How does he redeem himself now?
Omega KWAB
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Collect his check before the company goes under
>implying Kenny isn't booking his own fights
He's saving his redemption arc for weekly tv. He has the talent to be at the top so they are breaking him down to get him over with the casual audience that flick onto the channel when he rises up from JUST
Lol wtf was this entrance video
beg Harold and the new jap chads to take him back
Wrestling is not real.
That's literally the story...
who raped him?
cope seethe
All of the AEW entrance videos are trash, but Omega having a solid 90 seconds of him walking around with a backpack looking depressed is fucking bizarre.
All the music is trash as well, especially private party. They need to sort that out.
kill moxley
I mean that's why he jobbed to pac
the feud will be picked up again on tv and for it to work omega needs to want to prove himself, which doesn't actually make sense is he's 3-1
Hope that one of Chad Harold's grandkids like him enough to get Harold to let him back into NJPW
Them pissing away Moxley's hype by having him give Kenny the rub would be the singular most retarded thing they could do
Name the three best Omega matches so I can watch. If his top three contain a match with the same person then name the better. Thanks
obligatory Watch his series vs Okada comment
vs Okada at wrestlekingdom 11
vs Naito at G1 26 or 27
vs Elgin at G1 27
vs Ibushi from DDT back in 2012.
>pissing away Moxley's hype
>one loss
Kenneth Jobmega, lmao.
Kenny Umaga lmao
vs Ibushi (2008)
vs HARASHIMA vs Isami Kodaka (2014)
vs Prince Devitt (2010)
vs Roderick Strong (BOLA finals, 2009)
and this one
Thank you too
Yes the music is horrible and badly mixed with the audience sound too, but this video in particular was weird. It felt like the opening to some video package
just kidding lol fuck you both faggots
Okada made him a fucking star
W O R K E D i listed his worst matches lmao
That's more like it.
Went back and watched some of his 2012 DDT matches today, after that disaster last night. He looked so happy and energetic then, even in NJPW earlier this year, he still had that glimmer in his eye.
It’s a shame, he looks like shit now, has dead eyes, puts in no effort, and shoot looks like an opioid addict. He lost all his soul.
fuck off right wing
Literally the point of the video was that he was depressed and despondent and alone, you're not exactly dunking on him by spelling out the point he was already conveying except in retarded meme text.
based AEW burying the g1 climax winner. beaten by jeribloat and neville of all people
Too many of them have generic rap music
tranny boiling
He can kill himself.
Kenny is gonna wrestle Honda with Riho at DDT soon, it's gonna be dimes
Kenneth Jobmega, lmao.