R: 0

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oh no,what have you done?

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

nice dubs fren

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i like it when the anine is confused

please remove all of my submissions, they aren't good and they don't belong on a [s4s] album it's just mediocre poorly thought out "music"

lol she sad

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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Practicing drawing hurt expressions of your waifu.

Top sinister: Lover is talking to someone else
Top mid: Avoiding looking her in the eyes
Top dexter: hitte
Bottom sinister: bad-mouthing her
Bottom mid: Telling her u H8 hr ;_;
Bottom dexter: Saying we should split up.

pass user

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wiw i actualy had that and it wa snice

I stand by that all of those submissions were trash
why would anyone ever give money to hiro?

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imagine cuddling with yoogee and slowly sliding your hand under his shirt until he gets flustered and red as a tomato

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nice reverse psychology advertisement for ur shitty music :)

it depends on his skin tone, he might not be racially capable of that. (or she)

The reference to sweat in the name of the beverage has a disgusting, off-putting or mildly humorous connotation for native English speakers. However, the name was chosen by the manufacturers originally for the purpose of marketing the product as a sports drink in Japan, where English words are used differently. It was largely derived from the notion of what it is intended to supply to the drinker: all of the nutrients and electrolytes lost when sweating. The first part of the name, Pocari, does not have any meaning; the word was coined for its light, bright sound.

that's embarrassing just to think about

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yoogee gone

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