Chris Jericho in WCW 1998

Chris Jericho in WCW 1998
>I got held back
>nWo tried to bury me
>they just passed the title around grandpas
>young guys couldn't do anything in that company

Chris Jericho in AEW 2019

Was he a hypocrite?

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You yourself wrote the difference
WCW 1998
>young guys couldn't do anything in that company

AEW 2019
>Young wrestlers will feud with Jericho for the title to gain popularity off him

Jericho is a complete carny what do you expect. It's all about getting yours

Its pretty clear Cody is booking himself as the Hogan beating every heel till hes eventually champ

hey chris

sup, how am I wrong?

because jobbing to a fat 50 year old doesn't get people over

The top stars in WCW refused to work with young Jericho, top star Jericho literally had a main event match with young Page last night

>opening up the debut episode of AEW on TNT (a national network with a larger reach than the one RAM is on) with an indie literal fucking who nobody ever fucking heard of as your inaugural world champ instead of Chris Jericho, the absolute biggest name in the company who people are going to recognize from the biggest wrestling company on the planet
>believe this is going to get casuals to watch

why are smarks such idiots?

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It will in the fucking rematch, holy shit.

People would be ripping on Page if he had won last night as well. "Literal who?!" "Who is this jobber as champion?" etc.

I love and hate this fucking place, but its getting so tiring hear fucking 27 year old fuckers complaining online about how their fake sport isnt being booked in a way they want, when they dont even actually have an ideal outcome. THey just want to complain. Fuck off already