I can't stop watching

I can't stop watching

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He's cute.

Heh heh. I'm taking a shit right now.

>He's cute.

Are you saying that's a girl? cuzz either way I am liking this.

Thanks for showing me this, I hate it

It's scary to me how attractive this is to me.

Attached: bonbi.png (919x919, 1.4M)

I want my crazed Bonbi fever dream where she painfully canibalizes me as I watch dazed.

Horrible creature, i wanna puke every time i see this video

jealous roastie

Shut up the uncomfortable nature of those few fever dream-esque perfume-ridden tik toks is what makes them so appealing to some. Others disliking the jarring feeling of them is normal.

Okay guys, this is my last post for now...maybe forever. I will say what I know to be 100% truth and have confirmed. Bonbi and Anonce are still in a relationship. They never called anything off. Bonbi left the main discord server because Anonce told her to.

Let me explain the imgur album now. There are 4 pictures, and the order should be 3, 1, 2, then 4 is just a picture of Seth. Bonbi was in another discord other server that only her closest discord 'friends' are in. She said a couple days ago a bunch of sick shit anonce told her, which she then blabbered to her friends in said server. A few days later (yesterday), she apologizes FOR HAVING TOLD THEM the sick shit anonce told her and tries to downplay anonce being a pedo. "I'm not being groomed, Anonce isn't a pedo, I over exaggerated what he's saying, he's a real nice guy." holy fucking shit bonbi, you fucking retard. Anyways, bonbi then leaves said server with her closest friends (I'm assuming because Anonce told her to.) Now, She and Anonce are alone, together, in a romantic relationship... If you aren't sick to your stomach than I applaud you for having a stronger composure than me.

Oh, also, if you don't know by now, the post picture with Mr.Black screenshotting bonbi's own words was taken from bonbi's close friends server, which she said days before...which she now regrets saying.

There is nothing to do now, other than hope bonbi comes to her senses. You have lost. A pedophile has won.

She groomed.

This is the dumbest shit. I can't care about your dumb r9k-tier female discord drama. Yeah cute and beautiful girls are possibly being hurt, but they never listen, and I'd be tearing myself down to help them. Better to focus on your own potential, stop killing yourself over dying beauty and build yourself up to a standard of beauty and make yourself strong to facilitate beauty both inadvertently and advertently. This kind of drama's only point is to paralyze you and it's pointless. No one wants to know.

This is a man isn't it

If I were to shed tears over Sunny, Ciara, Ember, Asteria, or any other self-destructive self-hating unhelpable girl that I thought was beautiful I'd be paralyzed to such an extent that if there ever was a person willing to reach for my grasp in hopes of a better life I'd be unable to help them. Stop killing yourself over lost-causes. So you can help legitimate people in the future, and you'll be much happier. I think your love is admirable, but ultimately it is shrouded in some degree of lust and loneliness. Move on are take severe action now. Stop idleing and feeling crushed.

It is called "grooming" up until that magical age of 1 8 , then it is a normal relationship.
Does anyone else see how retarded and void of logic this is?

shut up r9k poster

shut up pedo


Posting best gorl

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

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hey babi. where legs ?


the in irl life anine gorl

>16 year old
lmao Americans


HEY. hey. Hey mufuu hey. Heh, hey. Hey MUFFUUUUUUUUUNGN hey. Het. HEY.

I am agreeing and I am american
we have some backass laws

this must be caucasian gorl

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: regret.webm (1280x720, 483K)


dubs confirm

dubs see!

seuss is always right!

Your fortune: Outlook good