I miss talking to you. It was the only thing I was looking forward to the whole day. It was the reason I could wake up in the morning. It was the highlight of my day. I miss you.
I miss talking to you. It was the only thing I was looking forward to the whole day...
Other urls found in this thread:
Ban all anime
hey you! yeah you! listen up FUCKFACE! you ain't gonna get SHIT by attention whoring on [s4s] for months on end. just because your stupid e-relationship with CTS failed doesn't mean your life is over. everyone SHITS on you because all you're doing is demanding pity over something that NO ONE here cares about. get over yourself, you stupid retard. you're not the victim here.
Please filter me.
You could be nice and just stop posting instead of forcing everyone to find a way to deal with you.
do you want HELP or do you want PITY? honest question. do you LIKE feeling sad? i'm not trying to bully you i'm having a conversation with you.
I just want to feel loved.
are you feeling loved right now? is CTS coming back after you make a few hundred more threads? he doesn't care about you anymore. are you going to move on or are you going to wallow in your sadness until you break down completely?
There's not much left to break. I am just hoping that's all.
I'd prefer to not filter someone unless it's absolutely necessary. At this point "Hebi" is just a mild nuisance and easily ignorable.
hoping for him to come back? not gonna happen buddy. what do you choose to do with this information? fall deeper into the hole of despair or get out and move on with you're life?
I'll just keep hoping until I can't anymore.
Neither, I choose to sh*tpost.
And now that there's an imposter there's even less reason to filter them
I mean technically its possible.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder but realistically the odds don't seem good.
Seeing your posts makes me feel like I'm seeing a poor street animal walking with it's feet hurt, covered with dirt and scars and also starving.
I don't want you to put you down so you won't suffer anymore, but I know you'll bite me and scratch me as soon as I try helping.
You probably deserve it but I just don't like seeing you like this, filtering you out is just ignoring the problem. Helping you doesn't cut it either. You always find excuses.
Not an imposter, I am the real Hebi. (The Real Real Real suHebi.) The pass user is fake
that's really stupid. i'd advise you to stop. and stop making these threads it's clear they only make you feel worse. if CTS wants to talk to you again he could just make a thread himself.
i doubt it.
I know it's stupid and I know it's only making me feel worse. But I'm still hoping. Even if the chances are very slim I can still endure all of this.
Then somebody's an imposter, my point stands
(dubs of truth)
he's right you know
Shid, how could i have fallen for such a sipmle mind game.
Oh well, secret's out
A mill would be ill
I thought 2017 would be bad enough but the actual guy is 2019
Imagine paying for a Yea Forums pass in the year of our lord 2019
Why not go attention whore on r9k instead? You'll get a much bigger reaction
I don't belong on /r9k/.
Uh what the fuck happened here Yea Forums, I left for a while and expected birbs not this.
fucking STOP if you know that then. just fucking MOVE on. god it's embarrassing seeing you spam threads every single day, consisting of the same 6-7 images and you acting "deep" and "emotional". jesus fucking christ it's a failed e-relationship. most of those don't ever work out. everyone gives you hate because you shit up [s4s] for no other reason than refusing to move on from a trap you talked to for a few months. there's a reason everyone dislikes /r9k/ and that's because they would rather wallow in their own self-pity and blame their problems on something else than recognize that they need to change.
fuck yes you do. go there if you want to keep spamming threads.
I only make one or two threads a day. Like I said, please ignore me. I almost never post in other threads so you won't see me.
I like hebi and i dont want him leave
i'm trying to HELP you dimwit. you're not a drug addict you don't have a physical dependence on CTS. you're PERFECTLY capable of moving on and stopping this and EVERYONE else tells you to. i could ignore you but since i'm not autistic i have at least an ounce of empathy. filtering you doesn't mean you don't exist.
If you want to help me please love me. I just want to feel loved.
You bite and scratch at us every time like a wounded animal.
would meeting some other person from here REALLY help you? or would it end with the same story all over again? stop being so stubborn and actually think about your situation. basing your entire life and worth around another person will never be healthy for you.
no, you only want love from terrible people that are rude to you
perhaps you're a masochist?
I only do that to people I dislike.
Yes. I don't feel okay if I am alone. I always want to have someone by my side.
He was never rude to me.
Your fortune: Excellent Luck
will you stop being alone by doing this? (spoiler: no)
I want the same thing, but, and it hurts me to say this, a long distance e relationship will never work. you can never hold each other, kiss, stare into each others eyes or be intimate.
I want something like that too, but online isn't going to cut it and will end sadly in most cases.
In your mind do you think of yourself as some kind of animal trapped in a human's body?
three same numbers
Imagine le smell...
Then you dislike everyone, even the one you were with you did that to.
redpilled and cringe
big yikes
Are you autistic? Maybe you don't speak english.
You seem to not understand this
good pictures stop using text
Like wtf were yiu saying. made no sense
two same numbers!!!
Why do you people care?
ummmm... lol
because seeing someone fucking up so badly naturally makes you want to help them. take that as you will but it's not like any of this is our fault.
Hebi threads on page 1 every day! real esforesers always respond to page 1
that's what you look like.
I don't care, but this thread keeps being in my field of vision so I feel compelled to reply to it. Maybe stop posting here if you don't want people to reply to your threads or talk to you.
hebi should stfu tbh fam
Shut up
you poor fuck
As always I'll hug my dakimakura as tight as I can wishing it was you. I love you and I always will. I hope you know that.
Please take care of yourself and don't stay up too late. Sweet dreams.
do you have any idea how hard i lol'd
poor hebi
Kill yourself.
Go away.
Use drugs, get overdose.
Cut your wrists.
Find a job.
Just fucking stop coming here, you and all the things you do are garbage.
Your fortune: Godly Luck
>I only make one or two threads a day. Like I said, please ignore me. I almost never post in other threads so you won't see me.
Ghost is best gem
Your fortune: ο½·οΎββββββ(οΎβοΎ)ββββββ !!!!
Thank god, imagine if it were more.
this is silly
You're sillier jungle boi.
ur a silly sausage
now kiss
i only smooch wacky weiners
thats my favorite roller coaster tycoon level
how about quake 3 : the BOUUNCY map
aerowalk (SATAN REMIX)
THE BAD PLACE (note: rly nasty)
want to make more quake GAUNTLET BLOODBOWLARENAS but no one to play them with :-(
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! (Chefoba's betray mix)
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
suere *kiss*
dub chek dub