The marks are in the ring

The marks are in the ring

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id fuck her

I saw that split second before they cut away from her dumass.

I think she's pretty but she's way to animated like a theater class drama girl to be a ref. She should be a backstage announcer or a valet or something.

>watch Red Shoes once

When she slid into that pose, my friend who’s a mega Jericho mark, just got up and stopped watching the ppv that he sat through for 3.5 hours. It was hilarious, and sad.

She was full of cringe but I'd fuck her slap her around and undo her ponytail and ejaculate all over her hair

I'll make her mark for my dick

what? you dont like referees going into business for themself?

yeah i'd mark out for my dick in her tiny hole for sure


literally an e-drone

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She posts on plebbit and calls herself "Gearl Hebner"


She made history last night you misogynistic piece of shit!

The absolute state of ring rats in 2019

>star of David
Based Jews making history

This is her btw.

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go back and stay there

The refs in aew all want to get themselves over, hebner is just as bad

Go back

this seems like more of a camera problem than a ref problem desu
everyone should be overanimating, but you shouldn't put the fucking ref front and center

These ring rats will never be even 1/100th as over as based Red Shoes, just do your jobs striped monkeys and don't try and get fancy with it

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Imagine the handjobs

Referee spots should be reserved for loyal jobbers who need a decent career in their older age

Go fuck yourself worked incel

Nah. You gonna cry?

I always thought refs were the guys who set up the ring and shit. This bitch looks like she doesn't do shit except for putting cocks in her mouth

>it’s okay when New Japan does it

Lol I don't watch thst new Japan shit. I'm not some nerd incel


this is embarrassing

>some nerd incel
You're on asp who you fooling faggot

Ref's a legit position now cause they have to check for concussions and relaying info from the back and assisting in stuff like blade jobs need to be seemless with hd cameras

After the Silver King incident i'm sure the industry will phase out the lesser refs

We're not talking about your sex life user

Unironically one of the best refs today
It was Hebner that was absolutely shit ass cringe, need to can his ass

the real problem with this is that it implied she is not impartial, which commentary team did not address

>And only once
Red shoes knows when to disappear

There are faggots on this board, RIGHT NOW, that paid to see this. The absolute state of the mentally disadvantaged.

>letting the ref get between the wrestlers and the camera

What is this outlaw mud show shit

You see, it's because Red Shoes is a gook and Meltzer said that gook fake fighting GOOD.

me in the back (20th row)

Aubrey refereeing Invisible Man vs Invisible Stan II when?

Saved that reaction for the next Bliss Log chapter

>gearl hebner

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What the fuck is wrong with women?

Put her in a squash match with Rikishi ASAP

Can you imagine caring about who the ref is in a non-special guest ref match? Do AEW fans care about the timekeeper too?

Fucking women everytime. Refs arent even supposed to be noticed yet this bitch tries to put herself over the talent every fucking time that you can't not notice her

>Pretending this shit is at all worth commenting on, muchless getting angry over.
You guys are so fucking transparent some times, I swear to God.

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This was literally less of a second and some of you are acting like she hogged screen time or acted differently than any other ref on the show.

ha look at this guy defending his ladys honor

She wasnt any more distracting than indie refs like bryce cucksberg

fuck her and bruce rumsberg. you shouldnt be able notice the refs.

WWE should probably transition to using women's refs for men's matches. I notice that there's a regular ref for WWE now who is quite tall, and he looks bigger and more manly than a lot of the talent in the matches he refs, which is quite off-putting.

Go back

>Refs aren't even supposed to be noticed.
Spotted the E-Drones. Refs are important and every other promotion in the world makes them a part of the show.

there's part of the show and then there's jumping in front of the camera while facing away from the action so you can make your goofy reaction while blocking the view of the match people paid to see

Red shoes does his crazy jumps so he can get out of the way of the camera

what did hangman mean by this?

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That was on the director, not her. It was the directors choice to use her as the focal point in the shot instead of using a different camera man's feed. Honestly its like you know fuck all about anything

From the time televised wrestling with camera angles and stuff like that made it important to tell wrestlers when ad break is and so on, refs are very important part of the wrestling match.
They need to tell wrestlers the cues during the match.

Why are her lips so red? It fills me with an uncontrollable desire to put my cock in there.

Fuck that guy

She does as well.
>Red shoes does his crazy jumps so he can get out of the way of the camera
Red shoes literally is part of some of the matches. If it's him telling Bullet Club to suck it, if it's pointing out Okada's wrist control, if it's deciding to end the match even if Tanahashi kept telling him not to?
Stop trying to cherry pick, because you want to shit on her because she is a woman. At least chose some different direction of attack.

This is a small time indy show not the WWE, how many cameras do you think they have lol?

I saw two at ringside like wwe, not to mention hardcam and the swing

ya seethe, incels?

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imagine her taking that glove off and stroking you until you cum

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Go be a fan, mark.

i thought she was awesome

every time this is brought up it either doesn't apply or the NJPW guy who does it executes it way better

I've never seen Red Shoes dive in front of the camera, covering the faces of the guys in the ring at a pivotal moment to strike a pose

>person who likes wrestling has a job in wrestling

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I'll "wrestle" with her if you know what I mean

she cute n big honkers, maybe this subreddit really is full of incels

(x) doubt

Imagine her doing it with the glove on

She has mosquito bites ya fucking simp

>5 years

Yes young, look at Earl Hebner, he's been doing it for 50 years

Lil naitch did way goofier shit, this is fine

she can't do any of that shit without being noticed either.

Do you guys think life would be easier if you just admitted you hated women? You would spend less time looking for excuses to hate on them.

did you know that defending m'ladies you wont ever fuck doesnt make you a man or get you laid? funny how that works simp virgin knight of the eternal virgin clan

I hate women and I don't use any excuses for it, I just hate them.

>New Day shirt

Confirmed race-mixer. YIKES!

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>implying I hide my disgust
She won't fuck you by the way.

ha look at this guy. its like i'm on Yea Forums

Why is it always "she won't sleep with you"? Is this the incel NPC reply? Don't you guys have sisters, mothers, cousins and female friends who you care about?

No. I hate women.

i bet your mom sucked black cock before or more likely, still does

Do you ever reread the things you post and think to yourselves there might be something wrong with you?

Why do I want to see her get destroyed by a heel who is mad after losing a match she called, bros?

>Hangman is an assman
based now I know what Tony sees in him


Its called selling, shit poster.
Watch anything Michaels vs Benjamin, and Earl's reaction to that superkick made it look that much more impactful. Along with Jr's BAH GAWD.

Watch Kane vs Undertaker WM 14. The ref in that match basically trembles when Kane kicks out of the tombstone.

Anything with Charles Robinson. He sells a lot of huge moves. It's old school.

She needs to lose the red lipstick and earrings, it's distracting. Jessica Car is the better female ref.

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More like rewriting history.

>getting worked by shitposters on a thai ladyboy massage forum
Ding-Dong Diddlygo back nigger

I smell poltard
go back

>gets worked by shit posting on 4channel

Seriously, you're the one who needs help.

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