Maa maa mia, so you think you know how ta cook pasta huh?

Maa maa mia, so you think you know how ta cook pasta huh?

Attached: Antonio Benito Portofino.jpg (240x240, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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I only cook classic flavors... Such objectivity is contrived, however. Thus, it is ultimately subjective to that of humanity, furthermore rendering it externally insignificant. Therefore, one is indeed of insufficient comprehension to objectify nature in this instance.

teach mme!!!1 miss antono bnito prtofino!

Attached: hana eating spaghett.webm (640x480, 158K)

In high school shop class we had to make a fingerbox. I finished in a couple days, it looked pretty lame but it worked. When I showed it to my teacher he looked at it and said "Is that the best you can do?" He wasn't saying it sucked, he was asking honestly... Is that all you got. It was a thought to myself, I was like "yeah man, I could do better." So I started from scratch. Made another, and another... By the end of the semester, by like box number 5 I built this thing. You should have seen it was insane! I built it out of proven walnuts and inlaid Seagullwood, fitted with pegs and screws. I sanded it for days until it was smooth as glass. Then I rubbed it with tung oil so it was rich and dark. It even smelled good, you could put your nose in it. It was perfect... I ended up trading it for an ounce of weed. My only regret...

Attached: 4 player fingerbox.jpg (1944x1288, 1.24M)

Namefigs are the true Anons of this board. We can be posting as multiple figs at a time in a thread and across the board. This includes posts under the name "Anonymous" in addition to endless possible personas and combinations. Since there are no tripcodes on [s4s] there is no distinction between namefigs; therefore one cannot attribute an identity to any single poster since it might as well be an imposter. This adds a layer of irony to the concept of nameposting which is commonly frowned upon by other boards since it breaks the code of Anonymity found about this site. Sure, you could wash away into the millions of anonymous posts on this website but name posting is like adding an extra style of characters to a login password.

That's good pasta.

Attached: Portabello Ernesto Nataniele Ivano Salamone.jpg (295x395, 15K)

Humanity is and always has been invested with mental parasites that alter their action, causing them to hate, murder, infect others, cause conflict, among other things.

These parasites are virus-like ideas. Memes, in the original meaning of the word. Religions and political ideologies are infested with them. Contrary to Dawkins it is possible to be religious without being a tool for parasitic memes, but this involves having the proper perspective of what religion is, which should have nothing to do with making claims about the external world.

If you think you are immune to this, you are the most vulnerable. We are all infested.

Since the rise of the internet and social media we've seen an acceleration of the evolution of ideas both symbiotic and parasitic memes and a pandemic of the former as numerous new infection vectors have opened up. Internet memes, the mostly benign germs of the meme world, are but one example.

We are in the middle of World War III, a memetic war, where ideas are both weapons and the true enemy. ISIS, conservative culture warriors / SJW's, the rise of conspiracy theories, the war on terror, the ever-growing media spectacle, are all symptoms of this.

We've opened Pandora's Box and there is no closing it. Before the internet TV, radio, cheap travel, and the printing press worked similarly, but the internet is qualitatively different. Cultural change is only going to continue to accelerate, which will in turn facilitate greater cultural change in a feedback loop. The Singularitarians are short-sighted in considering only machine intelligence, and not the power of millions of human brains being networked together via the internet. We are experiencing a "cultural singularity" right now.

Which will win? Will it be the symbiotic memes that replicate by benefiting their host, or the parasites that do it at their hosts' expense like the ISIS death cult? Will memes destroy the world, or liberate us?

Attached: Abbreviate the name in the last post.jpg (1050x700, 597K)

Yeah get a load of this guy over here. Dr. Knows Shit About Copypasta. Let me tell you a bit about my background. I've been writing copypasta since I was in the 5th fucking grade. I may have stopped being original years ago but believe me I know this shit inside out. I don't know what the fuck your problem is. Believe me when I tell you, I don't have any patience for people who come into my life pretending to know shit about what goes on in my life. Think for a fucking moment before you come to me with this pedantic nonsense about copypasta. Have you ever been to /r/copypasta? seen my pasta collection? I sincerely doubt it. And even then you probably hadn't completed your course at the fucking copypasta academy. I've been writing copypasta on reddit for almost two years and I can tell you I spent my time in the subreddit with the copypasta. I actually spent most of my time in the porn subreddit, but believe me, we had copypasta there, big hilarious ones. Please get fucked.


Attached: My Girlfriend.jpg (600x589, 77K)

What the fuck did you just fucking say about my pasta, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Pasta Academy, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Scientology, and I have over 300 confirmed posts. I am trained in memetic warfare and I'm the top shitposter in the entire Anonymous Legion. You are nothing to me but just another user. I will troll you with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this board, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me on [s4s]? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my personal army of elite hackers across the World and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, fignewton. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little shit you call your post. You're fucking done, fren. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can post under seven hundred different namefigs, and that's not including Anonymous. Not only am I extensively trained in copying pasta, but I have access to the entire Akashic Library of the Internet and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your rude ass off the face of the site, you little shizo. If only you could have known what holy retribution your little "clever" post was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking dick. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn fool. I will dump pasta all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking new, kiddo.

Mmm... now thats good pasta

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I thought s4s was supposed to be accepting and kind. Isn't this slew of posts trying to exile doremiposter against the culture of s4s?

So, if the doremiposter is supposed to go, i suppose you should go with him, if we're cleansing things that arent "part of s4s culture," fucking hypocrite

You wanna know what your problem is [s4s]? Most of you aren't as nice as you think you are!
Oh sure maybe you think giving each other pats on the back constantly while simultaneously still being the old assholes of old is so nice and kind, but that's not it baby. [s4s] is a small reflection of the miasma that permeates Yea Forums as a whole lately where people no longer are content admitting they're assholes, they have to pretend they're the nice ones! You're not nice just admit it. Maybe some people here used to be or maybe they ones pretending to be for laughs left when they realized people were just coming here to validate themselves instead of laughing at the absurdity of it all or making memes. Ironically the best posters these days are the ones who don't try to assert how nice they are and every thing is these days. You are not nice. You are assholes looking for validation in the form of back pats. Go back to the memes, kids, and call it a day.

The problem is, user, that you probably aren't seeing all the posts. If you are just viewing [s4s] through the Yea Forums board, you don't see the green posts, the posts with letters in their ids, or anything numberless. Together, those make up about 40-70 percent of [s4s], depending on the day. So you're missing out on many of the nicest posts. Conversation will appear disjointed and spastic, because you won't be getting the full picture.

I actually just flipped over to the Yea Forums interface to make this post, and it's pretty funny how unintelligible [s4s] is like this.

Attached: East side king.jpg (165x165, 7K)

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that's a good show

No, but i can give my friends my shitty maruchan and spend together a funky time

Attached: {aymaruchanpito-chico.jpg (839x1200, 176K)

> maruchan
That's good pasta.

> That's good pasta.
That's good pasta.