Doremiposter can you stop posting so fucking much? Don't you have anything better to do? Maybe leave for like a day...

Doremiposter can you stop posting so fucking much? Don't you have anything better to do? Maybe leave for like a day...... or a year.

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Other urls found in this thread: sweet/since4pass/2018/

I thought s4s was supposed to be accepting and kind. Isn't this slew of posts trying to exile doremiposter against the culture of s4s?

So, if the doremiposter is supposed to go, i suppose you should go with him, if we're cleansing things that arent "part of s4s culture," fucking hypocrite

Nice dubs

you are putting way more effort into this than they are, almost like you can't stop thinking about them.
Do you dream of Doremi as you sleep? Does every waking moment of the day involve thoughts of them?

How sweet!

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

>can you stop posting so fucking much? Don't you have anything better to do?
lole sweet/since4pass/2018/

I was the guy who started these posts today, and I didn't make this thread

what if the anti-doremi posts are just a psyops to make regular posters post doremi out of spite???

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i think you got the wrong board Yea Forums is two block down rudeposter

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doremi poster is nice and kind
I support them fully

doremi makes my willy leak the milky


even if doremi stops posting you'll find something else to spam. your only goal is to annoy people.

>your only goal is to annoy people
how is that any different from doremiposter

fren.... thank u.
i support u tto. bury bury muche.
i promise ill grow. by da end ob dis year i'll b amazign. i promise u.
dubs! wooh!
doremi shud b post'd out ob love... dis is nice board n doremi's a nice showe...

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみドッカ~ン! 第48話「あいこのいちばん幸せな日」(DVD 64 (640x480, 95K)

dubs! wooh!

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dubs confirm
it's because they are miserable too. they want to make others feel like they do, pull them all down to their level

Dubs checking dubs?!!
Wooooh! sugoi

that's not his goal even if it annoys you personally

this always was and always will be about doremiposter

how do you know my goal but not his?

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nice dubs!

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by observation

I pronounce this thread nonced and lel

and by my observation doremiposter is a faggot whose only goal is annoying people and gaining twitter followers
how is my observation any less valid than yours?

simple, your observation is false

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>gaining twitter followers
>on a board with 30 people on it max
quoting ur mom btw

i never said saeed was very smart

the post i replied to was from two hours ago and you immediately responded hahahahahahahaha fk'n no life nigga LOLE


Remember that time Saeed bullied Yuiposter for refusing to spam Doremi

(me too though)

the only good saeed has done is chasing off yuiposter lmao

dubs confirm

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pls don't cry doremi because ur my fren an i care for u btw.

Your fortune: Good Luck

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Doremi poster is weird. He is a drawfag who came here from Yea Forums, just to shitpost using Doremi as his avatar, however, he is not a bad presence on the board, he checks dubs, he makes OC, he makes nice animations, etc.
I guess the only bad thing about him is his nosiness, he posts on almost every single thread, and despite the fact that he does not mean ill, his presence can be quite annoying for some (hence, this thread).

doremiposter is my're fren

You wanna know what your problem is [s4s]? Most of you aren't as nice as you think you are!
Oh sure maybe you think giving each other pats on the back constantly while simultaneously still being the old assholes of old is so nice and kind, but that's not it baby. [s4s] is a small reflection of the miasma that permeates Yea Forums as a whole lately where people no longer are content admitting they're assholes, they have to pretend they're the nice ones! You're not nice just admit it. Maybe some people here used to be or maybe they ones pretending to be for laughs left when they realized people were just coming here to validate themselves instead of laughing at the absurdity of it all or making memes. Ironically the best posters these days are the ones who don't try to assert how nice they are and every thing is these days. You are not nice. You are assholes looking for validation in the form of back pats. Go back to the memes, kids, and call it a day.

this but unironically