Hello frens please remember to stay hydrated!!

hello frens please remember to stay hydrated!!

Attached: remembre to drink watre.png (638x652, 69K)

Other urls found in this thread:


f*dge yea u ggo girle

Attached: stay hydrated.webm (640x480, 185K)

hydrate my dick


Attached: beary drummer.gif (512x512, 123K)

two of the same integer in sequence

rude and ebil fuck you


i still don't understand why i have to drink water to pee it out

Attached: 1551676900911.png (700x500, 19K)

me on the right

Attached: crab.jpg (1920x1920, 223K)

but you dont pee water... you pee dirty water, that's why you need clean water!

Attached: DxTrX8zVAAEtFQ0.jpg (400x524, 24K)

big sippy please remember to do a big sippy

Attached: sicc sipper sicc triccs.gif (284x284, 216K)

you did a flip! wowe so coole! LOLE!

Attached: rollerskate.png (777x666, 806K)

Remember to always drink water even if it's contaminated with chemicals or radiation

Attached: 1554972826998.jpg (400x479, 28K)

Your body can filter this out unless it has a bad smell

Do not drink water if it has a smell

To do so when there is pure water readily available is the epitome of squalor

I sure hope they're using purified water for their holy water blessing rituals at your church and not just regular tap water or God forbid water from the river

imagine looking up magicks name and being faced with thousands of kevin andrew terleckys schizo babble

epick doublres but i think you need a doctor, fren

I have a doctor. I met her in my dreams

pic not related

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please stay safe fren

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

Attached: Hydrate_Your_Brain.png (547x377, 147K)

Your fortune: Bad Luck

Attached: salutations.jpg (800x500, 191K)

bury pink has very attractive arms, shoulders and collarbones

hi ummmm... important announcement...... please pay attention everyone.....

um.... remember to drink water and stay hydrated! you should go and drink a glass of water right now if you haven't had one in a while... that's all..... thanks for listening....


Attached: IMG_20190324_040323.jpg (281x346, 18K)

fucking cringe delete this

Attached: apex kek.jpg (327x316, 26K)

nice drawe

i will drink your soul

I will only drink water if bury pink drinks the water first and then spits it into my mouth for me

Attached: p.jpg (621x702, 234K)

Thank you.
I will.

I saved this lovely sip
I checked these lovely dubs

based and redpilled user btfoing nice cucks

Attached: 15338283846719.jpg (480x463, 26K)

can you go be weird somewhere else

deres nothink b*se'd or r*dpill'd about beign r*de
bcuz beign r*de is liek a drug, id hurts u n ebery1 aroudn u, n when id comes tto drugse u shud loleways jus say "nno" (quotign mario)

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.11.[640x480].[CA5F4C2C].v2.mkv_snapshot_03.11_[2017.07.15_10.03.17].png (640x480, 298K)

okay cuck

Attached: 1c9398dce73a5e1b03d5472eaca23265dfa390fa5fb93d32beb7bbac5ef5d7e5.jpg (896x816, 189K)

cringe and bluepilled

get out of this thred loser, i bet you havent even drank watre lately

Attached: 1553880454174.jpg (480x360, 9K)

pic related

Attached: Stay Hydrated Omegle.jpg (818x474, 39K)