My brain is fried. Please just respond to my fucking thread.
My brain is fried. Please just respond to my fucking thread
hello my friend
A reply for you, poor man.
a dubs for you generous man
top zozzle
Why is your brain fried?
the animes are undulating
Your fortune: Godly Luck
y aminobutyric acid
an important but less fun one...
nice work on that F
Bzzt wronge it’s noradrenaline
Your fortune: Good Luck
can somebody remove the o for me please,thanks in advanced
Im falling asleep
Like that?
did you mean something else?
What did you mean by the "O"?
The only thing like that I could see was the @ symbol.Will help if you say, or maybe I already got it?
no i meant the fortune nvm
omg! God Luck, xD!
I thought you meant the fugging art!
Context and all, like how would w2e remove it, I would if I could.
Rolling for you
Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
Your fortune: Godly Luck
i will never have godly luck ;_;
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Try until yooou get it
I usually get the one that looks like a bavi
Your fortune: Bad Luck
Your fortune: Good Luck
Your fortune: Outlook good