascii? I like that too.
I feel like I am missing a reference, LoLe

he means ascii in non-green posts. hiroshimoot banned them for some reason


I see! Thank you! I would have the [s4s] interface up and running, but it laggs everything, so you know...
Still a coole feature.

Attached: nicemorning..png (125x128, 24K)

Attached: 1544139796989.gif (205x274, 15K)


dab on me pls

Attached: #1homo.png (458x470, 83K)


***Dabs on Jewwy's dubs***_

Attached: Fortnite_Dab+.png (400x600, 86K)

Attached: 1544136244787.gif (395x542, 14K)


Attached: 1516837401714.gif (395x542, 11K)

Attached: 00..jpg (200x200, 43K)

three same number!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: 1549237666533.png (1111x444, 145K)

Attached: 1550204488960.jpg (1024x1024, 271K)


Attached: CHECK EM.webm (640x480, 753K)

No You! Seriously is someone using my name on the [s4s] interface? 'cause that's not me.
thank you

nnnnNNNNN?????? im checkign jewwy's dublels...

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第13話「むつみの引退宣言!」(DVD 640x480 WMV (640x480, 117K)

oh... but you checked my post! Ha1 it's cool, i dunno what is going on tbh
you're nice and fun! thankes for this moment.

Attached: 333..jpg (319x310, 129K)

u shud get da interface install'd...i thing dats da problelm

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 映像特典13.4 おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン� (640x480, 161K)

Dubs. It laggs everything for some reason, like I can have a million tabs open and be using multiple programs at once, no problem. I activate the interface and everything slows, otherwise I would have It active.
You're right, I am missing part of the picture obviously. LoLe


Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

u gotta smoke the green sticky sticky it is an ealthy herb
te lord put it in the earth

dubs confirm
