Who ya got Yea Forums?
Young Lion Cup
the only one whose name I know is based shooter so im gonna go ahead and say him
Based AEWho fan. Bandwagon NJPW because of BE ELITE BE BE ELITE and doesn't know any YL aside from Shota.
Glad based Harold made it clear that WWE AND AEW are his enemies.
It's Uemura's time.
Shota IS probably going to win though. Him or Narita
nah not really. i don't watch tons of wrestling period but mostly have been watching new japan lately. i'm also aware of some of the other young lions in the cup but just forgot/couldn't spell their names
Probably Narita
my body Tsuji
my heart and brain says Shooter
my dick says Clark Connor
It will come down to Shota and Fredericks most likely. Tsuji vowed to crush LADOJO tho, so he has and angle
I will however be rooting for my nigga Narita anyways
A Shota/Fredericks final with both being undefeated and both Dojos at ringside cheering their guy on would be fucking dimes. Im hoping for a lot of big brawls after the inter dojo matches during the tour.
Shota most likely.
I want shooter or clark connors to win but would be ok with Ren Narita. Whens this shit start?
wednesday night is Coughlin vs Tsuji and Unno vs Clark
Thusday night is Narita vs Fredericks and Uemura vs Richards
Friday night is Connors vs Fredericks and Coughlin vs Richards
Where what time how do i watch the hell?
Young lion cup used to mean chikara to me, but then quack fucked saturyne and his wife divorced him
Oh come on dude, it's really obvious Umino is going to win
njpwworld starting in 2 days around 6pm jap time.
based shota
fredericks has a chance too
I hope none of the white shitters win
He threw it all away because of someone who has a 50/50 chance of jobbing out to listerine? wew
The only Young Lions Cup champion worth anything is Mr. Touchdown Mark Angelosetti
Shota wins but takes a submission loss to Narita
Tsuji has a good tournament but isn't alive on the last day
Uemura goes perfect against the gaijin but winless against fellow japs
Fredricks is probably the gaijin "finalist", only taking one loss before losing to shota
I also have no idea who those last two are, so maybe that changes things