Did I make it, user?
-Is this not the best feeling, like heroin. Soft and warm, it's love. Aaah. Let's get some trips in this thread.
>inb4 OP is on two accounts messaging his ego
Did I make it, user?
-Is this not the best feeling, like heroin. Soft and warm, it's love. Aaah. Let's get some trips in this thread.
>inb4 OP is on two accounts messaging his ego
your pic is me and ripa :)
Is she a waifu? I can't choose between 02 and Ryuko. It's a dilemma
You've done heroin?
Sup dude
No ripa is real and also my wife
I've watched enough documentaries about it. Pretty stoned rn though
yea you're doing alright OP
be sure to actually do stuff together irl and unironically be urself
sup dood, how're'u? Funny post you made there
That's pretty awesome. How'd you two meet?
Thanks, user. Sometimes I feel like shit, but she motivates me. We're gonna paint my wall in a couple of days, but it's hard cause she has lessions and I work
Enjoy :3 This board is pretty refreshing after all the shit posting on Yea Forums. I'm so glad I posted here.
I'm alright I guess. Going to bed in a couple of hours, and wanted to practice blender. Got bored >: hbu?
We met on [s4s]
got kids?
No ripa is a virgin
I fucked a couple of guys before, but I wanna have more emotion sex. I mean isn't it weird that you're married and you still haven't fucked?
I hate when people say ripa is not my wife. ripa IS my wife what are you even trying to prove here??? get off my back dude!
she is your wife though.
i was going to go check out some local gyms today and pick up some feeder insect for my gecko but i'm lazy...
You don't need Gyms m8. Go to the pool. Ahah but if you don't live in an icicle, you can run outside. It's about commitment, and you can use it to build structure of your time. Helps you get shit done.
Please don't starve your gecko desu
I hope ripa sees this post
why? what'd I do?
she has foode, enough to last like 4-5 days i just want more. But i'm iffy with driving, also spending moneh
I roll
I sometimes wish I didn't have a cat. It's cute for the most part, but I'm not capable of taking care of it. So I feel like it is in constant suffering from my presence. I really want an octopus. put it in a wall sized aquarium, and just study each other for hours. I bet we could find a way to communicate. especially on acid
Remember to put your message in the post, okay?
Actually funny story
>be me
>have HABO deep field as the desktop paper
>wanna spice it up
>Found all the ahegao collages on the internet as I could. I went to every website I knew that could/ couldn't have them... and found like 7.
>Use them to create a slideshow that changes on my desktop every 60sec instead of space.
>forget about it untill 3 weeks later, when she comes over
>Can I hear some of your music. user?
>Sweat bullets
>Ended up showing her my porn engorged desktop.
>wtf user
>After she left I thought I'd never see her again.