The tax deadline is april 15th do your taxes soon

the tax deadline is april 15th do your taxes soon

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why should I?

hotaru looks like she ingested a research chemical that she thought was LSD

filed today!

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so the IRS does not put its penis into your butt


that's it triangles! resist the new world order! apathy rules the modern era!

always remember to ingest your research chemicals in the name of the US government and Science the moral high you get from being a responsible US citizen is always better than the high from any drug its true

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-____________- DUDE

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Prove it

But i want to commit tax fraud

whats ur ip im not going to report it or anything

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but so much goes to fund upsetting things...
and so little goes to our nation...
I don't like the fact citizens are taxed anyhow, corporations and businesses should carry that burden imho.
We were founded on the premise of freedom and anti taxation in part after all, sales tax on commodities is the only thing I agree with.

sorry about the serious, your response was funny btw, made me smile.
t. yosho

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you aren't allowed to do that unless you have a hundred million dollars

Can i perform the Yoshi trick? You know
Bulging speed for 12 hours so I can shoot to a pararell universe

not liking the way things are does not change the way things are
file your taxes so you don't get your wages garnished and fail the meme of life you dummy

I did my taxes and got a refund of $1,045 (more than was taken out of my income by about $400). It will help me pay for my overpriced health insurance since I am unemployed and do not receive NEETbux.

how did you get a tax refund whilst unemployed my fellow genius

>if you don't like the system just accept it anyway and blindly follow it even though you know it's wrong
>just obey

I was employed and now I am not, lol. I just have my savings (and parents) to support me.

whomst are you quoting fine fellow? i would like to point out to them that contentment in life is the end goal of all ideology, and that one is unlikely to find contentment in becoming a criminal under persecution of a society so vast that they could not understand its functions fully if they dedicated a lifetime to it. the only thing that can be said to be "right" in life is in what is right for oneself. causing stress and unhappiness to yourself in pursuit of justice for ethereal sufferers of our society's cruel machinations will result only in stress and unhappiness, predictably enough.

No joda marico

taxation is theft

keep getting dubs nice

Fuck off and die you autistic faggot.

The tax deadline is January 31st and that’s only for the self-employed, regular wages are taxed automatically

Th-the tax deadline is April 15th do your taxes s-soon

dont let her bully you!!
gro a spine user

UK to US
Probably not going to do myne. They try to steal. No refund big payment demanded.

in switzerland its end of march but you can ask the tax office to extend the deadline. extension until end of september is free. not sure why its not end of september by default.

dont you need a job to get taxes

You need to make money.

and how do you do that without a job

I have worked many jobs since I was very very young, plus was working up until June last year.

Taxes are the true evil and its NO GOOD

paying taxes is a scam

I hate taxes a lot you know? They're bad

Trips of truth, well for citizens... I think corporate taxes and a minimal sales tax is wise to help fund the nation personally.

Taxing the people is silly and wrong. We are the backbone of any nation, why weaken it??????

Please do not commumism pls

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I should not have to work to stay alive. I deserve to live without contributing anything to society.

two same numbers
*long rant about how wealthy people make more money than they can spend in 5 lifetimes without putting in a hour of work a day while people work 9-5 for their adult life to retirement and still can barely afford retirement home*

So you agree with me then

In the USSR work is a duty and a matter of honor for every able-bodied citizen, in accordance with the principle: “He who does not work, neither shall he eat.”

That's insane, there's more than enough resources to go around.

two same numbers
Universal Basic Income
artificial poverty makes exploitable people
chase after rich mans gold, get stuck playing rich mans games
how about we don't dig up dead systems and instead figure out the synthesis that was denied through nuclear cold war?

Communism doesn't mean "you don't have to work", it means "no one can exploit you for your work". In a hypothetical utopian society, sure, no one has to work, but that's not an inherent part of communism.

Oh, then communism is shit

There's always a third option user.

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Just trying to work up the courage

I was joking btw. Sorry. Please don't. You're likely right that in modern society not everyone has to work, the USSR was very underdeveloped when it's constitution was written. I'm just saying that it's not an inherent part of communism (or for that matter that everyone HAS to work in capitalism).

I understand, my comprehension of communism was lacking. But yeah, you get it.
And I was joking, I would never kill myself.

AI run government
observed by council selected by that AI
council is watched over by AI and *information redacted*
if council becomes corrupt *information redacted* is mobilized to remove the rot from the system
UBI ensures no food riots, homeless citizens and a massive decrease in crime
council directs AI in decision making based on the needs of the society and the wants of the people
people vote for their wants but the needs of society supersedes them and can be vetoed by the council
people can make a vote of no confidence in the council which will trigger a thorough investigation into the council by AI and *information redacted* to root out rot from the system
society focuses on stability and security first and foremost but the pursuit of that shall not impede freedoms of the people unless a state of war or another internal conflict of magnitude that can threaten the fabric of the society
AI handles administration and menial labor through worker drones that are not given true AI and which are subservient to the AI
council handles issues that require a more humane touch and are not as black and white to handle
if *information redacted* is suspected of being corrupt the council and or AI can launch a investigation into the members of *information redacted*, this investigation will most likely be launched by AI by the request of the council
if *information redacted* is found to be corrupt the council is given temporary control over the military for internal issues under supervision of AI to root out corrupt agents of *information redacted*
military's main focus is external security and should only be mobilized for internal issues in cases of emergency
people can vote to have the police forces investigated for corruption which obligates one of the *information redacted* / council / AI or multiple to launch investigation to root out rot in the system, mandatory bodycams should make this a very unlikely scenario

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

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Comprehension of political ideologies are generally very lacking nowadays, I don't really blame you. Anarchism writers in particular have argued for "Refusal of work". It's a noble goal for sure but it's more important to make sure everyone gets fair value for the labor they do engage in. Capitalism can also make working the whole goal/point of life, rather than something done because it's needed.

Thanks, tomposter!
I submitted my signature and mailed the money order over the past two days.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

you have saved america + christmas i LOVE YOU

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I already did and then I bought another graphics card with the return LOLE!!!!!

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that's cool nani

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mmm thanks

what the heck ur mom lets u have two graphics cards

i hope u render anime with them

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Imagine having to do your taxes, just pay them you niggro

my mom drives to my house and shvoes me over and takes all of my money and calls it t he "little bitch" tax

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I love you too, tomposter.
I wish for you the best possible return.