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This match fuckin sucked. Would have rather watched arn vs Tully tbqh

Cringe animal abuser.

what the actual fuck


based cody & company dragging his terrified dog out

Anyone got a webm of Brandi’s ass walking through backstage? Fuck that was hot.

I wish DDP would appear in the devils rejects sequel but he’s too busy doing this shit

Why DDP?

He made fun of HHH and ended up looking like the bigger faggot. I don’t know how that is even possible....

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The Star Trek shit was so out of place, like if there was some kinda of tie in whatever but no.. PLUS bringing the dog out.. and the rising up out of the floor... like pick 1 fucking thing at least geez

this is worse than tna ever was. Donf co pare it to tna please

Serious question: why did cody pick MJF?

I can't tell if this simp secretly idolises Gaytch or genuinely doesn't realise that he's exactly like him.

What the fuck is DDP doing there?

>MJF's entire shtick is dude fuck nerd virgins lmao
>does this shit

Even haitch wouldn't do something like this for a supposed blood feud. Cody should have come out guns blazing in a wife beater and jeans. Then when he pulled out the bionic elbow at the end it would have actually fit

He's supporting his friend Cody, what exactly is so hard to understand?

Swerve when MJF doesn’t turn on him

Yeah ok guess I'm not watching All Out if they shit the bed with cringe shit again

>lets not cosplay as overly done to death capeshit
>lets do star trek instead that'll show them

> made fun of HHH
drones really cant help themselves can they?

This shit is fucking gay LOL

not everything is about WWE user

seconding this

I haven’t watched wwe since AJ Lee was champion. I couldn’t give a shit about the product. Cope, I’m beggin’ ya!


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how dare they black my 7 of 9!!

Nobody is safe...even that dog.

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part of his gimmick is pretending to be Cody's best friend. Even in tag matches he's flipping off the crowd and when Cody looks at him he stops and is all smiles


Someone should report him to PETA

shoulve went Kirk/Uhura if anything. looked so out of place. I cant stop laughing. plus can we agree AEW was ONLY created to put himself over!? and ffs enough with the H3 obsession. the fucking taped off throne he killed last time

cant wait until the weekly cringe fest. no wonder why they chose wed. they cant compete with E on any level except the cringe tier. they gonna get killed by the "C" show in NXT

lel what a fucking geek

that service dog is gonna need a service dog after this

there's no other way to describe the entrance than "wtf is happening" least shockmaster can rest easy now. this is top level cringe

>"Check it out Star Trek lel"

Why did Cody choose to be a red shirt? Red shirts are the characters that get killed for plot convenience.

She looks so embarrassed and CAWdy's autism doesn't let him see how silly that was. Well, he knows, his ego just forces him to refuse to accept it. It's the real life version of that principal skinner "no, it's them who are wrong" meme

Thirding this

Name one good Cody match, or one Cody match that isn't an overbooked mess

lo the star trek logo is upside down. what a fake nerd

People like this shouldn't have pets. They see them as some sort of toy or mascot or something, or they anthropomorphize them to the point where they think they can behave like a person. Dogs are sensitive to loud noises, and anyone with a brain knows that dogs hate fireworks; it is terrifying for them. Taking the dog out there and exposing it to that is akin to animal abuse and they should lose their dog over it. I don't care what their intentions were. They are too stupid to have pets.

Cosplay wrestling bullshit

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The trekies are in the ring.

this isn't even cosplay like in wwe where it's an allusion to it, this is just straight up halloween shit

He's such a goober. Goldust carried his ass to a good match. Spears is garbage too

Fuck dogs

So if this is trek cosplay, and Brandi is seven, does that mean Cody is Janeway?

Make it happen

That's TOS, bud
In DS9/VOY era (which is the kind of shirt they're wearing) the red shirts were command officers like Picard and Sisko

more like Jannettyway

Goofy shit
At least give Brandi an original series skirt

Cody looks like fucking Odo

:( agreed
You don’t put a dog through this kind of stress. He probably shit himself in the back.

At least he had the courtesy to wait till he got to the back. The fans could learn something from him.



I really ddint get the Star Trek cringe, the shits not even relevant like cape shit is

>making DDP wear cringe Star Trek shit
i don't get how any of this cosplay shit is supposed to be cool at all. it's looked fucking ridiculous every single time.


You're fucking shitting me?!?! Hahaha!

Holy fuck. THIS is the face of AEW?! Holy shit, ur autistic fed sucks donkey dicks. I'm not even an e-chad, but I'd watch wwe over this literal dogshit.


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Cody is the best in the ring right now

lol DDP and MJF look so embarassed to be there

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Why did Cody decided to put a political hit on MJF's cool heel charcater by having him out there like a dork? Is his Haitchism in full power trying to sabotage someone whose character is currrently "hot"

How the fuck can anyone take this shit remotely seriously and think it's cool?

Didn't his character die?

From defending AEW?
No, evidently you can't.

>This match is serious business because you attacked me and hit me with a chair that busted my head open
>so I'm going to dress my entire gang up as star trek characters to show how serious it is
What the fuck is this shit?

someone explain this shit

Is that Diamond Timothy Flowers standing behind the Chief Brandi Officer?

because it's ok if anyone except WWE does it

They're taking wrestling to New Frontiers, and he views his crew as an integral part of that, which is whu he came out with them, the story was that 10 man didn't see it that way, and went against Cody, so Cody sees him now as someone trying to stop them from their goal of new frontiers and diplomacy, so he is like a Star Trek villain. Not defending it btw, I guess Cody is catering to the nerd fans, but AEW needs to appeal more as a cool product. His part of the show is always the best part and the only thing you can safely show to others without embarassing yourself, so he should stop the cosplay shit and leave that to Omega.

It's progressive because it's not WWE

stand up for AEW

This trend of pandering with capeshit, anime, video games and other "le nerd XD" franchises is really pissing me off. I even love video games and other nerdy things but I hate seeing it in wrestling.

Not only that but it feels late. The nerd shit peaked a couple years ago.

dude wait till they dress like a funko pop with that kanye block cube costume that'll show them xD

I dont mind small nods or references on occasion like Cody having a small triforce on his boots in wwe.

But this stuff, the street fighter shit, and upupdowndown is cringe