What does [s4s] think of midgets?

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he smol

name one good thing midgets have done

acted in movies

dubs confirm

this, they act in movies

dubs confrim

Normal people, but smaller.

I can't think of a single meaningful thing

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imagine how easy it would be for him to OD on that cocaine while being that smol ;_;7

he microdosing

Lil boi

I think they are too small for their own good.

smol and cute legal loli/shota

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

They should b hunted like wild hogs.

Smol but stronk ppl
Pretty nice too

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theyre good for raping

They don't look very good...sadly

well they kind of looks like hamster

checking dubs

nice tripdubdub




Kinda cute


They're pretty good in Seinfeld and Game of Thrones

wee bump

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Your fortune: Godly Luck

yeah man i like little ppl

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Pic related made me want to genocide all of them. I mean, who the hell not only turns down a chance to see the spider sisters but actively looks down (jej) on someone who does?

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