Sup Yea Forums

sup Yea Forums

Your fortune: Outlook good

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Buscemi Buscemi Buscemi

sup mah nigga

Your fortune: Bad Luck

What's going on big guy



shut up donny




it's 4une :)

dingles brown

I was rewatching Ghost World today. That movie is seriously underrated

looks very depressing and with a bonus of sjw poop
no thanks

no is good trust me my taste is impeccable and basically I am a god because I have that much power

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this is now a sticky lole

dubs confirm

Ive never actually learnt to do fortunes. Since im usually sneeding away and destroying genuine discussion on another board. Top lole

based sneed poster


Attached: wah.png (838x521, 374K)

karma's a bitch
but you're obviously too young to know that yet

When's >7777777 happening

tonight, you

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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Did you know the Simpsons has 30 seasons? Do you think anything worth discussing comes from something that bloated?

Third times the charm.

I want my name to be spaghetti

I want your name to be user.

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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skateboarding's a trend so we can get free kickbikes für alles! They sound like skateboards when you cut the wirez and skateboards keep the cops away while we get portal stuff for free!

Go Jesus! Go Chriminal freehorders! Fuck Lemon Bikes!

portal stuff for free!

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Hello fren I hope you have happy day

Attached: Bery nice.gif (680x579, 158K)

nice dubs

Someone got >7777777