Go to your bedroom, son

>go to your bedroom, son
>dweebs mad
>dad is home

Attached: IMG_udjndb.jpg (1436x1423, 263K)

can you repeat that
this time in english and not incel?

Fuck me ohhhhh

Attached: yikers.jpg (694x694, 62K)

true it's pretty fucking cringe

>ya seething?
>have sex

Attached: 1561370490905.jpg (1080x1020, 72K)

go to your room son

Care to extrapolate


Attached: DSP.gif (220x307, 568K)

eat some beef, young man

go to your room, son

I don't understand why a human being would choose to look like this

go to your room right now

You're like a 6 year old who repeats the same phrase over and then giggles to himself

dad's status:home
dweebs status:mad

go to your room son

can you give me a quick rundown on this meme?

You tell me

Ya seething?

Oh wow what a clever and we'll thought out reddit meme thread. Surely this will provide thought provoking enlightened discussion on this board, thanks for your contribution to /r/asp

go to your room, son

>Spends his whole bday posting gay forced meme

>believed the birthday thing

Why ya cryin’ Mark?