Lads... he's based
Lads... he's based
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>Y2J can cut a promo
Wow would you look at that
This gimmick could be genius if in th end he has a mental breakdown cause he is always alone.
Imagine WWE's champ walking around backstage with a microphone cutting an unscripted promo for for two and a half minutes. IMAGINE.
Based Jeriboomer shoot burying the Young Fucks
>The paramedics. Huh? Where were you when I was bleeding to death? Standing around like a bunch of morons.
This is going to be so fucking gold
The hate jeribloat gets here is just consolewar memes, guy was insanely based and still is, could turn the shittiest fucking feud around into something watchable.
the way he says "idiots" is just pure kino.
Can't wait for him to go full Dennis
>I'm an only child, got no problem celebrating by myself
I felt that
What they're doing now with Cody and the Bucks starting their own company and mean old Jeriboomer coming in, winning the top title, whining about everything, and burying everyone on the mic has so much potential.
Goddamn I wanted that to keep going.
>Uses the crowds silence to increase the basedness of his promo
The crowd wasn't silence, he was talking about not getting an ovation back stage
i need a webm of jerigoat saying 'ooo, a little bit of the bubbly!'
He's always been good on the mic but he's too fucking fat and is a boring wrestler. This is objective.
>He's such a good heel omg
He is going to beat cody next lol, I am looking forward to this shit
>Scorpio Sky you'll never get a shot at this
fucking kek
Whatever, WWE has Papa Haitch.
This is the reason why Hangman Page isn't champion.
Imagine him stumbling through an opening promo on the first episode of All Elite Fleet on TNT.
Dont know what Page can say live but he was okay on those road to someshit videos
it was just him walking around backstage shit talking to random people.. anyone can do that.
Prove it.
literally untrue beastie boy
God what a try hard cringy faggot.
Fat ex WWE boomer is their first champion. Well done Cawdy.
the fat boomer made a fucking list the most over thing in wwmeme when he was there
and to think some people didn't want him to be the first AEW champ, then we wouldn't get based moments like this
Bros I want to get jacked. Should I eat a lot of meat or go vegan? I’m about to go to LIDL and I don’t know if I should get 2 steaks and Icelandic yogurt or beans and rice.
fat boomer ex WWE legend of the industry to add legitimacy to the belt as their first champ
it was never not going to be Jericho, but you E smarks wouldnt know the first thing about how rasslin is supposed to work
Based as fuck, tired of these zoomers bumbling and fumbling all over shitty promos, give me Jericho, Tully and Ole Arn working the mic while JR calls the shots and me 'n' Barb are set.
>objectively false opinion from an incel with no perspective ***
JR was fucking atrocious last night
>botches a call and refers to metal as concrete then spends another 20 seconds musing on what the substance was
He needs to go
>doesnt even know what a promo is
isnt there a superstars in cars getting DWIs show on the network you should be watching?
JR is hilarious, best part of the otherwise shitty production
the esports faggot is awful
He's still miles ahead of the idiot in a mask to conceal his identity as a commentator, the dork with them who sounds afraid of the outdoors, Cole reciting gay nicknames, Corey's 'banter', etc... He adds some realism when he complains about shit like rope breaks and calls Neville a little guy. Like someone is actually, dare I say it, calling the action as they see it.
He will invite Page to his podcast making all this meaningless.
dads home
He is a heel champ everyone is gonna chase but literally nobody but Kenny or Moxley is gonna get the crowd to boo this guy. I hope they don't think Cody, Pac or Page will ever have the crowd on their side against him.
PAC will be crazy over, guy is dimes
Besides Rock and Austin who has done that and made it dimes
>PAC will be crazy over
Never gonna happen, he couldn't even go over Enzo.
>guy is dimes
He's a 5'6 goblin.
They got really quiet
>look at you! Nice hair, idiot!
Jericho has always been based and anyone who denies this has fallen for the console war meme and needs to be punched in the face. He’s up there with The Rock as one of the best trash talkers ever.
Who is the goofy guy in the mask at the end?
Something about him always calling people idiots is funny. It’s simple, juvenile, but his delivery is good
Still think it's wrong to have him as champ because lets be honest he's not a draw and could cut these promos anywhere on the card but based promo nonetheless
>He's a 5'6 goblin
in a company full of manlets, with a crowd full of smarks
he will be over
Hello Jim Cornette's Nut Gobbler I take it you're just blindly raging and are too dumb to form your own oppinion at commentary seeing that Alex Marvez wasn't even on tonight you absolute simpleton.
>made it dimes
I just realized that was Pillman Jr with the stupid hair
Miz is and always will be a dimepiece
Ah the amazing promo that started a feud where Miz got buried in like a minute, good riddance, fuck him
t. Retard who thinks a literal who like Hangman Page would be a better draw and has the same pull as Jericho in terms of establishing a new brand
Completely irrelevant to the fact that his mic work is dimes.
Ya seethe bryanetty
Not Page, should've been Kenny since he's the most over with the fanbase they're currently working with and relatively marketable in terms of look.
Page is a shitter and shouldn't be on a televised product
Jericho has his presence and can apply that anywhere on the card. Making him champ is wasteful
Kenny is clearly working on a long-form story for himself, I doubt he signed on with AEW to turn himself into a jobber
>his mic work is dimes
>Cuts one good promo
I know, I'm saying that's the wrong direction. Of any Elite member, Kenny's the only one who is over enough to get away with winning constantly and still have the smarks praise him. People forget but Kenny's the one that started this all back in 2017, no Kenny, no AEW. Everyone else is interchangeable.
I'm of the mind that Kenny should've been less of a beta and more assertive in positioning himself as the central Ace figure of the company while it gets underway. The redemption arc money in the chase bullshit is wasted on a character everyone knows, it seems gaudy and cheap for him. He's also trash as an underdog babyface, he's best as an asshole tweener/heel.
>without looking
>"I bet it's that one promo from that one time Miz was dimes literally three years ago and with Daniel GOAT Bryan to help as well"
>it is
I couldn't last 30 seconds with his weaselly voice
>Suffer-in succotash, son. Look at this BITCH we got here backstage at WWE Live on Monday Night RAW!
No it's Miz owning Punk with a your mom joke and doing his own "oooooooooooohhhhhhhhh" right after.
Is this real lmao?
>Outlaw fed can't even give the champ proper Olives.
It’s telling about the state of modern wrestlers that Chris Jericho, a borderline main eventer from the Attitude Era, makes their roster look like amateurs. Maybe MJF could do it too. That’s it though.
>Chris Jericho, a borderline main eventer from the Attitude Era,
Did you forget the subsequent decade?
That is litewally not an awgument
How do I achieve this level of badass
>nice hair, idiot
how is this going to age when pillman jr is wearing that belt in a couple years (provided AEW makes it that long)?
He's objectively a great wrestler. He's not in his prime, but he can still go and he's arguably even better at reading a crowd and dictating the pace of a match than he used to be.
>tfw no more talking smack kino
there are plenty of reasons to shit on wwe but them canceling a segment that was legitimately entertaining and helped people get over is near the top of the list. people here like to compare aew to wwe and in some aspects they have a point but at least aew is giving it's wrestlers a platform to get themselves over and not over scripting and micromanaging them into obscurity
>my dick is small, but my bank account and my wife's isn't
The way he delivered that line sounds straight out of a Tim Heidecker skit
Missed AEW last night because I was too busy watching the absolutely HOSS Fatal 4-Way from SummerSlam 2017 and listening to Velvet Underground. Unironically, how was All In? Mind you, I haven't liked anything AEW since it's inception. Was it more or less the same shit?
All Out, it was decent, even good i would say, some very good moments, if you skip the preshow garbage then its worth watching
Flipy shit and boring, no story telling to progress the product
Bet you couldn't, hiding behind anonymity right now like the bitch you are
Jericho is seriously probably the best ever at reading the crowd outside of Rock
You mean ex-WCW boomer
C'mon reddit, we need to make this a meme
>that bit where he heard the fan talking shit about his body so he give him the finger, started flexing and showing off for the camera while Page was comatose on the floor and the audience seethe
Absolute Jerikino
Tbqh the shit he does where he stumbles around with that thousand yard stare on his face and then does that half smile thing is probably the funniest shit anyone does in wrestling. I don’t know if it’s even fully intentional because it looks so natural.
"Everyone knows"
user, no they are getting on national TV, building kenny back as a rising fenix who then become the best bout machine again ( but this time on national tv) just to slice jericho and finish his reign is the way to go.
That will get him over as fuck, calm down and follow the story faggetty
Are we still talking about the motherfucker that beat austin and rock in the same night and became the first ever undisputed champ?
I really wish his body wasn't so weird now. Changing his style to accommodate his age is the right move but he's weird bloaty muscle flab is awful
>Librarian, you're telling me to shush? UP YOURS
Jericho vs Cawdy
>Jericho accompanied by Shawn Spears and Tully
>Cawdy accompanied by Young Bucks, Dustin, DDP, MJF, Brandi and Arn Anderson and doggo
>Jericho and Cawdy doing Meltzer-certified 5-star match
>10 minutes in Young Bucks interferes and does thigh-slapping superkicks
>Tully whips everyone outside and Shawn Spears chair shot them unprotected
>During the commotion chick-referee is distracted trying to hog the camera and steal attention
>MJF chokes Cawdy with his scarf setting up for the Boomer Elbow
>Jericho pins and wins
>Jericho, MJF, Shawn and Tully form Elite World Order
>Cawdy takes a 1 year absence and returns as Crow Cawdy
look at the levels of cope this dude does, bet he has a micro dick and films Xavier fucking his wife
The story's shit and everyone who will watch AEW knows what he is about
Literally cannot wait until AEW is doing live television from the Jericho cruise ship in January and they are all hammered and making fun of each other.
This is like when smarks overrated and overhyped his shitty suit heel run. Mediocre promo at best.
based fat fuck Jericho
he didn't even lionsault
You know nothing, mark.
they are paying him a lot of money why didn’t they, ye know, tell him to get in shape? Unless his gimmick is to be a fat fuck and also the face of aew. This sequence was actually based though, it shows how far above Jericho is on the mic compared to the entire roster. Ad-libbing and keeping it entertaining is rare in modern wrestling.
>mark calling me a mark
Jericho hasn't been good since 2005 at least
He almost laughed after the paramedic line, he was smiling abit.
I don't get all the Jerihate.
You know what?
I hear even their bathroom breaks are scripted.
If you've got an intelligent wrestler invested in their gimmick, trust him and turn him loose. That's when magic happens. The over-scripting has killed wrestling.
damn for once Yea Forums isn't full of shit and this is actually based
He would choke ten seconds in, and I'm being very generous.
its a goddamn TV show fool. Everything has a schedule.
Suck Vince's dick for decades
>using WWE as a reference for what a wrestler can accomplish outside if wwe
dumdum drone
If we get this weekly on AEW, WWE is finished to me
wow what a hot take user you sure know your shit
He's gonna be so great once he gets back on TV and does this thing.
Imagine what guys like Samoa Joe, Finn Balor, Daniel Bryan, Karl Anderson, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, etc. must be thinking watching this. It could so easily be them. Wrestling guys like Omega and CIMA in challenging matches, writing their own promos, being allowed to get over, etc.
I could watch him do this for hours.
Fucking kek
I’m pretty sure Sami Zayn will leave WWE when his contract is up. The others maybe not, but Zayn is pretty likely. He’s been treated like shit backstage through the whole Saudi thing, and hasn’t been used well at all.
Thank christ he won the belt and not page
Impossible to predict, all that matters is who is the mark for the money
Jeribloat's pretty meh in 2019 but he can still cut a promo.
Bucks couldn't even act when Jeribloat was talking shit and they're supposed to be the most polished "indie darlings". Someone like Jeribloat's gonna expose Darby Anus or Sonny Kiss and their non-existent mic skills.
Nah he likes that wwe money so he can fund things like the mobile clinic in the middle east
I mean duh those guys never had to cut a promo, they have to start somewhere, being around people like Jericho or even Cawdy or Goldust will help them
Don't pretend that the entire WWE roster outside of bought out legends like AJ and Joe wouldn't have reacted with the exact same deer in headlights look like this is some kind of indie vs. major league argument.
What the fuck does he say when he’s talking about the olives?
He is disappointed with their size and cheap quality
I too am requesting a BUBBLEH webm for epic new shitposting potential
Is the champions bonus being paid in olives and salami instead of hotdogs?
I don't think you know the meaning of that word incel
they don't have any pimientos
Its a reference to Spinal Tap but he botched the delivery.
"There's a little guy in there" which is a reference to the Spinal Tap scene where Nigel's complaining about the small bread and olives
He expected a bigger payday
Young fucks blown the fuck out so bad.
Based Jericho.
>bucky boys
Miz would have seethed appropriately like he did when Rocky came back a few years ago
Pretty much anyone in the WWE who isn't an NXT shitter knows how to deal with Jericho at this point
>cuts away to two fuckin geeks right as he starts up with A LIL BIT OF THE BUBBLEH
what the fuck happened
this made me fucking seethe hard, but i wouldn't mind a gimmick of jeriGOAT doing promos and it cuts away just as it gets really good.
It's fucking amazing how simple wrestling is when it's done well. This character, this story line, his promo approach, it's the most obvious thing in the world.
Yeah but you need the confidence of being good on the mic and decades of practise, you can't just give a live mic and 3 minutes to some stuttering performance center shitter.
>Lads... he's based
always was
Jericho is kino but Omega should have been their first champion. Omega is never going to be hotter than he was before AEW started, and now he's already lost twice and no one really gives a shit about him anymore. What a waste.
based asf
You are being worked. This is going to be a weekly television show you dope.
>no one really gives a shit about him anymore
what the fuck special needs classes are you in that your attention span is that short?
nice raise from hot dogs to olives
Omega has something special, losing does not harm him at all, when millions of viewers see him on TNT they will immediately get behind him and root for him to do well.