Lmae she fat

lmae she fat

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she eats too much

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If it's the same person in both pictures, then rest assured she does it on purpose. I've seen her videos

rubens pp

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She bitched out and deleted most of them tho. I just want to jerk it to my regrettable fetish without spending hours looking for the videos

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Eh, that's a shame. But it's understandable. Our society isn't very understanding toward gluttony or sexual depravity even by themselves, put them together in one package and you've got a recipe for a ruined life if anyone you know finds out.

>no qt chubby goblin gf

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i would never stop fucking this girl

she's a qt

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Lewd is rude.
Please refrain from using lewd content when posting on [s4s].

She's not lewd, she's cute! CUTE!

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>a cutter
nope, i'm out

Just cause she had some problems doesn't mean she isn't cute!

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cute's one thing, self-harm is a whole other thing

i mean you should already have known she was a self harmer just by looking at her belly

the only person i ever knew that cut themselves like that was really skinny, so the belly wasn't an indication of that to me

oh no i didn't mean you should've been able to tell she cuts, i meant being fat is self harm.

i mean think about it, it's a matter of regularly doing something unhealthy and physically uncomfortable for temporary relief, ignoring the long term effects on your body that accumulate over time from the behavior, trying to hide those effects with your style of dress, and it's typically accompanied by severe lack of self esteem. it really is basically the same thing.

Yeah that's true but I'm fat too so stop making fun of me!!!!!!!

i'm not making fun, i'm taking the problem seriously. i'm fat too. workin on it though.

I was just joking I didn't think you were making fun of me. We're going to make it

is thi ripa?

ripa after 200 borger

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>I'm fat
>i'm fat

Can i snife you're buttes?

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I would not recommend it

Ok so basicly, i loled.

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im skinny but i like qt fat girls too. you guys are all right

Imagine the smelle if brap.

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