Back home from a day of dealing with people, how are you frens doing?
Your fortune: Godly Luck
Back home from a day of dealing with people, how are you frens doing?
Your fortune: Godly Luck
My knee hurts
hello toblefren i am doing oke not much happen today
Your fortune: Godly Luck
Been good.
Getting sleepy after being awake over a day.
Take a pain killer
That's nice to hear wally
Take a nap if you have to Delta, also did the Triangles in your name get smaller?
>Take a pain killer
That's a drug and drugs are illegal and immoral and wrong and I would never do them, ever, not in a million years, not me sonny, no way, not never, can't be doin' those drugs now y'hear me boy? I said speak up when I'm talkin' to you dangit
I thought I was imagining that, maybe a new text formatting feature?
Thank you for saying so. Weird...
I think I might soon, sleep and pray I never wake up, LoLe
Dreeeam the dream that never ends
I believe some drugs are good, and others are bad, depends on the usage of them
I think you just copy pasted your name wrong Delta, now go take your nap dummy! Staying awake for too long is unhealthy
>I believe some drugs are good, and others are bad, depends on the usage of them
LSD is a pretty good drug
I don't like LSD, weed is about as far as I go before I start getting skeptical
GOD I LOVE [s4s]
Different strokes for different folks
I'm having flashbacks and nodding in and out but other than that I'm great. Absolutely great FRIEND
Sad because everyone ignores me. Also decided to drop r9k and use this board instead for a more positive change. Kinda hungry
hmm sounds interesting
Well then you made the right choice to come to s4s, most of the people here are nice to everyone
Tfw spotted delta for the first time in a long while but it's too late...
A little headache. Tomorrow will be good day I think.
Hey now, that's a bit much, geez. I don't copy my name I generate the same each time. How would I copy it wrong? Funny guy...
Good observation earlier though. Thought I was mistaken.
I said it was copy and pasted because I don't see any triangle key on the keyboard. You over think what I say at times, just read what I say in a teasing voice and you'll get what I'm trying to say
I get it, but still seems a bit much. It's okay.
How's your night going Toblerum?
My night is doing fine, leg pains are more tolerable than normal, so I can relax much easier now without having to tense up my legs
Good. That is better but I hope they are just gone one day. It's weird, you started talking about your leg pains right around the same time Yuji Sakai was using that "legs hurty" meme. Weird coincidences.
It's raining, the sound is nice, thinking about trying to fall back asleep.
I should probably get to sleep soon also, tomorrow is going to be long and I don't want to fall asleep half way through the day when I need to get stuff done.
Good idea. At least it's the end of the week.
See you then friend. Goodnight.
Good night Delta