Shit on it

>shit on it
>vomit on it
>Eat it
>give birth
Wut did Sasha mean by this

Attached: C19DE9F2-B600-4A5E-83F4-DE170414A59C.jpg (750x759, 395K)

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Women are disgusting creatures who only care about sex

Based logchad Titus.

Aborting like a BOSS.
Unlike Becko who probably cried.

I think I get it.
She starts off talking about herself. Then she types "completely not ever been done before" and begins to have anxiety over the fact that she spent a lot of her face run paying tribute to Eddie Guerrero. Everything that follows is her specifically addressing her history as a botchy reference machine. She's trying to insinuate that she doesn't actually rip off the people who inspired her because none of them had blue hair.
The key issue here is that she became such an anxious mess that she managed to distract herself from her grammar. The result of this is that the reader will misinterpret her intentions. As far as the reader can tell, they are the one who will be defecating, expectorating, and consuming. The reader naturally interprets Sasha Banks as the patient to the reader's actions.

Care to extrapolate?

i guess you could say she dropped a "trooth bomb"

what song is this from?

I could say that. You can't.

i'm the one who decides what's a trooth bomb and what isn't, not you

I strongly disagree but I will let this slide because of your digits.

Attached: Art.jpg (1024x678, 103K)
Reminds me of ltg

Lady Gaga interview


Literally who

this is how niggers raise their young

She honesty thinks she is the greatest.
I blame it on her dropping out of school at age 12 and never having friends or having anyone hate her all her formative teenage years. Wasn't until she got into wrestling and then everyone blew smoke up her ass telling her she was great. I mean her first relationship was with Cuckaze, that's why she married him.

Imagine being inspire by the words of LadyGaga

>this much of a self mark
Biggest since Cuck Man Phill Mendez

>never the same
True, she botches different spots each match

Has she had a good match since coming to the main roster? Of 4 horsewom I feel like she's been exposed the most now she doesn't get weeks to plan one match

She hasn't improved in any aspect since she came up, I don't say that lightly. Most call ups improve in some areas. Some learn to play the crowd better, some get more charismatic, some improve on the mic. Sasha has gotten worse in nearly every regard. I don't think she was a good wrestler, I think she just had a lot of room to rehearse and producers to bounce ideas off in NXT, she isn't allowed that on the main roster.

itt: blisspedos STEWING

She watched All Out, realised that their women's division is so shit she would get the belt ASAP, now tries to get herself fired